Monday, October 22, 2018

2nd Caravan Heads Out From Honduras - US Invasion

A new caravan of over 2000 migrants left Honduras and was reported to be approaching  Chiquimula, Guatemala on Sunday.  Photos and videos posted to social media show a long line of migrants marching on the side of a road.
This  caravan of Central American migrants comes on the heals of a similar caravan that started out from Honduras earlier last week and grew to over 7,000 as of Sunday after crossing the border from Guatemala into Mexico with little resistance from Mexican authorities. That caravan is in Tapachula, Mexico, as of Sunday night.
The United States is facing an invasion on its southern border. President Trump has vowed to deploy the military and shut down the border. The time may be soon approaching to do so.

Photos at

1st Caravan of 7000 + set to arrive by election day

The illegal migrant caravan is sweeping through Chiapas in southern Mexico on Sunday, their numbers having jumped to over 7,000 overnight from just a few thousand as it became apparent the caravan would not be stopped by Mexico. After blocking the migrants on a bridge Friday, Mexican officials allowed the migrants to swim and raft across the Suchiate River from Guatemala into Mexico Saturday and then regroup in a riverside park. Mexico also allowed over 600 women and children to legally enter for processing on Saturday.


 Thousands of illegal aliens are swarming the Texas border this month in advance of the migrant caravan marching through Mexico, prompting  Chief Patrol Agent Manuel Padilla, Jr., the Customs and Border Patrol Sector Chief of the Rio Grande Valley, to beg for help dealing with the onslaught of illegal aliens, gang members and drug cartel smugglers. Just on Saturday over 700 illegal aliens were caught, with over 12,000 caught in the past three weeks. In addition, safe houses have been busted and drug smugglers intercepted by the overstretched CBP in the Rio Grande Valley.

 16,000 “family units” were reported caught in the last month in the RGV sector by CBP. All these illegals take manpower and resources to detain, process, house, clothe, feed, and give medical treatment.
Padilla sent out several tweets this weekend with the message, “We need “, in conjunction with video reports by on scene Fox News Channel reporter Griff Jenkins. “Another busy day with in South Texas. Over 12,700 illegal alien arrests in past 3 weeks. nearly 800 pounds of marijuana & almost 70 pounds of peyote just yesterday We need “…”Our Agents face challenges daily while focusing on our mission and our South Texas is in need of & for both mission sets

 In his interview Sunday with Jenkins about the migrant caravan marching through Mexico, Padilla said that just the day before his sector reported 700 illegal aliens caught at the border, 8 human smuggling cases, one dead body recovered, a potential river drowning (body not surfaced yet), over 700 pounds of marijuana and 68 pounds of peyote seized–all on Saturday. In a separate report, Jenkins noted a group of illegal aliens from China were caught

 Earlier in the week Padilla posted a plea for immigration reform as the border is out of control, “ is currently encountering a 300% increase in Family Units entering the country illegally compared to October of 2017. Over 5,400 Family Units detained in past 2 weeks These numbers are not sustainable Need

Photos at

Photos & videos of migrants being loaded on trucks and buses

 Major military conflict coming soon
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen warned on Sunday that cartels would try to exploit the illegal alien caravan moving toward the United States border with Mexico to infiltrate members.
Cartels are already heavily involved in moving illegal aliens and drugs into the U.S. and, given the confusion and chaos associated with the caravan, would surely see a golden opportunity to sneak cartel members into the country.

The leaders of those Central American countries have no intention of stopping the flow of illegals to the U.S., and neither does Mexico, which is making sure the caravan will reach its intended target -- the U.S. border.
No one wants to see the military square off against unarmed people. But the U.S. government has an absolute, sovereign right to determine who comes into the U.S. and who doesn't. Secretary Nielsen has given one very good reason why we should stop this caravan before it enters the U.S. But, at bottom, we don't need an excuse to enforce the laws of the U.S. as they relate to our borders.

 Related posts

 Humanitarian crisis 11/23


Anonymous said...

I can’t believe people consider this a legitimate site. Last thing, as a local, I would want was my story up here with propaganda fear mongering. These people aren’t escaping despair and poverty, they’re walking well over 2,000 miles to illegally vote, that the next part of your story? If you don’t allow name calling or use if derogatory language, then perhaps you should stop calling tgem “illegals”, that’s derogatory. Look it up. Illegal or undocumented immigrants.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for demonstrating your illogical, demented liberal leftist thinking. These are article excerpts and the Homeland Security Secretary calling these people "illegal" which means anybody without proper paperwork or vetting. You and your like, who would love to destroy the sovereignty of the US, are exactly why I'm voting straight Republican this year.

Anonymous said...

NO, they are a bunch of poor,uneducated stooges manipulated by the humanitarian organization 'Pueoblo sin fronteras' (people without borders) consisting of American lawyers, doctors, logistics (food, water, inflatable beds, trucks), and millions of $$ from Soros. This is a planned humanitarian crisis for political purposes. The leaders of this "invasion" should be arrested.

Anonymous said...

As of now, 10/24, this mob has grown to 14,000, 80% of which look like strong, healthy young men. They are carrying their country's flags, burning the US flag, calling Trump Satan and yelling that they are fighters. This is an invasion and should be dealt with by the military.

Anonymous said...

Surprise 1: 20k illegal immigrant invasion using children to elicit sympathy from liberals and pander to the Latinos, covered ad nauseum by CNN

Surprise 2: FF mail bombs sent to all the top dog Dems and their propaganda outlet CNN which miraculously never explode and is also covered ad nauseum on CNN

I'm guessing they will have one or two more surprises before the election.

Anonymous said...

You think the word illegal is derogatory? so sorry your pink,little pussycat eyes have been so offended by the word. Wake up & realize that the people who came into this country without going through immigration are not only illegal but also criminals. They have shown from the beginning they no respect for this country's laws.

Anonymous said...

Hey 1:44pm, how about Surprise #3 messing with the stock market.
The next couple of weeks will be full of surprises as the Dems go full blown panic mode.

Anonymous said...

I just read that a lot of Mexicans are writing on Twitter complaining about the migrants and all the trash, crime and filth they are leaving behind in their towns as they travel through. There are also interviews with some Mexicans that confirm that there are men from Africa, Haiti,& South America among the travelers. Gautemala detained over 100 men thought to be ISIS.

Anonymous said...

Solve all the incivility of the left - Red Tsunami And BUILD THE WALL !

Anonymous said...

Every comment was exactly as I expected. Racist jerks. As far as Mullica Township, what does this have to do with it? Also, I don’t watch any television at all and certainly not CNN. I can look at my liberal ass every morning and KNOW that 45 is is piece of crap and he’ll rot in hell.

Anonymous said...

For the record, this National so-called News you publish, is definitely one sided opinion. Not open to all, only those who agree with you or you call names. There are barely any comments left, yet 9 here. Smells like moderator at work. Because if this warped sense of right wing only, any local events or local issues published here, I will not support neither because it’s coming from what I consider a one-sided conspiracy site who can’t even remain neutral on any subject regarding National politics. Who wants to be affiliated with that? Ew.

Moderator said...

Protecting our country's borders is a Constitutional issue. Without borders, we have no country. Most Americans realize this. This is NOT a racial issue. It is an immigration problem. If we had 15,000 Russian or Chinese men from ships land on the Jersey shore carrying the Russian or flag of China, burning the US Flag, denouncing our President and demanding entrance to our country, should we just let them in?
The US has the most liberal immigration policy in the world. We admit over 1.2 million people into our country legally each year.

You admit that you are a Liberal. From what I've seen over the last year on the internet, TV and newspapers, Liberals believe in open borders and abolishing immigration control. If anyone dares disagree with a Liberal they are met with violence or called "Racists". Even milk is being called racist now. The term is getting very old and becoming ineffective.
Liberals hate freedom of speech except for their point of view. You have decided that the people of Mullica Twp. should not get any National news on this site. Antifa decided that colleges should not have any conservative speakers and rioted. Any truth that they don't like is put down as conspiracy or propaganda.

In Reality, there are no more Republicans or Democrats, no more right wing or left wing. It has come down to Nationalists vs Globalists. People who want America to remain a sovereign country with our own Constitutional laws and those who want the Constitution abolished, borders open to all, free speech banned, guns confiscated and the destruction of America.

The Gadfly will continue to post all National, State, County and Town news that could affect residents of Mullica Twp.. The Gadfly is very happy that you will take your racist garbage and hate speech someplace else.

Moderator said...

This is for the "liberal" of posts 11:03pm, 10:33pm & 10:43 pm.

You have self-eliminated yourself from the Gadfly blog. with your 11:43Pm post. You have made it clear that you hate the blog, the moderator and the commentators. Why do you keep coming back? Ew
All your present ranting, insane, hateful comments will not be published here. Neither I nor the readers have enough time, patience or crayons to decipher or respond to you. Go back to wherever you feel comfortable and unoffended.

Moderator said...

Oh and it all seriousness, I suggest you see a doctor or go back on your meds.