Wednesday, January 27, 2016

GEHR School Board Shuts Down Mayor

Galloway Township Mayor Don Purdy attended what was supposed to be a routine Regional School Board Meeting at the Cedar Creek High School on Monday, January 25, 2016 when he was shut down by the Board during public participation.

Purdy, who represents a town with a significant amount of 55 and older communities, single family homes and a high foreclosure rate due to the decline of Atlantic City, requested the Board evaluate their budget for 2016 and propose a flat budget with a zero increase. The Boards response however, was that this years budget was already slated to utilize the full 2 percent cap increase they could possibly use leaving the tax rate to increase for not only Galloway Township but also for Hamilton Township, Mullica Township, Egg Harbor City and Port Republic.

 Purdy spoke at the meeting with the support of the other Greater Egg Harbor Regional Mayors excluding Egg Harbor City. Mullica Township Mayor James Brown was also in attendance at the meeting. Brown and Purdy also represent the Atlantic County Mayor's Association as President and Vice-President respectively. 

At the height of the conversation Purdy was shut down by the Board and not permitted to continue his comments due to a 3-minute rule stated by the Board.  As part of the Board agenda, the Board states it welcomes public participation and values the opinions from the residents. That was not the case here. Although the agenda states "each speaker is asked to limit their comments to three minutes", there is no law that the Board can limit or prohibit the freedom of speech of those in attendance. But they did that of Galloway Township Mayor Don Purdy as well as other members of the public that spoke.

After other members of the public spoke at the meeting, the Board requested if anyone else would like to comment.  Purdy approached the Board again and requested to continue as all other public concerns were heard. At that time according to Purdy, Superintendent John Keenen stifled Purdy by waiving his hands to the Board President Carol Houck and stating Purdy's time was up. The Board President at that time did not permit Purdy to continue to speak and address the Board.
Entire story at 

Related article  
 From Mayor Don Purdy
 “At a time when some many Atlantic County residents are unemployed or struggling to make ends meet, I went to the school board meeting to discuss their budget and the tax increases being proposed on our communities to pay, at least in part, for huge bonuses for administrators that are more than many of our residents and even some educators annual income,” said Purdy “Unfortunately, last night quickly became one of the most embarrassing evenings I have had as the Mayor of Galloway Township when the board interrupted my remarks and refused to even listen to our request they reconsider these lavish bonuses and eliminate the proposed tax increase. In Galloway Council meetings we ask residents to keep their comments concise, but have never told a resident that their time was up and we always listened to their comments or concerns whether we agreed with them or not.”

Entire story at 

Mayor James Brown of Mullica, which is part of the regional school district, said his rural community has the same budget problems as Galloway.
“When you look at what is happening, the reason we are here tonight is the way it (money) is being spread around,” he said.
Brown said he knows the importance of a good, quality education, but there are a lot of misconceptions about what the district is doing. He said the board should explain what the increases are for to the public so they understand.
Entire article at

2/13/16 Mayor Purdy speaks about the GEHR School Board


Anonymous said...

Kudos to Mayor Purdy and all of the Mayors in the school district trying to keep their own taxpaying residents solvent. How can these school board members tax the others residents out of their homes? These program raises must stop if they are bankrupting the residents and businesses in the community.

Can the residential taxpayers be offered a Payment In Lieu Of Taxes (PILOT) program that was granted to the casinos?

Anonymous said...

The article mentions that Mayor Brown was there but did he get his chance and use his three minutes? Hopefully he did speak for us as I agree that the proposed raises are totally out of line and heartless regarding so many in the county that cant even get a job and/or decent working wage. How much does the Super and the Business Admin get now? I heard the Superintnedent is over $150,ooo w/o the upcoming bonus. Anyone out there know?