Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Christie's Service to Trump is Drawing NJ Backlash

TRENTON — Was that really Chris Christie, the brusque, take-a-back-seat-to-no-one governor of New Jersey?

Christie's seemingly shell-shocked gaze as he stood behind Donald Trump on Super Tuesday is generating befuddlement and mockery in his home state and beyond.
Conservatives and liberals alike have piled on.

His introductory remarks were so subdued and his appearance was so grave that many people joked on the Internet that he looked like a hostage reading a coerced statement. "Gov. Christie, blink twice if you're in trouble!" one person tweeted.

Six Gannett newspapers in New Jersey, including the Asbury Park Press, said he isn't fit to be governor any more. They called him a political opportunist who has neglected his duties in the Garden State and urged him to resign.
A Fairleigh Dickinson University poll saw Christie's approval ratings fall from 33 percent before he backed Trump to 27 percent since

 Christie's shell-shocked look stirs mockery, befuddlement
Entire story at Christie's shell-shocked look stirs mockery, befuddlement

Wordless screaming 

 Hit the road, Chris Christie — or face a recall.
That’s the message from a joint editorial Tuesday from six New Jersey newspapers that say Gov. Christie has no standing in the state following his endorsement last week of Donald Trump for the GOP presidential nomination.



Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Trump. He wants to stop ILLEGAL immigration and drug trafficking. The establishment doesn't want to touch these issues or other important problems and their boat has been rocked. The GOP has a big problem. This is a revolution through the ballot.

Christie is the biggest,loud mouth hypocrite loser out there. Trump isn't stupid and he knows Christe's record and problems in NJ. Christie was very vocal against Trump. Not being able to stand being out of the limelight, he called Trump and offered his endorsement. Trump must have smiled at that and said "Sure, Chris, I can use you", knowing the backlash Christe would get. From the look on Christie's face and his reactions during Trump's speech, I think he finally realized what Trump really thought about him and he knew he brunt a lot of bridges.

NJ Senators, Congressmen, Assemblymen, Freeholders etc should all come together against Christie for what he did to our state and all the money that was wasted. I hope Bridget Kelly and Bill Baroni have the courage to tell the truth at the "Bridgegate" trial. The Emperor has no clothes.

Anonymous said...

If the GOP doesn't get behind the people's choice, there's going to be big trouble at the convention and in the country. There are a lot of big, evil, powerful people who don't want Trump messing with their world.
Christie belongs in jail, along with Hillary

Anonymous said...

I agree with both posts. I've had enough of Christies absenteeism also . He created the office of Lt Gov we now see for his own abuse of being absent from the job instead of the office being used for illness or state business. He has thrown everything into this endorsement and has been up till now an excellent political strategist. New Jersey is in his rear view mirror even though he has stilla little less than 2 more years and still enjoys the perks, title and power. I only hope Trump sees through the guy and his game and either drops him or gives him a meaningless post if elected. I liked Trumps remark"Get on the plane Chris" Yes, please get on the plane and leave our lives. IN regards to Bridgegate I also agree that somewhere in the murk he was involved since mt perception of Bridget Kelly a single mother of 4 needed that job so badly she would not have done this w/o his knowledge .

Anonymous said...

The people are tired of the Bush and Clintons. Trump is not my first choice but I am glad the people have dumped the Clintons and the Bushes.

Anonymous said...

They haven't dumped the Clinton's. Hillary will be the Democratic nominee and most likely our next President if the GOP don't get their crap together. The top people in the GOP are coming out against their own popular candidate and might even nominate someone the people don't want. Such an action will cause a mass backlash against the Repub party.
Major conservatives would rather have Hillary win in order to avoid the major shake up and changes of policy Trump would bring.
Right now they are scrambling to find ways to sabotage Trump and put one of their "establishment" guys in his place. They are all sold to the big corporations and lobbyists and love the "perks" of their positions.
Watch for more voting machine fraud as seen in Super Tuesday and pray for Trump's safety in the coming months.