Saturday, February 08, 2014

What Bill ??

During his radio talk show, Governor Christie seemed unaware that he had signed a bill granting the new Rowan - Rutgers board the power of eminent domain.

 “Given the fact that we were talking about eminent domain and an unelected body taking private property from private citizens,” said Assemblyman  Jay Webber, “I thought we had better slow down and take a closer look at what authority we’re granting and why.”
Webber voted against the bill, a fairly rare occurrence among Republican lawmakers. “I didn’t know who or why the bill was being pushed, all I know is that it was being pushed fast and late,” he said.

The bill’s sponsor is Senate President Steve Sweeney, of South Jersey, whose close political ally is George Norcross, the South Jersey political power broker and friend of Christie, who’s also chairman of Cooper University Hospital in Camden, which would potentially benefit from the new law when the new board tries to expand facilities.

See video of Christie denying any knowledge of Senate Bill 3127 which he signed in January.

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