Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Trump Mocks Christie

 Yesterday, in one breath, Donald Trump insulted the governors of both New Jersey and Ohio — while Chris Christie was sitting behind him, in John Kasich’s home state — accusing both men of abandoning their jobs while running for the presidency.


Anonymous said...

Christie really ripped Trump while he was on his own campaign. Trump knows exactly what Christie is and is giving him a chance to destroy his own big bully "I am King"image. Trump is displaying his tamed lapdog to the world as a payback.

This is even more of an insult to Christie because he is abandoning NJ for Trump's campaign now and we are still paying for this.

Christie knows his political future is over in NJ and would endorse a plant if it kept him in the limelight.
I hope Christie enjoys his gourmet meals and luxury flights now because he will soon be flushed down the drain like used toilet paper.

Anonymous said...

Trump is the master of "The Art of the Deal". I am enjoying how Trump took a big, egotistical bully who bad mouthed him and turned him into a subservient, mild, adoring servant who enjoys being bitch slapped in front of the world. Trump even said there is NO WAY Christie didn't know about the GW Bridge. Maybe he'll throw a few million in to help prosecute Christie just to get rid of him when his usefulness is over.

Anonymous said...

Christie deserves to be mocked as he continues to defy anyone who wants him to do his job. He still has 21 months left and has no intention of stepping down. In effect he's telling the public to "GO TO HELL". I am upset with the latest issue of him refusing to attend services for the fallen New Jersey State trooper who died in the line of duty. His excuse was he had a previous commitment in Essex county which he canceled less than 24 hours later when Donald asked him to sit on stage with him in Florida . What an insult to the family of the trooper and his fellow officers who by the way protect his life 24/7. Anyone who still supports Christie is a complete idiot..