Monday, December 16, 2013

Mullica Is In "Sticky Situation"

Mayor Jim Brown is hoping that residents of Mullica will pay their tax bills this month. If not, it may mean a higher local tax rate increase next year than should be necessary.

On top of other falling revenues and costs associated with a county ordered revaluation, which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, next year could be a challenge.
The last time Mullica was revalued was 1995 and the township is now at 59% of true value.

Lagging tax receipts put less money in a surplus account, which is used to help soften tax increases in the new budget.

At the end of 2012, the township had about $1.25 million in surplus and used about $850,000 of that toward the $5.52 million 2013 budget.
"We now have about $800,000 in surplus, about $250,000 less than at the end of 2012,"Brown said.

Even if all surplus funds were used for the 2014 budget, it would leave the township with $50,000 to make up through taxes, on top of other cost increases and revenue short falls.

The court brought in less money than anticipated and the township still isn't sure how much Verizon will pay on taxes on its poles that run through the township, which have been valued at about $250,000 less than they were last year.

Last years local tax rate rose 2.7%

Entire article at


Anonymous said...

If the Dems got in and broke this news at the 2014 budget meeting, they would have been tarred and feathered and run out of town.
Three years of the Brown Administration has eaten up all our surplus,"given away" our Township property,raised our taxes,rezoned our forest area for development,thinks sewers are a good idea and that chickens are pasture animals.
Brown and Riffle ran with the promise of keeping taxes low with knowledge that we were in for a monster tax hike.
History shows that the Repubs in Mullica don't mine paying high tax increases as long as their "party" does the increasing.
To the people who can't afford to pay your tax bill now, you might as well pack and move out of town because tough times are really here now.

Anonymous said...

What did you expect? Two union carpenters and a food store worker who won't give a voice to an aerospace engineer and an educated school teacher. The repubs also turned away a financial expert and an attorney in the last election. The majority won. This is what they want. Party above all else. Straight line vote is all that matters.

Anonymous said...

The Dem candidates should be congratulated. They don't have to deal with this mess or be blamed for it.

Anonymous said...

There is no way they can raise taxes to cover the revaluation and the loss of revenue and the pay raises. they will probably take another loan out.
Don't forget that the township pays out for lawsuits,not the JIF.
I don't think we've heard the last of the fatal accident involving our Mullica patrol car.

Anonymous said...

They recently refinanced $840,000 worth of notes and took a bond out for $95,000 for mold treatment,dug a $20,000 well, bought a $44,000 tractor, gave police promotions,gave away a police vehicle and got a new interceptor,gave raises for the current contracts,sold OUR land cheaply or gave it away through street vacations,etc.,etc.,etc.,.
Jim Brown is angry that you're not paying your taxes on time. If people can't pay them now,how the heck will they make the higher 2014 payments to support growing debt.

Anonymous said...

The fact is that if people can't pay their taxes, they go up for a tax sale and the town will get the money from someone else. Block and Lot number are permanent,property occupiers are transitory.
That's why the local election is so important. It can affect your life so much more than national politics.

Anonymous said...

I guess this was not known before the election, yea right. This is what happens when a bunch of drunks run the township

moderator said...

Disclaimer- The Gadfly does not know the drinking habits of ALL the Committee members.

Anonymous said...

RE 7:34pm
To me it looks like a stone cold sober move to use the surplus money to keep the 2013 election year taxes artificially low. Now we will have to make up for 2013 plus the new expenses for 2014.
Win-win situation
Win and the tax payers are blamed for being slow,reduction of income,revaluation,rises in expenses,etc.
Lose and you leave the Dems to take the blame for a gigantic tax hike. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Brown told us while campaigning the first time when he was doorknocking he'd keep the town rural and LOWER taxes. He's not only raised them but drained the surplus. His rare interview with the Press has him blaming everyone else for the mess we're in and never ever mentions any plans to reduce the spending. Obviously he has no plan but tax and spend.

Anonymous said...

It's alright to call them drunks but not clowns and idiots. I think censorship is alive and well on Gadfly

Ernest A. Aponte said...

There is something we can do; Brown and Rifle can be held accountable! This next year instead of voting the Republican Party line candidate here in Mullica, vote for the Democratic candidate. It will take the majority from them and watch them squirm. Mayor Brown's ego won't allow him to be in the minority or even less for him not to be the mayor again and again. I told you they were going to do this when I was knocking on your doors. I've also heard that there appears to be some major housing developments planned for us here in Mullica. Watch and see!!! I am keeping my options open I believe in the good people of Mullica and will consider another run in 2014. It may cost me my marriage however because my dear wife saw how hard I took the lose this year.