Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Christie Ranks Most Unfavorable In Iowa Poll

In a Monmouth University poll released Monday, Christie had the highest unfavorable rating - by far - of any candidate in the Iowa caucus race.
Christie’s unfavorable number was 51 percent. The next highest number was 41 percent.
Entire article at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not surprised at all and he needs to get a reality check on his standing. Traveling out of state and abroad I experienced folks who don't like him and consider him a phony and very ambitious. The Brits and Irish from my experience consider him rude and crude.
I did vote for him his first time but after awhile I discovered while he went after the public employees he managed to hire quite a few cronies to very high paid positions that were also in the pension system. The Jerry Jones lovefest with the Cowboys shows what lack of respect he has for South Jersey and its Eagle fans.
His second term is not only a no show but he has the arrogance to keep all his security staff, travel and eat on our dole and is pretty brazen about it all, To anyone following all this he is using NJ as a stepping stone and probably had all this in mind all the time.
He will say anything on any topic he feels he can get mileage from. He is just as bad as the rest He should do the right thing and either stay home to address issues like the AC pilot bill, the roads, pay the pension and declare Salem/cumberland a disaster area from the microblast storm a few weeks ago.etc etc or step down and let Kim Guardano run things. What a disappointment!