Thursday, April 11, 2019

AG Barr to Investigate Spying on Trump Campaign

Attorney General Bill Barr testified Wednesday that he believes "spying did occur" on the Trump campaign in 2016, as he vowed to review the conduct of the FBI's original Russia probe -- and the focus of a related internal review shifted to the role of a key FBI informant.
"I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. … I think it’s my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane," he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, while noting that "spying on a political campaign is a big deal."

The day following Barr’s release of his summary of the Mueller report, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said his panel also would investigate alleged FISA abuses at the start of the Russia investigation and called on Barr to appoint a new special counsel to investigate “the other side of the story.” Graham has been calling for a second special counsel since 2017 to investigate “whether or not a counterintelligence investigation was opened as a back door to spy on the Trump campaign.”

Also, House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said over the weekend he was preparing to send eight criminal referrals to the Justice Department this week regarding alleged misconduct by DOJ and FBI officials during the Trump-Russia investigation. It is unclear whom Nunes will refer for investigation, and what the process at the Justice Department might be.
When asked Tuesday about Nunes’ referrals, Barr said he hasn’t seen them yet, but, “Obviously, if there is a predicate for investigation, it will be conducted.”

Entire article at


Anonymous said...

Now the Dems are saying that Barr is just a tool for Trump because they didn't like his no collusion, no obstruction letter assessing the Mueller Report. They are going nuts because he said he will be investigating the beginnings of the FISA warrants.

If you listened to the hearing, Barr said the the Inspector General was investigating the FISA warrants and all activity related to them. Sessions gave the IG that assignment when he reclused himself from anything Russian. He also appointed US Prosecutor Huber with a staff of 470 agents to investigate the swamp of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and all involved officials. Huber has indictment powers.

Both Huber and the Inspector General started their investigations around the same time Mueller started his witch hunt. So they have had almost 2 years to investigate everything secretly. Barr stated that the IG report will be coming out in May or June.

With all the evidence that Nunes is submitting with his criminal referrals and the IG report, and all the sworn testimonies already released to the public, I'm sure Huber has a ton of indictments ready to release at the right time. Just the public information released already indicates treason and sedition was committed.

There won't be a need for a special council. It's going to be a world shattering summer. Stock up on food & stuff. The outraged Dems.,the brain washed liberal masses and paid instigators like Antifa will not accept the arrests of their idols. Be prepared for trouble.

Military Tribunals coming soon. I hope they are televised for your enjoyment.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Adam Schiff is on the top of Nunes list.