Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Jeb Bush Winning Support In The Northeast

High end financial backers have deserted Christie in his quest for a presidential run.  Jeb Bush is vacuuming up funds in the Northeast from the big donators.

Earlier this week, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced the formation of a Political Action Committee for his possible 2016 presidential run.  The problem is, the unintentional acronym for the PAC has twitter users literally “Laughing” their “Fu*king A** Off.”
The PAC is called and the acronym is LMFAO.  For those unaware, LMFAO is an acronym for “Laughing My Fu**in A** Off.”  Many twitter users found this hilarious and spread the message around.


Anonymous said...

Christie might be in jail before the presidential election comes around. NJ taxpayers are on the hook for multi millions of dollars for all the lawyers he has hired to protect him against all the investigations against his administration. State, county and local corruption runs rampant in the soprano state.
Big money doesn't like the in-your face stupidity being shown so often by Christie.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Christie put his finger in Kissinger's face and pull his bully act with him.

Anonymous said...

Governor Christie has been a major disappointment since his reelection. He is rarely now in the state and has been seen in Iowa, London, and Jordan lately either campaigning or sightseeing in my opinion. He has really taken advantage of having a lieut. Gov. to cover his duties. The issues of businesses fleeing the state, a pension system going broke and a broke from abuse transportation fund need to be addressed by a stay at home leader. In my opinion, he is so ambitious he's done with NJ and moving on to higher aspirations . But unfortunatley for him these issues and his arrogance will doom his goal of being the next President.

Anonymous said...

New Jersey is becoming a lost cause because of the tax and spend policies of our elected leaders. Corzine sold out New Jersey to his Wall Street friends and Christie is not much better than him.

New Jersey's financial health is terrible. Debt is rising while private sector jobs and retirees are leaving the state. Spending is still increasing and the credit card bills will be coming due soon. Christie started well but overall has been a miserable failure.