Sunday, March 30, 2014

Mascio Case Articles

All articles that are related to the Mascio case have been linked under the first Press article for your convenience.

This comment was received last night in regards to a Friday meeting

Dr Marro called a no notice faculty meeting for 7:50 am to tell the teachers if they are unhappy, it's their own fault. Her son told her " they just don't want to change" and she told the staff " I'm not going anywhere" called the staff to a meeting to rant and tell them what her child thinks? That's leadership? Her staff has a 93% confidence rate for a valid reason? She is not a leader. She is malicious, vengeful and using her power inappropriately to ruin the school.

The scores are declining with her progressive program initiatives. She is firing Mrs Middleton who the BOE hired over her objections last year. Her selection was a Mazzoni clone. Look at the mess Mazzoni created with the false police report and just wait until he is the reporting official for the new Assistant Principal she intends to hire.
Mullica is in chaos and the BOE is unable or unwilling to do anything. Marro must go. The NJ DOE should appoint a Special Master to investigate what is going on and clean up the Marro-Mazzoni mess(es).
Maryann Wyld, Retired Secretary to Dr. Brenda Harring-Marro,states her views in the comment section.



Anonymous said...

What is going on in Mullica Township is a disgrace! A petition was given to the Board of Education( who by the way don't get paid for all this abuse) from several residents, many who thought they were signing a support for Kelly not a petition to get Brenda out. This petition does not speak for many who live here in Mullica but who are afraid to speak out due to repercussions . I am offended by this petition, and it doesn't speak for me. A vote of no confidence was also given .... I can tell you they said 93% voted no confidence, having worked there for many years I don't believe the vote was 93%. Many things are being said about the Superintendent that are simply untrue. If any of you have a question call Dr. Marro and she will answer you HONESTLY as long as she is able to ethically. For the Brenda haters...there is nothing she can do to make you people like her.
I can tell you that SHE is NOT the one on a witch hunt. I know Brenda Marro better than anyone and she is NOT the mean vindictive person she is being made out to be. She is speaking for those people who wish to remain anonymous. She PLAYS by the rules, and some may not like the rules. She is truly dedicated to the kids, residents, (many of which she has helped personally) and HER staff at Mullica Township School regardless of what is being said about her. How about we stop beating her up, stop keying her car and act like adults. Enough people have been hurt by all of this. The township is being divided, friendships ruined. I know that a lot of my friends are going to be angry, but so many have been hurt by all of this (BOE and their families, Kelly and her family, Brenda and her family, and especially the parents of those children) it's not ok to continually beat up on someone for doing their job! Oh and for the record, SHE did NOT privatize the cafeteria(the BA from previous Administration did), SHE did NOT get rid of the gifted and talented program. She did NOT call a parents boss. The test scores have not gone down since she was Superintendent they were down before her... She did not fire Mrs. Middleton, (budget reasons) would you rather we lost teachers? Where was the union and these people when an aide got fired years ago, when the librarian and a 7th grade teacher were let go under previous administrations? (Did they not know the right people?) There was an incident that someone was referring to regarding a 7th grade student being found near the pine cone zone, That 13 year old student was reported missing by his teacher in a matter of seconds. The hostile work environment is against Brenda as she is the one that has had a sign in her parking spot, her car keyed, and is constantly being slandered publicly. Nobody wins in this. The township and school will heal, but at how many peoples expense? We are suppose to show our children that it is not ok to bully or lie, but what are many of you doing??????? Just for record I don't want to see Kelly lose her job, nor do I want to see Brenda lose hers. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but get your facts straight before you comment!

Maryann Wyld
Retired Secretary to Dr. Brenda Harring-Marro
Resident for over 40

Anonymous said...

Calling a faculty meeting, with less than 24hr notice to berate the staff, is counterproductive. Is the staff more or less motivated now? What was the point of this meeting? To warn the staff that her tyranny continues? Does the superintendent's kid know more about the school climate after one BOE meeting than the staff does after years of her mismanagement? Highly unlikely...

Anonymous said...

Marro seems very confident that this BOE isn't going to do a thing against her. Why? Can't those 8 residents ,who have children in the school, see the destruction?
Now Marro wants to fire Ms. Middleton?? Did Marro give Mazzoni a pat on the back for the false report?
Our Board of Ed has to wake up and not renew Marro's contract before our school is ruined beyond repair.
The school was the only thing Mullica had to draw families here.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Wyld,
I signed the petition,as did everyone else,knowing it was to ask the BoE not to renew Marro's contract. I do not believe that the MTEA is making up the 93% no confidence vote.
Good teachers have left and more are leaving because of Marro. The teachers who can't leave are working under terrible conditions.
Being Marro's secretary has given you a different picture of her personality. She was probably nice to you.

Anonymous said...

The meeting wasn't berating anyone. It was to say that everyone is responsible for themselves & their own happiness. All that Dr. Made o isn't to blame for this. She did not leave 2 children unattended, she had to do a very hard job with the BOE and decide the consequences.which Ms. Mascio was offered something other than losing her job but she chose not to take it. No one wants anyone to lose their job. Many false stories are going around & before u believe them, investigAte. Bullying is on MTEA & team Kelly not administration. Things need to change so that the children can become the main focal point once again

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone should look at how Brenda Marro became superintendent. Take a look at Rick Noble's statement to the board in the August 2010 board minutes and Dr. Gerald Jellig's letter to not accept the job offer to Dr. Malaspina.

Anonymous said...

I am not going to comment anymore after this because I don't normally do this, but I am part of the committee working on the petition and I can tell you anonymous that personally called several names that were on the petition and they told me they signed the petition because they thought they were helping a teacher not firing the superintendent. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but to bash someone is uncalled for. Yes Dr. Marro was nice to me and I NEVER heard her speak unkindly to anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Oops....I meant to sign my name to the last post.
Maryann Wyld

Anonymous said...

From Barbara Rheault's address to the BoE
Dr. Marro has irreparably damaged her working relationship with this staff.

She has involuntary transferred staff without sufficient explanation.

She has repeatedly shifted and shuffled staff into and out of positions she creates and recreates and modifies. Staff is continually "reassigned" or given duties in a band-aid approach to scheduling. This practice places members at significant risk, raising issues about staffing levels necessary to properly and safely supervise students under our protection and care.

Our Gifted and Talented Program has been gutted.

She has effectively privatized computer and technology services, with the district facing serious financial consequence to remediate the situation.

Her inability to effectively manage district technology snafus continue to frustrate the teaching staff tasked with using technology to deliver instruction.

She privatized the cafeteria staff rather than take the time to work with the MTEA to investigate measures and discuss ways to maintain district oversight of the cafeteria and 7 mostly part-time staff, 5 of which were community members.

Her inability to manage the long-running "Latchkey" After-School Childcare Program resulted in the program's outsourcing to a private agency, the loss of affordable childcare for our parents, and loss of an additional source of employment for many of our PT support staff.

She has failed to provide meaningful, professional development for both the professional and support staff.

Her interactions with staff have resulted in mass retirements, created low morale, and the inability of the district to retain qualified staff.

Most importantly - our student's test scores have been on the decline.

Dr. Marro's actions and ineffective leadership have irreparably damaged relations with the school community.

And it was mentioned at the Board meeting that Marro contacted the employers of two parents who wrote emails supporting Kelly Mascio and she wanted them disciplined. The MTEA didn't make up the 93% vote. The mishandling of the Mascio incident was the tipping point that caused the MTEA to take action.

Anonymous said...

to 4:30 pm
Here it is

Rick Noble read a prepar
ed statement as follows:
Thank you Spiros for giving me the time to make this statement.
It is with some regret that I stand before you unable
to participate in tonight’s
BOE meeting. It is my
belief, and one that I stated to this board, that th
e selection process to find our new superintendent was
flawed, corrupted and ultimately unethical. For those r
easons the clear course of action was to begin the
process again in an effort to maintain the integrity
of the Mullica BOE, and the new superintendent. My
colleagues on the Board clearly feel differently
It became crystal clear; first when community members and elected officials admonished the board for its
selection of Dr. Jellig prior to the news being made public, second when a school employee visited the
home of a board member to tell how wrong passing
on Ms Morrow was, and third when an e-mail was
sent to a township employee containing details
of not only the interview process but of candidates
personal lives, that the whole selection pr
ocess had been compromised and corrupted.
All of this was done while the BO
E was still operating under the State
of NJ Department of Education
Code of Ethics concerning confiden
tiality. All of the above actions were a direct result of a breach in
confidentiality and a breach of the
Code of Ethics that
ultimately debased the w
hole selection process.
The Code of Ethic we all
agreed to be governed by.
Further evidence of a violation of the Code of Ethics
is outlined in Dr. Jellig’s letter of resignation to the
board. Clearly the Rules of Ethics all
Boards live by have been ignored.
Both my professional and person integrity, and belief
in a proper way to do th
ings, as well as having
agreed to operate under the Code of Ethics, preven
t me from participation in tonight’s meeting.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

to whom it may concern I can tell you for a fact that there were many ppl who were approached to sign that petition thinking that they signed to support teachers! I know because not only did my husband sign it but a couple of our friends did as well! We all want our names off because we were lied to! shame on Mullica telling your kids not to bully and to play by the rules but when it comes down to the rules ( they are ok for anyone but you dirty ADULTS!!) acting like this is horrible!! spreading hate! and if not everyone sides with you then u all attack the people who don't agree! guess what else? If you are at work and you break a rule you can be punished so what makes the teachers so special?if they are not doing their job the rules do apply to are all afraid of change! you want to keep on sweeping everything under the rug and finally one person is saying no!! THAANK GOD FOR BRENDA!!

Anonymous said...

As a parent of children in the school now and of one who has graduated, I am sickened by the MTEA's handling of this case. Stacking the BOE meetings with friends and those who couldn't pick Ms. Mascio out of a line up of two people.

Regardless of what everyone is saying, this is now a legal case and Ms. Marro cannot speak freely and neither can Ms. Mascio regarding exactly what occurred. Any and all discovery will be produced after the hearings for the public, as I am sure someone will order an OPRA request. Ms. Mascio's disciplinary records cannot be shown either and any disciplinary action from three years ago and beyond is automatically removed.

The keying of a car? Pure Mullica style, part of which makes Mullica Township a laughing stock by other communities. I believe Ms. Marro deserves the same treatment as Ms. Mascio, who doesn't have to attend the BOE meetings and face the crowds of people who are clueless as to how chain of command and the law work. Ms. Mascio is totally insulated from all of this scrutiny and name calling, while Ms. Marro has to deal with the meetings and MTEA on the daily basis. Let Ms. Marro do her job and leave her alone.

If it were your daughter or son who was in that classroom, would you have sat back and let NOTHING be said. I would hope you wouldn't. As a teacher, apparently one with 15 plus years of experience, it shouldn't be that hard to watch a class of 20 children watching a video.

The petition, pure crap. I was under the impression no one was allowed inside the transfer station to do anything except drop off their trash. No selling of anything, no politicking, believe it is reported right here on the Gadfly, liability purposes, yet the Press of Atlantic City clearly shows two women, inside of the transfer station, stopping them as they are leaving to sign a "save Kelly" petition, which in reality it was a get rid of Marro petition. People signed it to get out of the dump and go home and to be left alone. I would venture if you called only 50% of the signees, none would know what they signed. When I asked what it was for, I was lied to and refused to sign it. Why were they even allowed inside the dump? Why didn't the police ask them to leave?

Time for everyone to step back, let the legal professionals handle it and give the school a chance to educate our children and the community a chance to heal.

Anonymous said...

Here's a thought !! I just seen a teachers post on face book on friday! She should be teaching maybe lunch but if teachers can pop on the internet while at work then humm... may b question answered about how two kid were in the bathroom together without her knowing! I have children in the school who have told me that teachers txt and make calls during class time! my daughter even told me that's how she knows about one teacher being pregnant by over hearing a conversation ! the point is the kids have rules so should the teachers and if they cannot abide by them they should be punished! another thing if that was my child in Kelly's care and she neglected to oversee my child's care I WOULD HAVE A LAYWER!! are you people saying you would do nothing ? you wouldn't want the school to be by your side to provide safety for your child?? whose watching your kids?? Just saying! WE ALL NEED RULES AND DICPLINE IF WE DONT FOLLOW THEM THEN ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEING IMMEDIUTALLY ! I know in the past these teachers have not had consequences for their action Its about time someone does something!

Anonymous said...

RE 6:13pm
The Mascio case is in legal hands and we have to sit and wait for the verdict.
The petition not to renew Marro's contract is because of her actions in many other areas including some listed by 4:48pm.
The school board has a choice. They can remove one person who is causing so much dissent among the staff or sit back and watch as the school deteriorates from low moral and bullying by Marro.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Rick Noble statement, was it ever confirmed as far as who visited the school board member? Teacher or administrator? What community member or elected officials admonished the board? Are there minutes on this? Do you really believe BEFORE Brenda Marro was hired that she had that kind of reach? I believe the BOE was comprised of different members then there are on it with a few exceptions. Maria Jones, Joy Wyld, Terence Watson and Mary Nevius were on the board at that time. No other board members made a statement? I find Mr. Nobles' statement incredulous and somehow even insinuating Ms. Marro, while in the running, had that kind of power is just absurd.

Anonymous said...

7:20 pm-Whoa, are you condoning what the MTEA is doing as ok and placing blame solely on Ms. Marro? Are you forgetting the main focus of this is two children not being properly supervised?

The test scores have deteriorated because of endless State testing and students being taught how to answer the testing rather then educating our children. Also, maybe some of the teachers, many whom have tenure, aren't that good and have become complacent and just are bad teachers? Do you honestly believe every school in the state has all great teachers? Not a bad apple in the bunch, eh? I beg to differ. Another thing, you really believe the MTEA isn't applying pressure on the newer teachers to comply with them? Spread the blame.

Anonymous said...

The petition is misleading. They are lying about what the petition is for. Without all the facts, what basis do they have and misleading the public by saying "it's to save a teacher's job" is crap. It's a he said/she said petition and the people asking for signatures are lying about what it's for. I asked them, they lied to my face. What the school board should do is their job and charge whoever is pushing the bullcrap petition with fraud. Never knew of any teachers who ever loved their BOE members.

Anonymous said...

To 7:13 pm
Yes, we all need rules and discipline. The MTEA is concerned that proper procedures were not taken in the Mascio case and a false police report was on record for 5 months.Marro did not handle this case correctly from the very beginning.

Anonymous said...

RE 7:38 pm
I definitely believe Rick Noble's statement to be true. I remember all the whispering going on when the board hired Dr.Jelig and then changed their minds. The board broke the code of ethics and confidentiality. The elected official pushing for Marro is now deceased. Only 6 board members voted for her, Jones,Lyons,Malapina, Nevius,Watson,Wyld. Tom Carl voted no

Anonymous said...

Can you say UNION. Also seems their leader has other political aspirations and needs to get their name out there. As a taxpayer in this township I'm Pissed.

Anonymous said...

Re 8:40 pm
A union has a duty to defend a member who is being treated unfairly.
As a taxpayer, I'm angry about how the teachers are being treated and how Marro is destroying my property value.
I want the Administration and staff to create a good atmosphere for the children and this will never happen if Marro stays. There are too many bad feelings. Start over with someone new and maybe we can get our school back on track.

Anonymous said...

Wow...this post was about an unproductive and unessesary faculty meeting last Friday. I find it interesting the posts about Kelly "given other options and choose not to take them." So how would you know such things that are confidential? Yes there is a union at Mullica Schools, and they seem to be the only Ines being honest here. Someone implied earlier MTEA misrepresented the no-confidence vote being 93% and the MTEA is pressuring newer teachers ...pressuring them to to what? Open their eyes to the truth? Another post said thank God for Brenda? Thank her for what??? Dumbing down the curriculum? Creating decetion among the staff? Or lowering our property values and allowing Donio to charge the district thousands of dollars for his legal services. The Friday meeting was an abuse of power. Period.

Anonymous said...

I need to speak my mind a bit on the issue at hand. First, I would like to say I do not wish to see either parties lose their jobs. I remain very neutral in this matter. I do not have enough information pertaining to this to make a haste decision. I do believe that this is still under investigation and there is a multitude of information that is not aloud to be put public as of yet. Same as with any investigation.
There is a lot of he said, she said going around. You can not base your facts off of "well, so and so told me, blah blah blah." Or "I read it on the Press/on-line/saw it on TV". So it must be true, right? The first thing I like to ask is "were you there, in the class room that day?" and "are you in the superintendent's or the teacher's shoes at this moment?" Not a single person can answer yes to either of those questions. We were not there, we are not the superintendent nor the teacher. There is something called a chain of command. Many of us work in a place where we have to follow it. I know I do. Do you really think Dr. Brenda Harring-Marro, or Mrs. Kelly Mascio, had any other choice but to follow that chain? They both could have very easily said, you know what let's just sweep this under the rug and forget it ever even happened and move on with our lives. It would have at some point got out to public that happened and the media would have had a field day with headlines that read 'Kindergarten students found having "sex" in bathroom and school tries to cover it by doing nothing about it.' How many angry people would there be? I can bet you many.
This whole thing has been put out of proportion by so many people, it's just sad at this point. I'm embarrassed for everyone who wants to act like children instead of adults about this. Both sides, supporters and non-supporters, should be extremely ashamed of themselves. Putting people down for their own beliefs and opinion, vandalizing properties, breaking other laws and lying. Those are things that CHILDREN do when they are angry. I live by the quote (when it comes to these type of situations) 'There are three sides to every story. Yours, theirs and the truth.' There is nothing any one can do at this point. What's done is done and it can not be undone. We all just have to wait until a verdict is reached. Until this is all done and over with (which I can not wait) we need to play like nice ADULTS and continue on with our own lives. There are much bigger things to worry about.
As a side note, I would like to tell Mrs. Wyld you are very brave for coming out with this letter not many could done what you did. I do not believe that Dr. Harring- Marro was just nice to Mrs. Wyld because she was her secretary. I have had the pleasure of speaking to people who know Dr. Harring- Marro and they had very nice things to say about her, as well as nice things to say about Mrs. Mascio. I can honestly say I do not know either, but, wish I did.

Anonymous said...

Is this stating that the elementary school principal was let go on Friday?

Anonymous said...

At Friday's meeting the staff was told two administrators will be receiving RIF letters.The principal position would be pk-8 and a VP position would be created. Potential in-house candidates will have to apply.

Anonymous said...

Here it is in a nut shell. Many may choose to believe differently, but this is why 93% of the staff and 720 community members do not want Marro to continue as superintendent of schools in Mullica Twp.

Moderator said...

Post 7:12am continues with a pasting of 4:48 pm which is not recognized by the blogger system.
All sentences from other posts must be typed in,not pasted.

Anonymous said...

Oh Im sorry I didn't realize that im supposed to feel sorry for a teacher who DID NOT do her job bottom line and who was paid more money than the average person makes in Mullica for sitting home and opting to not take her punishment but instead stands by and watches as Mullica name is being ripped apart in the media! ( I know lets rise more money for this women whom did not watch these children) has anyone offered these parents a fund raiser for counseling? you people think for yourselves. look out side of the box! I hope you realize there's some people that just want publicity for political gain. Disgusting! Here is the bigger picture neither person should be fired but Kelly should be a women enough to admit she was wrong and take her punishment. I commend marro for all of her courage and as a friend of one of the parents of one of the children involved I couldn't be happier that the school understands and discipline was implemented! If it was your child how would you feel?? the parents are even afraid to say anything because of you people in Mullica! what will it take? who else has to be hurt? mentally all of our children are being beaten down! you all should be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

7:12 am-Verify the 720 signatures as people who knew what they were signing and why and then I''ll buy it. Of course 93% of the staff voted "no confidence", I am sure they were pushed into it.

I would also like verification on Ms. Rheault's statements regarding lower test scores and privatization of the cafeteria. The test scores started dropping when Mr. Goldberg was in office and the privatization of the cafeteria was initiated by Mr. Goldberg, maybe even started when he was still superintendent. You can't blame Ms. Marro for everything that one doesn't consider positive at the school. Did Ms. Marro make it snow so much this winter that the Spring Break had to be used in part to make up for lost time too?

As for the latch key program. Yes, it was an affordable alternative, but I am betting that the school lost money on parents not paying over the years, as well as paying support staff additional money for working more hours. Wasn't it yet another contract disagreement that pushed it to being outsourced to begin with?Outsourcing it seems to be what every school does in Atlantic County and it's prepaid. Is the school getting no money from this program at all? I don't seem to recall all this contention, loss of morale, etc when Kathy Eaton was president of the union. Barbara Rheault is now head of the union and cars get keyed, teachers are bailing left and right. Time the MTEA question their leadership and how effective it really is. Bullying, shouting, arguing? Is this what we want to teach our children as a method of problem solving? Work together, be nice, try it sometime, it may work.

Anonymous said...

Were both principals given RIF letter or is Mr. Mazzoni the new principal of the school and a vice-principal be chosen from within?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ms. Wyld for your insight and perspective to this whole affair that is surely going to cost US all when we pay our taxes in the years to come.

Anonymous said...

To 9:04 am
Mascio admitted she was wrong but only asked that correct disciplinary procedures be followed.
We have this mess because Marro did not handle the situation correctly from the first day and Mazzoni sensationalized the case with his admitted false police report that no one corrected for 5 months. What punishment does he get for making this a worldwide story?
He is the one that gave his story to Marro and he wasn't even there. Marro refused to speak to Mascio to get the facts.
Mascio followed all the procedures.
There is also a question in my mind about why an aide,which is required by law,was pulled from Mascio's class to substitute another class.
Marro has been shuffling teachers around and there is no stability.

Anonymous said...

I really feel that Mazzoni should have received the RIF letter, not Middleton.

Anonymous said...

Wake up Mullica Twp.! You have been duped by your own Township Committee person, Barbara Rheault.
She's playing you all like a fiddle. Poor Ms. Masico and Dr. Brenda Harring Marro, they are being used to further Barbara Rheault's political career. She has another agenda and it's not Ms Mascio. Ms Rheault been spinning a web of lies to feed this frenzy and you Mullica residents have taken the bate! She's ruining two people's career to further her own ambition. I for one will not give her my vote! Just what we need is another liar in office! Take your Twp. back and wait till the truth comes out!

TKO said...

Maryann Wyld STAY IN RETIREMENT where you belong! What a disgrace you are to MULLICA TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY ! I am a resident. Not a teacher! And BRENDA MARRO WILL BE removed! What sickness you both are to this small town pleasant community!

Anonymous said...

The truth shall set you free! Mullica Twp. what is going on? Since when do you tar & feather a person for doing their job? You are definitely on a witch hunt for the superintendent. If the teacher was watching her children we wouldn't be talking about this. Also if the children got out of the school; without her knowledge and molested or hit by a car, we would be asking for the teacher's head! Dr. Brenda Harring Marro is just doing her job we hired her to do. It'd out of her hands and the BOE. Wait for the truth and the results before you jump to any conclusions. I think Ms Rheault has a hidden political agenda. I find it funny that after all the press she states she is running for Atlantic County Freeholder. Hmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Misleading? Lied to? The petition clearly stated what it was for. Read before you sign next time.

Anonymous said...

Can I ask a question? If there was a police report made,why did the police take a statement from the principal but not from the teacher. If this was done maybe the wrong info about the incident could have been corrected from the beginning. Just asking.

Anonymous said...

The 6:56 poster, "small, pleasant community" and then you resort to name calling and call two people "a sickness"? It's this exact type of statement that makes Mullica Township an embarassment. People are entitled to their opinion, agree to disagree and grow up.

Anonymous said...

Maryann Wyld you are truly a blessing! Thank you for your courage and strength. I am a teacher and a resident. we really have to choice to vote but the way Barbie want us too.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Wyld, do not let small minded people get into your head. You wrote how you felt and your opinion and do not deserve the comment that was left above. The person who wrote it is the disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Think think think!!! who is getting publicity for political gain? who ever could it be?? OOPS! like they say April ""FOOLS!"" REPUBLICAN ONE DAY DEMICORATE THE NEXT?? MAKE UP UR MIND!

Anonymous said...

Maryann Wyld is the most caring, kindest, genuine person I have come across at Mullica School. Perhaps TKO needs to go back to school and learn a little about respect of others. Not a teacher, my ass. Post reeks of the bullying going on by the MTEA.

Anonymous said...

Barbara Rheault is doing her job as the union representative. She asked that correct procedures be taken in this case and they weren't by Marro.
If Marro handled this case through procedures, disciplinary action would have been taken against Mascio and nobody would have heard about this case.

7:41pm, Mazzoni gave the police report and he wasn't even there for the incident. He was also the one who gave the story to Marro.
Marro refused to even speak to Mascio or ask questions about what happened. They admit that the report was false. The Tenure charges also state the children were naked, which is false.

The union has to fight or else every teacher can become the victim of false charges by these two.

Anonymous said...

How do you know Ms. Mascio is telling the truth about what happened with Dr. Marro? You don't know and won't until this is over. How do you know Ms. Rheault is telling the truth? There were some inconsistencies in her statement above that can be verified very easily.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know who the other admin let go was?

Moderator said...

To all the readers,
The blog is here so we can all learn what is going on in town and read everyone's opinion. Everyone has a right to their own opinion and you can disagree without name calling or making nasty remarks about physical descriptions. Posts are being deleted as they come in.
Please keep your comments decent and on the subject. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Ok LISTEN UP! My child was is Mrs Mascio class when this incident happened. Everyone knows the details of the day..testing, kids coming and going..yada yada.. people make it sound like she wasnt supervising at all! Kids go to the bathroom, sometimes another slips in if they dont know better. Who knows why. Point is, I dont expect her to have eyes on my child every second of the day. Its impossible. I dont care who you are. Parents, have you watched your kids every second of everyday since they were born? Uh..nope, I haven't! Neither have you. As a mom of a student in the class , I dont hold Mrs Mascio responsible for what those kids "said", not "did". I am very irritated that the Principal knowingly and willingly let a false Police report stand for months, but Mrs Marro knowingly and willingly let it stand is just absurd! I have absolutly no confidence in Matt or Brenda. And furthermore for the record, I KNEW EXACTLY WHAT I WAS SIGNING. Take Matt along with her!

Anonymous said...

Re 9:01 pm
I read in the Mascio statement that she was called to Marro's office with a representative and Marro suspended her immediately without discussion.
I'm having a problem verifying all of Rheault's claims about Marro after reading what Maryann Wyld had to say. But I do believe that the teachers are not being treated right because so many are leaving and they did take the serious step of a no confidence vote against Marro. The Union would not do that unless things were really bad in the school.

Anonymous said...

The STEM supervisor Catherine Simone

Moderator said...

10:18pm post is in response to post 9:11pm "Anyone know who the other admin let go was"

Anonymous said...

Referring to Noble's letter-community member who visited a board member re passing over Brenda was none other then Mary Ann Wyld.
Referring to bullying MTEA members to vote no confidence-members were presented with a list of reason's, given a paper ballot and asked to check confidence or no confidence and deposit it in a bag in the front of the room.
Referring to the Friday morning meeting -did Brenda really think that would make things better?
What about the request from one of the involved
student's parents to bring back Kelly and move on?

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that the two Administrators being riffed are the only two that know what they are doing and could help to bring Mullica back to the "Gem in the Pines" it was.

Anonymous said...

The only person that wins here is the BOE attorney. It is a sad to watch such a wonderful community tear itself apart...especially when the pot was stirred by people who have no ties to Mullica. Kelly's fate is out of everyone's hands now. But the school's fate is in YOUR hands. Listen to both sides...research track records and agendas. Something will have to give in order to move forward. Remember who the real enemy is...probably not your neighbor whose taxes are going to go up too...Good luck Mullica

Anonymous said...

Marro Great job keep your chin up! the truth always comes out and many people will feel like fools! Remember most people are afraid of strength and beauty.

Anonymous said...

oh wow im a mom who always knows where and what my children are doing! sad statement from a mother! wow! and that explains the other problem, if my child was in that bathroom unsupervised by the teacher I would have a lawyer and someone would pay! thank you mrs.marro

Anonymous said...

Where is Larry when you did him? He would have brought many of the things that have been swept under the rug into the light of day!

Anonymous said...

10:42 pm
The sad part is that the fate of our school is not in our hands. It is in the hands of 9 people on the Board of Education who have turned a deaf ear to the community. The only peace will be not to renew Marro's contract now.
It's going to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy her out later. With Greenbank stipends,she makes about $12,000 a month.

Anonymous said...

After reading all of the posts I must get some things off of my chest. I am a 30 year resident of Mullica township have had my children in Mullica school. I assure you I have seen many injustices in our township for a good many years! Police make mistakes, teachers make mistakes, parents make mistakes and of course CHILDREN make mistakes. we are all human and part of being a Good human is understanding when we make mistakes and doing our very best to make them right! I do not see this here. These children are our future and some of you adults are corrupting their minds with wrong doings. It is truly beyond me! we all know the difference between right and wrong. we all know that we respect figures authority. yet time and time again I have been reading blatant disrespect. If you don't like what someone is doing there is no need to bash them on here or to put fear into their life. the shame that is brought into the community is simply pathetic at this point. Some of you just cannot see the forest through the trees. you are too interested in being right and too interested in pointing fingers at others. Remember when you point your finger at someone you have three more pointing back at you so what are you doing wrong? Here is TRUTH: None of you know the Truth! You are either listing to others and agreeing because of fear to think on your own Or You are doing this ugliness for some kind of twisted gain.!! and anyone who does this ugliness for political gain, for power should not be apart of our community. absolutely disgusting on many levels. you my dear should be ashamed of your wicked ways. using your power over teachers, calling the media and the press and destroying our good name. Our children and grand children being a subject to and a bad light. just so u can be seen. the pity I feel for such a person Barbra! you alone are destroying what many called home. again you are the center of all of this drama no matter where I look there you are stirring in the middle and believe me the good people of Mullica will see what you are doing. In saying that I unlike you do not feel the need to key anyone's car, show up at your house or even make your son or mother afraid for your life. I spoke my peace and now I can sit and watch karma bite you where no one else would ever dare too! also admin. by reading I can tell when you jump in and that is fine you have the right to state your opinion as do I and everyone else. I hope for you to find the courage to look out side of what you think is true! Mullica take a good look around!

Anonymous said...

As a parent, when my children are in my home, of course I don't have my eye on them constantly. However, when they are at school, in a classroom, especially when they were younger, in Pre-K, Kindergarten, first grade, younger ages, you better believe I expect that teacher to know where my child is when he is under the care of a teacher. Like it or not, it's their job to both efucate them and ensure they are safe while at school. I certainly don't expect a teacher to have their eye on each child constantly, but when two children disappear for more then 5 minutes and the teacher doesn't notice neither are gone, it becomes an issue. This is in response to the 9:32 comment.

Anonymous said...

The County Freeholders will hold a meeting Tuesday, April 1, at the Mullica Municipal Building APRIL FOOLS BARBRA ~ THATS A JOKE

Anonymous said...

8:42AM-Bravo! Finally, someone calls out the real problem in this whole ugly situation: Barbara Rheault. Yes, it's her job to protect Ms. Mascio, but not destroy the morale, parent confidence in the school and take down any admin she can in the process. This isn't anything new with her. Always has something to say, only solution is to bad mouth admins and board members.

Anonymous said...

The superintendent called a staff meeting? Oh the humanity! The main problem that I see is that the MTEA leadership doesn't seem to think they need any administrator or the board to tell them what to do. This has been carrying on for years. Look through the archives of this site. Larry is probably rolling over in his grave at what this site has become. Why do you keep regurgitating Barbara Rhealt's speech? It's clear she has a political agenda here as she just announced her plan to run for Freeholder. Look how pleased she looks with herself in the Press of AC articles. Union leadership has been moaning about morale for years, it's not unique to the current Superintendent. No accountability, just entitlement.

Anonymous said...

8:42 am - You state "If you don't like what someone is doing there is no need to bash them on here" and then you go on to totally bash Rheault and make false accusations against her.
93% of the MTEA voted no confidence in Marro. There's a big problem in the school. That's the TRUTH.
I've seen how ugly and dirty a certain group can be in Mullican politics and those three fingers are pointing back at you.

Moderator said...

10:06 am, you can roll right out of here if you don't like the blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow. All I have to say is wow. You really go so low to belittle people? Are you even an adult? If so ACT LIKE ONE.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the courtesy of letting others have their opinions? This community has turned into a disgrace. It revolved from one person, and we know who that person is. Unbelievable that people go so low and resort to name calling. We are adults act like it. For those who drew up this petition to have the superintendents contract not renewed, her contract was renewed as of March 1st. You would know that if you had done your research and got your facts straight. Not only that, if she was such an issue before all of this why wasn't anyone racing to get a petition going? Now it is an issue? Please, give me a break.

Moderator said...

12:29 pm's comment is in response to the comment left at 6:56 pm by TKO.
The blogger system does not recognize pasted sentences from other comments and does not print them.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I think it is great that someone posted that the board already voted to renew Marro's contract on March 1st.

I guess the board is not going to cater to the MTEA or the people who come to the meetings.

My hat goes off to Ms. Wyld for speaking the truth and for Mr. Stollenwork for speaking the truth as well.

Anonymous said...

12:50 pm
I actually got sick when I read that Marro's contract was renewed on March 1st. I truly feel that the school will never rise to the top again and my property value is going to drop like a rock.
We all are going to pay for the lawsuits brought on by Marro and the Board.
There were many issues and the Mascio case was the tipping point.

Anonymous said...

I thought the petition was to not renew her contract in June? Which is it? March or June? Too many inconsistencies from all sides in this.

Anonymous said...

March 1st was the contract renewal, not June. I'm positive on this.

Anonymous said...

So why the petition then?

Anonymous said...

Board had to let her know 120 days before end of contract if they were thinking about not renewing - when did all the Mascio stuff come to a head? Can you say about the time she found out her contract would be renewed? I knew that you could!

Anonymous said...

5:57 pm
Are you saying that Marro waited all those months with Mascio on suspension, only to act on the tenure charges when she was sure her contract was renewed and nothing could be done about it?

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Mascio was suspended September 30th. That is 151 days before March 1st. Brenda's contract was renewed March 1st.... the Mascio thing has been going on this entire time during that 151 days.

Anonymous said...

Since many of the facts of this issue have already been reported, ie the middle school principle's statement not being corrected for 5 months, let's touch upon the hearsay. These include the teacher not being afforded the opportunity to talk to the superintendent before her suspension. About certain board members that weren't privy to the details being told the issue was not going to be rehashed to bring them up to speed. It would also include certain board members telling parents that they wish they could help with a certain problem (unrelated to this issue) but they just do what the superintendent tells them to do. People seem to think that the teacher should take whatever punishment is thrown her way if she wants this to end. Do we know what was offered? If you were to cut your finger, would you mind if the doctor amputates your whole hand? It could possibly have been THAT bad of a deal. Does belittling your staff show integrity in your leadership? 93% (no small number) of her staff voted no confidence. Did Barbara Rheault hold a gun to their head? For her own personal political gain, right? Because she orchestrated this entire situation for herself? She knew she would be running for office against someone related to Maryann and Joy Wyld, so she forced the students to break a rule knowing the way the dominoes would fall.....some of you would like us to believe.

I believe the teachers were told to take a look in the mirror. Well, I am a parent and a taxpayer, I signed the petition and I have no problem looking in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Let me start by saying, I am a resident, a tax payer and a mother of two young children who will both be attending Mullica Township School. The whole reason of moving back to Mullica was for the school. Now, I think differently of this community. It's not the nice place I once remember. It's turned into a battle ground. Where no one is happy until vengeance is sought. A place where your name is dirt for speaking your mind. Do I think Maryann Wyld is out to support this relative you speak of (@ 7:42PM)? No. I think she is speaking on Brenda's behalf as to what the truth to Brenda story is. Thinking logically and outside of the box, I get it. It makes perfect sense as to what Maryann Wyld wrote in her letter. So, the name calling and assumptions need to stop. Maryann was brave enough to put this out there knowing there will be people looking to put her down for what she wrote. Good for her for showing her strength, I give you an applause, Mrs. Wyld.
Now, look at the big picture here. A teacher is someone you are supposed to trust in watching your children and keeping them safe. On a day where there is a huge fluctuation in children being in out of the classroom due to testing, it's only the third week of school where the teacher doesn't know any of these children and you knowingly have no teacher's assistant, you should be on your toes. Any teacher with any amount of experience would know that. I get why she was suspended and had charges against her. To lose her job I would disagree with. Maybe a different avenue of discipline, yes I can agree to that.
The Brenda bashing (or the bashing of anyone) needs to end, she is not the reason why your taxes are going up or why property value is down. That all has been going on for quite sometime. When we were buying our house our realtor even said the property values have been on the down for years and the taxes are just going up no matter where you go. That was two and half years ago. It's just silly to try and blame one single person for any of that. I don't see anyone getting the picture of this whole ordeal. I'm sorry but I have bigger and much better things to worry about instead of spending wasted time on something I can not control. I suggest everyone just moves on and let everything run it course. It will. Things will play out and will eventually go back to normal whether you believe it or not. Just thought I would put my thoughts in on this.

Anonymous said...

7:42 post.
Thank you. Your remarks are well reasoned. The Superintendent is running the BOE She chose to push for tenure charges instead of other measures. Mazzoni filed the Police report and now he will train the VP after Mrs Middleton is RIFed and the STEM coordinator.
The no confidence vote tells the deeper discontent of the Staff.
The BOE isn't in charge. When this legal case settles hopefully Kelly will get back to her job and the BOE will decline to renew BHM's contract for cause, the mismanagement of this incident. There are other things going wrong, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Mrs Wyld, well intentioned as she is, is defending her friend who she advocated to get her present position of Superintendent.

Anonymous said...

You call it hearsay, yet know an awful lot about things never mentioned here. Again, doesn't seem to be running against anyone named Wyld, so guess you are much more in the know than most. How do you know she was "not being afforded the opportunity to talk"? Going just by what Ms. Mascio told people. "Belittling of the staff", were you there or is that the mantra the teacher's are reporting. This so reeks of a teacher post. Thanks for pointing out 93% is no small number too. Guess you think readers couldn't figure out 93% is a big number.

I want to wait until the FACTS (you know, truth) comes out before I start making any judgments on Ms. Mascio or Ms. Marro. Pretty petty tossing Maryann Wyld and Joy Wyld into the mix.

As for certain board members telling parents their hands are tied about another matter, seriously? Sounds like great way to pass the buck and blame it on Ms. Marro. What, did Ms. Marro hold a gun to their heads?

Seems like you have your principles a little mixed up here. Seems like you don't have any or you wouldn't be slamming both a retired employee and a board member, neither have anything to do with your Mascio/Rheault vs Marro showdown. C'mon teach, you forget "the principal is your pal" drill every kid gets?

You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. With that being said, I have no problem looking in the mirror myself. Guess what? I'm a parent and taxpayer too!

Anonymous said...

Isn't the Wyld family related to the person Rheault is running against for Freeholder?

Anonymous said...

to 7:42 pm
Thank you for adding the information that Barbara Rheault is in the Freeholder race against a relative of Joy and Maryann Wyld. That really made me understand the reasons for the political remarks made here against Rheault.

Anonymous said...

You people are looking for stuff that just isn't there. Are you kidding me doing the damn math on days of the contract renewal and tenure charges and that's Ms. Marro's diabolical plot? Please, please get lives.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with politics. Over reaction much? I think so. You guys are trying to find anything and everything to revert from what's really going on. Let's put the blame else where and distract the small minds. Please people stop making me laugh, roll with the punches and get over it.

Anonymous said...

To 6:19 - Wouldn't put anything past Brenda

To 6:47 - Kelly may have been suspended in Sept. but nothing was said/done/acted on until March - when Brenda knew she would be back

To 9:24 - Brenda doesn't know that 93% is a large number - guess that comes from being a Phoenix!

Marcy Kurz said...

I'd like to know how people are supposed to get their facts straight when they go to a board meeting, and the board just sits there, looking bored, and does not respond to ANYTHING!

Marcy Kurz said...

So Mrs. Wyld, I'd really like to understand your point of view. You think a group of people standing up for a friend, family member, co-worker, dedicated teacher is bullying???? A wrong was done here from day 1. And that wrong was not by Mrs. Mascio. She followed school protocol, did she not?? YES or NO... Did two of her kids slip into the bathroom without her noticing right away? YES, fact. I'd like to know do YOU possess super human capabilities? Does the Board? Does the Superintendent? Myself, along with probably every person I know, has at one time or another, lost sight of their child for a moment or two....Does this make them bad parents??? Bad people???'s called human.....So now lets ask ourselves....Does a teacher that is loved and respected by her co-workers and community, actually loose her tenure because of this situation???? A teacher that has had no bad marks on her record for the 16+ years she has dedicated herself to our children??? What Brenda has done to Kelly is what directly has caused all the turmoil in this community. What Brenda has done to Kelly...THAT is Bullying..... My children are learning a lesson from this and that is to stick up for what you believe it, and to treat people fairly and with respect, and most of all, NO ONE is perfect....And for the record, Kelly supporters do not condone things like cars being keyed. But we can't control people's actions.

Marcy Kurz said...

If you feel so strongly, and you want to call people in the community DIRTY ADULTS...I think you should at least have the balls to state your name! I can freely state my name, because I am proud and committed to justice. You want to talk about bullying but you call people names like that....come on.....If your husband signed a paper without reading it, then that's HIS fault! Lesson learned for him. But I personally know the people that stood at the dump and I know that they did not falsely represent why they were there so that is a lie that you just told!!! Thank god for Brenda? ha! Can't wait to see how you feel when she gets rid of a teacher you think is wonderful....As for being afraid of change? IF ITS NOT BROKE, DON'T FIX IT! Things were fine before, and they certainly are not now...So what does that tell you!

Marcy Kurz said...

Can you honestly say that you have NEVER had your child step out of your sight for a minute?? It's happened to me...Should I loose my kids??? It's happened to almost everyperson I know at least once.....If this had happened to my child I would want to know how the hell they even knew to use to the word SEX...Did that come from Kelly too??? Kelly reported the incident immediately... So you think because of what happened she deserves to have her tenure taken away??? Does anyone care that the necessary agencies investigate and found her not at fault but then Brenda STILL proceeded. No one has said that rules don't need to be followed or discipline shouldn't take place... But it's the extent of it that has me upset. Should Matt Mazzoni be let go while they investigate why he filed a police report with false information??? No, all of that is ok....Let's just hang Kelly, a dedicated teacher for over 16 years....It amazes me that people can be so ready to persecute people like that.....

Anonymous said...

If reference to the 93%...93% of the MTEA voted they did not have confidence in Marro. Marro's response (published in the AC Press) was that this was just a small percentage...just so you are aware. It's nice yo know most people are aware 93% is a should let the superintendent know!

Marcy Kurz said...

Reading this site has got me fired up! Come on people! Where is compassion? Where is common sense?? If you think what Brenda and the BOE has done to Kelly is fair, then I hope you never serve on a Jury Trial...What will you do, sentence a thief to death?? Brenda supporters are calling Kelly supporters bullys and there's name calling such as DIRTY ADULTS....but that's ok though. Mr. Mazzoni can file a false report (this is a FACT that has been substantiated by the BOE) but that's ok that he did that! Kelly makes a human error and right away it's kick her to the curb....Forget all the years she has dedicated to the school, community, our children.....TAKE HER TENURE???? Im sorry but yes, I can say that I do not understand how anyone can be ok with that!!! Has anyone put themselves in her shoes for just a few minutes???? Hey what if that was me in the classroom, there was a lot going on, no aid in the classroom, which that in itself is a crime....One person to 25 kids that are just learning how to follow directions...then you have a kid with a history of this behavior....So one is in the bathroom and the other slips in for a minute or so....As soon as she found out she reported it!!! Took all the necessary steps that were required of her....And this is what happens to her? People out there really think this is justified??? Im dumbfounded over that... But Kelly supporters are being labeled as Bullies??? I had a child almost drown in my pool with TONS of moms and dads supervising all of them! Did my husband and I deserve to be jailed over that? Maybe take our children away? Were charges pressed against that childs own parents?? NOOOO, why?? Because things happen.... The people that are ok with the persecution of Kelly I hope are perfect people themselves...Don't go and make a mistake...You need to live up to all of your super human expectations..
I don't know...I don't know why I bother to even post...It's sad what has happened to our school and community. All I know is that it was not necessary for it to go this far....This did not have to happen....And now we will all pay for it.. And it's not because of Kelly, it's because of Brenda.

Anonymous said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

Question to the Mullica Lynch Mob. Had Ms. Marro been the long term Mullica resident, with ties to the Rec, etc., and Ms. Mascio been the "outsider", would you feel the same? Would you then have attacked Ms. Mascio instead? Something tells me you would have. When Maryann Wyld, 40 year resident, with ties to this community, spoke FOR Ms. Marro and stated she did not want Kelly to lose her job either and how upsetting it all was and tried to clear up inconsistencies in the rumor mill, you turned on YOUR OWN. To the lynch mob or crazed villagers, since when is stating your opinion so wrong? Is this the "Mulilica Style" you all pride yourselves on?

For Marcy Kurz, had that child drowned, you would have had to have the police there and probably would have been sued by the parents, friend or no friend. Home situations versus trusting your child is in good hands while at school are two different things. It wasn't a minute or so in that bathroom. Odd, the story changes depending on who is closest to Kelly and it has been stated by it was over 5 minutes they were in that bathroom. I get it, Kelly is friends with the Kurz family. Marcy, if this happened to one of your children with a teacher who was not from Mullica and who you didn't know, would you have idly sat by and just let things go? I don't think so.

The villagers should put down their torches and let the lawyers figure this all out. I also think maybe Ms. Mascio should speak out to maybe END all this animosity, try to heal the community, but she won't. Lots of attention, a fundraiser, do I smell a possible lawsuit against the school in the air? Not asking her to say anything about the case, but call an END TO THE NASTINESS. i won't be holding my breath on that one.

Anonymous said...

To the MTEA member belittling Brenda Marro for her University of Phoenix degree, where did you go to school? Do you have just a Bachelor's degree? It is an accredited school, is it not? She does have her doctorates degree, does she not? Was her entire college education online, I doubt that. I am sure other teachers, due to time constraints, have also taken online classes. You do have to complete the course work in order to get the degree. Shame on you for being so small minded and vicious. When she was middle school principal, did you balk about where she got her degree from then? Nope.

Anonymous said...

"Well said" to the person who left that comment at 12:33. Sure, after the third time. People only have compassion and common sense if they're for Kelly. If you think the BOE and Ms. Marro is right, then you're wrong and can't control car keying, etc.

Marcy, you are right, no one is perfect and yes, you should stand up for what you believe in, good things to teach your children, as long as it's what you feel is the right thing. Hypocrisy, total hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Obviously no one is reading Maryann's letter correctly. I didn't read a single sentence that included politics or bashing. I read someone giving their side of the truth and what the true facts are. Read the letter AGAIN and get it straight before you comment about it.

Anonymous said...

The amount of erroneous information contained within the postings on this site is astounding, and stated with such certainty. The fact that someone posted that the contract for the CEO of the school district expires in March when the school year ends in June didn't make anyone hesitate, just a little and consider the claim may not be true?

If you are truly interested in learning the facts, go straight to the source. Ask for the contract; it's a public document.

The Superintendent's contract did not renew in March, nor did the Board approve an extension in March. The current contract period is September 1, 2010 through June 30, 2014. The renewal-nonrenewal article in the contract states ..."Contract shall automatically renew for a term of three (3) school years commencing on July 1, 2014 and expiring July 1, 2017, unless either of the following occur: A. the Board by contract reappoints the Superintendent for a different term allowable by law; B. the Board notified the Superintendent in writing, on or before February 1, 2014 (150 days prior to July 1 2014) {another section of the contract references 105 days} that she will not be reappointed at the end of the current term, in which case her employment shall cease upon the expiration of this Contract; ..."

Regardless of what the BOE decided or did not decide in 2013, the notification requirements in the contract were not met, thus the contract will be extended. For how long is up the BOE and the solicitor; at what salary is up to the BOE.

There is an early termination clause that essentially states the Superintendent is entitled to 3 months salary x the number of years remaining in the contract or the remaining salary due for the full completion for the contact, minus any other compensation (e.g. if the Superintendent finds another job, that income would be deducted from what is owed her from the Mullica School District.)

Contact the member of the BOE; they are your friends, neighbors and colleagues. But most importantly, they are your elected officials and need to be responsive to the public. Constructive dialogue is the answer, substantiated by facts and well-reasoned, informed opinions.

Anonymous said...

9:21 am
Your explanation of the contract was enlightening. It showed that Marro left Mascio in a suspended state for 4 months until she was sure her contract would automatically renew on February 1st, She wrote out the Tenure Charges on January 30,2014.
Seems perfectly timed for Marro's protection if there was a backlash against her.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone find it odd that some of the very people who think the people that support Kelly Mascio are wrong are calling them bullies, lacking principles, etc? Respect and courtesy are a two way street!

I personally believe that while she was reportedly cleared in an investigation, there could be administrative action taken against the teacher. But this has gotten out of hand. It seems just as extreme to try to fire Ms Mascio as it seems to fire Ms Marro. One maybe didn't handle her classroom properly, but so it seems the other isn't handling her job very well either.

As for person who commented at 7:42(I think), while it seems that Ms Wyld is speaking as a friend and was not making the situation political, your comments explain why some others were.

Anonymous said...

My comments have nothing to do with any contracts or politics,the BOE, bullies or who said what about who. My comments have to do with my child who was once a student of Mrs. Mascio. Too many times the first thing my child would say coming off the bus was "Wow! She was really screaming today. I mean really screaming." While doing homework my child once pounded the table and stated "This table doesn't make as much noise as Mrs. Mascio's desk. Scared the heck out of me." I then found out that this was in response to another student asking her a question. My child once told me that Mrs. Mascio's behavior of rolling her eyes, pounding her desk and being sarcastic when students didn't understand the lesson discouraged them from asking questions. All these letters and no one is talking about the students! If Mrs.Mascio continues to teach at Mullica I will ask that she never teaches my child again. There are many parents who feel the same way. She did not set up an environment that was good for learning. I often wonder if her termination is not only because of the September incident but also because of her teaching methods in class.

Marcy Kurz said...

Dear Anonymous, Mrs. Mascio did do her job and that is what is so frustrating to me. An incident happened in her classroom and she immediately reported it. Things happen all the time in classrooms....Are you a teacher? What do you know about keeping an eye on 25 kids at once? Since your obviously so perfect, I assume if you were in Kelly's shoes you would just happily have your career STRIPPED from you....What was done to Mrs. Mascio was no "punishment"...Which I don't even know who would use that term as an adult. You don't get punished at your job. The disciplinary action that was taken against Mrs. Mascio does not fit the situation. It was HARSE, and OVER THE TOP. There is no need to strip a teacher of her career after all her years of service and dedication. You people act like she molested the children for crying out loud!!! As for raising money for the parents of the children...I don't mean this in a negative way to the parents, but why the hell would I raise money for some adult to learn how to parent their own child??? Again, did Mrs. Mascio teach them about sex? NO!!! So why would we feel responsible to pay for their counseling???? Raising money for the Mascio family is because this teacher has now been unfairly stripped of her paycheck. She has a family to take care of. Are you upset because maybe if this happened to you you would not receive half the support that she has???

Marcy Kurz said...

That's just ridiculous that you actually think 93% of the staff was pushed into voting what they did. No wonder all these posts are Anonymous....Barb Rheault is no more at fault for cars being keyed that Brenda is for Support Kelly signs being stolen all around town. Am I correct??? Bullying? I've read posts on here calling Kelly Supporters Dirty Adults! And LIARS... Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. Work togegher??? Nice suggestion. Would have been nice if that technique had been applied since day ONE, by BRENDA. Instead, if was off with Mrs. Mascios head! False police reports being filed...But all that is acceptable! So sorry that Brenda has finally met her match with our community. You can bully those who choose to be bullied. This community will not.

Marcy Kurz said...

Really??? State your facts....Back up what you post Anoymous! State Barbara Rheault's lies! Im sure you can't!!!! How dare you slander her as a person. She is another amazing woman and teacher. Do you even know her? Have you any children taught by her? SHE is the one ruining two careers??? That's just the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard so far!!!!

Marcy Kurz said...

Why is it ok for Brenda supports to call Kelly Supports a disgrace but it's not ok for us to do it??? Belittle people, Kelly Supports are being called on this site Dirty ADULTS, LIARS, private property trespassed on and property stolen.

Jaime Cirillo said...

I'd also like to add, the petition clearly stated at the top what it was for. At no time was anyone pressured to sign or signed it just as a way to escape the dump. I was there both days. Both days at one point people had their windows down with their arms out patiently waiting for their turn to sign. My people knew what they were signing. Some were even eager to share their own stories of being displeased with the superintendent. Yes, some said they just didn't know enough to sign, and we told them to have a nice day- some asked for more info and signed and some asked for more info and declined to sign. One man and one man only actually yelled at me - he went on to ask me if I knew about the deal Kelly was offered and how she declined the boards offer. I'm wondering how anyone would know such confidential information. It's not coming from Kelly. She has remained throughout and since it happened silenced. Her closest friends were unaware for the longest time what was going on. I'm guessing the angry man at the dump has a connection to the boe. Who else would know what Kelly was offered and how she responded.
Please don't assume anyone was bullied into signing that petition. A bully is someone who causes fear or intimidation. People expressed fear over signing it because they had small children in the district and if our voices weren't heard - they feared retaliation from Brenda that their children would be targeted and picked on. So now if the boe is calling people and putting them on the spot and asking why they signed it and they have kids in the district and will have to face Brenda and the board for three more years- maybe they're saying "oh we didn't know" out of fear. So now who is the real bully.
And one more thing- I keep seeing comments such as "oh well you don't know all the facts- there's more to the story- there's three sides....." I'm wondering where I can find the rest of the story. I read all 15 pages of the tenure charges. I read all the minutes from boe meetings from September on up. The investigation is over. The boe voted. It has made national headlines. So when do we learn the rest of the story that this select few knows? If there's more- why didn't it come out.
Jaime Cirillo

Anonymous said...

Why can't Middleton be VP? Why fire a wonderful administrator? It's a shame to lose her!

Anonymous said...

Back to the original post. Brenda called her "staff meeting" to further demoralize them. Any staff from the Goldberg days may leave or retire. She decides who stays and who goes. She used the meeting to announce that she is RIFing the 2 people she did NOT choose last year, recall that the BOE chose mrs Middleton. Mrs Middleton is told to leave after 1 year as Principal. She may or may not find another job. What did she do wrong that she is being left go?
Did she give the police the false report? No, wait, that was Matt Mazzoni. But he does her bidding. Kelly was treated more harshly after being deliberately moved to kindergarten in the first place? She is removing teachers, test scores are dropping, goodbye Gifted program, but BOE members do nothing, they let her RIF people they hired just one year ago. Mullica is dropping like a stone and the BOE retains the leader who is destroying the school and the community.

Anonymous said...

@ Marcy Kurz. So what TKO said is okay?Its a no wonder people on both sides are acting like... you got it.. dirty adults... I don't see why this has you so bent. This is for everyone... grow up. Stop being so hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

The same year Maryanne Wyld retired they hired her neice. Polotics? Now she is defending Dr. Marro here. Not a surprise when she got the superintendent to hire her family member!

Anonymous said...

@4:01 you need to check out the school and see how many people are realated there. You would be surprised. Tell me. What does that have anything to do with this. Nothing that I see. You shouldnt drag people into this who are completely innocent (Maryann's niece.). We could talk about how Kelly's sister in law works as a teacher at the school... so please save it.

Anonymous said...

Hey 4:01PM! Let's point this out since you want to point out that Maryann's niece works there and has oh so much to do with "politics" and her support for Brenda... Kelly's father and sister both work at the school, Barbara has a relative that also works at the school. There are MULTIPLE people who have relatives that work at that school. Do I need to go on, 4:01? Or should I continue? It is people like you who make very invalid point.