Sunday, January 19, 2014

Chertoff To Represent Samson

A source close to the unfolding legislative probe of the players alleged to be involved in the GWB scandal told Politicker NJ that David Samson, Chair of the Port Authority Commission, has hired Michael Chertoff to serve as his attorney.

Samson received  subpoena earlier this week in connection with his role in the scandal.

Founder and Chairman of the Chertoff Group, Chertoff previously served as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and is a former US Attorney for the District of N.J., First Assistant US Attorney for the District of N.J. and Assistant US Attorney for the Southern District of N.Y.

From 2003 to 2005, Chertoff served on the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.  Before becoming a federal judge, Mr. Chertoff was the Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division of the US Department of Justice, and oversaw the investigation of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  He also formed the Enron Task Force, which produced more than 20 convictions, including those of CEO's Jeffery Skilling and Kenneth Lay

Samson was also the attorney for the BL England Power Plant that would have received gas from the controversial 22-mile pipeline through the Pinelands that was extraordinarily pushed by the Christie Administration.  Samson worked on Christie's gubernatorial campaign, served as Chairman of his Transition Committee and was direct supervisor of Bill Baroni, the Port Authority's Deputy Executive Director, who resigned in December for his role in the unfolding scandal over the politically-motivated lane closures on the GWB.

Though Samson's full involvement in the scandal is unknown, he sent official emails criticizing the Port Authority Executive Director's decision to reopen the closed lanes on the GWB.

Samson was also present with Christie, Baroni and David Wildstein on September 11, 2013, the third day of the lane closures.  Wildstein stepped down from his Port Authority post in December after it became known he was a major part of the bridge scandal.
Read article and see Samson's photo at

Samson is a founding partner of the law firm representing the Rockefeller Group, the New York City developer seeking to build commercial space in Hoboken.


Anonymous said...

Both sides are getting the best of the best. This is going to be a historic case that's going to cost a fortune. I'm sure all the crooks will find a way to hand the taxpayers the bill.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to think. Either Christie is a loud mouth bully who will use intimidation and even illegal means to get his way and can not stand any opposition
or he is a totally out-of-the-loop dummy front man for a corrupt inner administration.
Either way, at this point I think he's lost credibility to be governor and a presidential nomination is totally out of the question.

Anonymous said...

Christie had no problem handing the taxpayers a 24 million dollar bill for the special Senate primary and election. All wasted money because he didn't want Booker on the same ballot with him. He was soooo afraid that more dems would come out to vote. That proved to me that Christie didn't care one bit about saving money for the taxpayers. He's all for himself and his crooked cronies.
I hope all the public officials who were intimidated by this administration come forward and tell their stories.
People need to be put in jail and kicked out of office.

Anonymous said...

To have 4 former Governors of N.J.go against a sitting governor is unprecedented. They knew something was very wrong with the pipeline proposal and did not let party lines prevent them from stating their opposition.
I hope all the pipeline intimidation gets investigated and Samson's business connections are thoroughly looked into.