Friday, February 07, 2014

"Sandy Bill of Rights"

On Wednesday, a report from the non-profit advocacy group Fair Share showed thousands of homeowners were erroneously rejected for Hurricane Sandy aid money.  80% of those rejections were reversed upon appeal but 3,700 people never appealed the decision.  The deadline to file appeals has since passed.

The report prompted calls from several politicians statewide for a review of the applications even as a so called "Sandy Bill of Rights" works it way through the legislature.

The contractor who oversaw the Sandy Aid process, Hammerman & Gainer INC or HGI was fired by the state in December.  The $68 million contract was terminated two years before it was set to expire.
It has been reported from other sources that HGI was paid $10 million upon early termination.

In a Press of Atlantic City editorial board meeting Thursday, state Senate President Stephen Sweeney criticized the state's handling of Sandy recovery. He also touted his recently introduced Sandy Bill of Rights legislation, which would establish minimal standards for hurricane recovery, such as fair access to benefits and the ability to know why an application was rejected.

Of HGI, he said, “This company completely screwed up the recovery.” While Christie was successful at securing federal aid, Sweeney said the administration of that aid was deeply flawed.

“It’s a year and a half later, and people are no further along,” he said

Entire article at

Politicians speak out on the problem

Rejected applicants can appeal -deadline extended

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