Wednesday, June 18, 2014

E-Mail Addresses Now

After finding out that the school released personal information for over 100 people, the Mullica Board of Education entered into a contract with Experian for ProtectMyID Elite 3B Breach services, at a cost of $21.95 per person for approximately 150 people. That's a total of $3,292.50.

Today,  the parents of Mullica School children received  an E-Mail for a parent survey.  Attached to the link were all the private E-Mail addresses of all the parents.  It would be advisable for those parents who enjoy their privacy to change their E-Mail addresses immediately.  The list is spreading like wild fire.


Jaime said...

We got an apology email at 10:00 stating she's sorry and she hopes will still participate in the survey. so it's all ok now.

Anonymous said...

I provided my email to the school with the understanding that it would be kept private. Instead, it was carelessly shared by the superintendent with over 650 other people. Just weeks ago, the superintendent's confidential secretary shared the social security numbers and addresses of approx. 125 people. Why does this school have so much difficulty keeping private information private? What can we expect next? Maybe another email will carelessly share student grades and/or IQ scores? I am sure that the lack of respect for people's private information is just one of the numerous reasons that 95% of the superintendent's staff have no confidence in her as a leader.

Anonymous said...

It appears that the BOE was so impressed with the great job the Superintendent ( and Pricipal) have done that they gave her a 4 year contract
This despite:
Releasing Social Security numbers and names of over 100 people which leaves these victims vulnerable to Identity theft for the forseeable future
Trying to remove Kelly Mascio as a teacher and take her teaching certificate
Let a Middle Schooler walk away from school along the Dump Road when he should have been in school
Having students use drugs in school
Principals harassing long time teachers like Mrs Brown
Yet the citizens don't take action and the BOE endorse the "great" job!

Anonymous said...

And how about the hirings, where she told the board do you want Mullica or do you want the best? Mullica was always a great school because the teachers were invested in the community. Having community members work there increases the pride in the school.

Anonymous said...

She hired "Rock Stars". Wonder if they know anything about teaching?