Saturday, October 06, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed as 114th Justice of the Supreme Court

Senate Vote 50 to 48

Judge Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as the 114th Supreme Court justice late Saturday, just hours after the Senate voted to approve President Trump's nominee to the nation's highest court after a rancorous confirmation battle.
Kavanaugh was sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts in a private ceremony, accompanied by his wife and children. The ceremonial swearing in is expected to happen on Monday evening at the White House. It means that now-Justice Kavanaugh will begin hearing cases before the court on Tuesday.

Entire article at

 Judge Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as the 114th Associate Supreme Court Justice on Saturday  (Fred Schilling/Supreme Court)

(added for commentator  9: 46 PM

(added for commentator 10: 52 PM _  )


Anonymous said...

it was a total disgrace what the democratic senators pulled on this man. They could not find anything wrong with his judicial background so they dropped this 36 year old charge from his HS days that had no evidence or corroboration. They riled up the crowds with lies and even Susan Collins said "dark money" was involved in the protests. Outrageously, even after Kavanaugh was confirmed, Dem. Senators were outside speaking to to protestors telling them more lies to egg them on.

I am a disgusted Independent voter and I will be voting Republican on Nov.6th.
I urge all normal,old fashioned Democrats to do the same this year. Your party has been taken over by extreme leftest liberals. Please vote Republican and save our state and our country from more high taxes, putting illegals above citizens, open borders, support of MS13 gangs, sanctuary cities & states, anti-free speech riots, banning conservative journalist on youtube, selective google searches, fake news being propagated by liberal owned tv & newspapers.

The democrats are desperate right now 30 days before the election. I have no idea of what kind of dirty tricks they plan on pulling. Please don't fall for any last minute lies or stunts they pull. God help us all if they try a false flag attack. Be prepared for anything at this point.

Help stop this circus of obstruction in the Senate & House. Vote Republican in this most important election of your life. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I read a comment somewhere on the Gadfly about the person's concern about mail-in ballots. I received two letters from the State urging me to send in a mail-in ballot. Has every voter in the State received 2 applications? Why this sudden push for mail-ins?
All those extra applications floating around could be a doorway for fraud. One article I read on here said a voter who was dead for 4 years received a mail-in. Are we being set up for a giant democrat mail-in overturn of a republican machine win? For the first time in my life, I am considering writing my Congressmen & Senators to call for a intense investigation if that happens.

Anonymous said...

You mentioned "dark money". Did you see the YouTube video of Antifa protesting George Soros because he was late with his payments to them? Craig's list often runs ads for protestors to be paid $10 - $15 an hour. Somebody knows how many of these protests are organized & paid for by the opposition. The colleges are brain washing our younger generation

Moderator said...

9:45PM and 10:23 PM, I have added links on the main page to the articles you referred to