Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Christie Drops Out of Presidential Race

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie suspended his presidential campaign on Wednesday, less than 24 hours after a poor finish in the 2016 New Hampshire primary.
"I leave the race without an ounce of regret," he said in a statement. "I’m so proud of the campaign we ran, the people that ran it with me and all those who gave us their support and confidence along the way."


Anonymous said...

Just stay out of NJ, please.

Anonymous said...

He ran out of donor money and didnt make the next debate cut thus he is out and very angry about it.His arrogance, nastiness, contempt for his own state, and outright lies did it.Even though he pummeled Rubio he didnt benefit from the votes Rubio lost. Bush and Kasich got them because folks just dont like or trust Christie. No more center stage, fox and cnn interviews for his ego. Will he now be a humbled public servant or arrogant bully taking his anger out on public employees?Will the Democrats be more emboldened to challenge him now he's no longer a presidential threat? Will the judge in Bridgegate hearing order the email release? All good political issues to follow.Dont feel sorry for him, he's young and ambitious and smart. He may make VP, Attorney General in politics and certainly be well connected with Wall Street.He wont leave office and sit quietly in his rocker writing books.

Anonymous said...

Cant wait for Barack Obama to go back to Illinois, and stay out of Washington DC

Anonymous said...

Obama won't go back to Illinois. He'll head for Hawaii and live like a king with his presidential pension and paid security detail. He'll make millions more on speaking fees.

Anonymous said...

Christie has proven multiple times that he doesn't care one bit about NJ taxpayer money of which multiple millions have been wasted on his ego trips, lawyers and schemes. I think his goal is a talk show where he can just rattle on and on. I won't be watching that one. This arrogant bully makes me physically sick when I hear him. I'm so glad that the people in other states saw him for what he is. I hope the people in NJ are a lot wiser in the next election for a Governor.