Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Massive Caravan Headed for US Border

A caravan of 1,600 Honduran migrants fleeing violence and poverty is headed for the U.S. border. The caravan, which includes families with small children, crossed into Guatemala on Monday, where it was met with police at the border. After a 2-hour standoff, the massive group was able to keep going as they make their way north toward Mexico. This is mother of four, Andrea Aleman.
         Andrea Aleman: “There are no work opportunities here. One has to look for the best.”
Reporter: “How many children are you traveling with?”
Andrea Aleman: “With four, and we’re heading to the United States. We’re going to arrive with Donald Trump. He has to receive us. Just as we receive the Americans over here, they will have to accept us over there.”
Last week, Vice President Mike Pence urged the leaders of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala to tell their citizens not to attempt the journey to the U.S. Trump is considering resuming family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border.



H10 caravan migrants


Anonymous said...

More Liberal organizations funding & feeding these people to cause more chaos before the election. The people are being told lies that they have a "right" to walk right into the US. Another big mess

Anonymous said...

How can any rational person affiliate themselves with this nut case party. Nancy Pelosi has clearly lost her mind, Alec Baldwin wants to over throw the government what an ass. People of Mullica get out and vote against these idiots.