Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Fox News Video

Interviews at the Mullica School

  Strangely, the video linked above has been removed and substituted with a short article at a new link
From above link
Superintendent Brenda Harring-Marro is hopeful that the matter will be resolved within days.

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Anonymous said...

Lets please show up at the school board meeting in force and show the school board what unity is. Let us also remind them that teachers were begging to teach here now they're begging to leave. Wouldn't it be nice to have Mr. Goldberg back. Every thing was fine now we come in and change all the teachers around to teach different subjects just to show them who's in charge. Thankfully my son graduates this year. I feel sorry for all the future parents and students. For all the teachers that our son has had we thank you. We will be there Wedsday to show our support.

Anonymous said...

Your post and another one under "Tenure Charges...." shed bright light on what's going on in my opinion.

All the testing done lately is to evaluate the teachers, not the students.
Will an experienced science teacher do as well teaching history?
Will an excellent math teacher be able to pull high marks in a subject not taught before?
Can a top computer teacher adjust and be happy trying to teach science?
Can teachers used to dealing with older kids take the stress of a young age group?
Can teachers who love the little ones handle the pre-teens?
All of this movement was done right before teacher evaluation tests that could bring tenure issues into the picture.
A plan that might show lower scores than if things were left in place.A plan that predicts failure.

The other post lamented how close the teachers, parents and children used to be.
A majority of the teachers used to live in Mullica.It seems that the new trend is to bring in people from the outside with no personal connection to the town or the people.
New teachers whose only loyalty would be to the Superintendent and their paychecks.
I can't think of any other reason why such drastic, disastrous changes were made at this time.