Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Mullica Election Results 2013

Congratulations to the incumbents Mayor Jim Brown and Deputy Mayor Larry Riffle

Unofficial   Results                                                                
Brown       - 930 - 27.33%                                
Riffle         - 899 - 26.42%                                
Aponte      - 789 - 23.19%                                   
St Amour  - 785 - 23.07%                             
Total         - 3403

There were 199 under votes in this election


In response to anonymous poster 9:48pm, 11/16/13, the following post was written:


Ernest A. Aponte said...

I respect our system of democracy. The other side got out their vote better than we did. I believe we worked harder than them, and had a better message, but in the end they had the numbers. Stay vigilent, hold them accountable! Do not let them over develop our community with the implementation of water and sewer which will bring more housing and result in negative ratables.

I as always will remain vigilent as well and continue to speak up for what I believe.


Ernest A. Aponte

Anonymous said...

I'm very surprised that there were 199 under votes for the Township Committee. It's good to know that there are that many people in town who feel the same way as I do. I could not show support for my party this year.

Anonymous said...

I bet the booze was flowing last night

Ernest A. Aponte said...

I don't know how you count but the 199 undervotes were for ALL ballot spots not just the Township Committee. If you take into account that there were three ballot questions and three positions for local school board that were uncontested, perhaps the 199 undervotes make sense. If somehow it makes you feel better however to believe that 199voters were so upset with their "party" as to undervote then your entitled to your belief.

Anonymous said...

To 8:43 am -

Mr. Aponte, each race had their own undercount vote on the Atlantic County Election result site. There were TWO public questions that reflect the state wide undervote and the BOE of Mullica Twp. had their own staggering amount of undervotes.
It is my understanding that the people who voted in Mullica did not vote for one or two of the committee candidates and that resulted in 199 undervotes for that race.
I did not support my party because I consider it to be a one man puppet show. I thought you would make a good addition to the committee and bring discussions and a different point of view which is good for the community.
I see I was mistaken. The puppet show would just have turned into a comedy extravaganza.
You are also entitled to your beliefs,too but I think you should have a discussion with your Municipal Chair person.

Ernest A Aponte said...

Dear anonymous you are right, there were two, not three questions. It was not clear how these undervotes are calculated to me. What it does show is that people are mad at politicians, and they are right to feel that way since we often disappoint when we are elected. I doubt based upon the angry nature of your post that you ever thought anything nice about me. You are entitled to your beliefs. The election is over, time to move on and help those in office understand that they need to do what is right for the community without name calling and nasty innuendo.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure which machine Mr. Aponte voted in, but my machine and sample ballot had TWO questions, not three. The comment that 5:44 PM left was not a "belief", but an accuracy as to the undercount vote. Mr. Aponte, perhaps instead of being so defensive, you should fact check before commenting, you are an attorney, are you not?

Ernest A. Aponte said...

Does being an attorney make me superhuman or infallable? I made a mistake when I said three questions instead of two. I am not defensive, I know what horse poop smells like when I smell it and you've been shoveling a great deal at me here and wanting me to think you are actually throwing flowers my way.

Ernest A. Aponte said...

Instead of going round and round with me on undervotes, why don't you call out the elected leaders in "your party" and ask them what they intend to do about water and sewer in our community and the ever increasing taxes that are burdening us? They lied about taxes going down, but were honest that they do intend to bring water and sewer to our town; which will mean more housing density and negative ratables. Quite frankly the issue of undervotes is a dumb one so I don't care one way or another. I care about the qaulity of life for me and the rest of our community in Mullica thats why I ran. Point blank!

Ernest A. Aponte said...

Oh I misspelled quality, being an attorney I should better spell check!

Anonymous said...

It appears that the only one with a shovel here is you, Mr. Aponte. You're digging yourself a big,deep one

Anonymous said...

The undervotes aren't a "dumb issue". It is telling those who ran that 199 votes were not cast for the committee race, but they voted in other races. It tells you that some people either voted for one or none of the committee candidates. Why? The people of Mullica did not like their choices.

Ernest A. Aponte said...

Ok ok we suck we lost. Undervotes matter in your universe cause we suck I get it. You need a hobby.

Ernest A. Aponte said...

Did you invest almost $4000 go out and knock on doors to meet with people? I know what I stand for I know what I've done. I don't sit around talking shit in anonymity so when you're ready to go out and do something instead of call people names and talk about stupid issues let me know

Anonymous said...

Mr. Aponte, you started the entire line of comments and started getting responses because of erroneous statements you made. No one called you any names and, as someone who wanted to represent our community, you shouldn't state any issue is stupid.

Anonymous said...

Ernie, the Press reported that you received 847 votes.Almost half of the town voted for you. You ran a good race. The Republican party had obvious under votes. You beat your running mate and got more votes then in the last election when St Amour and Graebener ran.
Don't take this stuff so personal.In Politics,the odds are that 50% of the people will disagree with you 100% of the time.
Half of the town agrees with your views and support you.You have to get more Dems registered for next year's race.

Moderator said...

This post came in at 5:52 pm.
It was rewritten with one word eliminated.
Anonymous said...

Ernie, the 2:42 post was correct in what they said. Don't take it too personal. You ran a clean race and I gained a lot of respect for you. Next time you might have to pound the pavement a little more to get your name out there. I know it's hard to stay in a positive frame of mine but you can't let those 2 that got in keep thinking what they are trying to do is right for Mullica. Good Luck next time.

Posters, please control the name calling because there is no edit ability on comments. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Man , I didn't even curse and I got edited. I forgot again that this site is now rated PG. Larry is rolling in his grave

Moderator said...

To the 9:13 pm poster

Your opinions, observations and ideas are welcome and invited here and will be published anonymously or signed if you wish.
The past moderators have been criticized for allowing anonymous name calling and personal attacks against other people.

The Gadfly will post any comment that contains these things if it is sent in a verifiable Email to Gadfly01.blogspot@gmail.com and the comment will be posted as coming from you.

If anyone feels that something needs to be investigated,their anonymity will be protected and the Gadfly will try to get answers. If crimes are involved, the anonymous tips will be given to the proper authorities.

I'm sure a lot of people think this new version of The Gadfly is boring compared to Larry's style and those after him but it's better than nothing for the people of Mullica.

Larry was cremated and his ashes will always be blowing though the wind in Mullica. There are many people, like you, who will never forget him and his blog, about Mullica from 2003 to 2008, which is preserved here.

I'm sorry you think the blog is rated Parental Guidance, I was aiming for a General rating,excluding the archives.

Ernest A. Aponte. said...

I admitted I was wrong on the post. If calling someone puppets and clowns is not name calling then I guess I'm wrong again. I took the lose very hard because I know that bad things and cimg from the current administration. They now feel totally empowered and we will have a brown dictatorship. I'm a passionate man who loves our community and deeply, deeply believes in doing what is right.

Moderator said...

Mr. Aponte, After reviewing your last post, I concede that the anonymous name calling of groups is just as offensive as that of individuals. Anonymous posts of this nature will not be published in the future.
Although, saying we will have a Brown dictatorship might be considered offensive name calling, you owned it, so it will be allowed.
A new terms of use statement will be worked on.
Thank you for your input.

Anonymous said...

since you mentioned the archives, is there any possibilty of getting them removed from the interenet? i know most of the haters out there believe the garbage that was written, but there is a lot of hurtful nasty stuff in those archives. I cant believe that some of the people involved havent asked you before this to take some of the most horrendous down. I did notice that alot of comments are gone, which is nice. Thank you Lou.

Moderator said...

At this time,I can only go back to when I started, January 27,2013. I met Larry for the first time in July 2007 and then learned about his blog.
Yes, Larry was an outrageous name caller but he did shine the light on many things going on in town.

Most of the "haters" are the people Larry called out. It is my understanding that he was taken to court at one time and was told basically by the Judge that he was allowed to have his opinions and there was no case since his articles were based on truth.

Anonymous said...

Just a small correction, the judge allowed the comment s to stand because the people he wrote about were public figures. The judge ruled that there was a broader base of proof on slander and libel if you were an elected official . I imagine that these one or two term small town politicians should be punished into eternity for not having the same political views as Mr. Angel. For example, the Auto insurance queen. And the quisling bigot, I believe she is still an employee of our town. I expect that if they wanted to , perhaps they could look into the legal aspects of prompting the new moderator to remove the nasty stuff. You have to agree, it goes well beyond name calling , and it's just not a few people. My goodness, Mr. Aponte would not have lasted a day under the malicious scrutiny of Larry Angel . A thicker skin will be needed mr. Aponte if you decide to make another go at politics in the future . Thanks for listening Lou.

Moderator said...

Mr. Aponte did last more than a day under the "malicious scrutiny" of Larry Angel. He ran for office while Angel was actively writing his blog. Angel was quite mild compared to the malicious posts by those who tried to discredit Aponte.

The SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation)action lawsuit that was dismissed was just another attempt to silence this open forum and the public exposure of wrong doing.

I suppose that anyone could pursue legal action and drag up the sordid history of Mullica's past Administrations so everybody could read about it in the Press again.
The result from the courts would be the same - dismissed.

Be happy that the Blog has taken a voluntary step toward civility. Believe me, the current Administration wouldn't want you to birth the new 2013 version of Angel.

See the Press's view of the lawsuit printed on the main page. 11/17/13

Moderator said...

To Anonymous poster on 11/20/13
You are correct that this website and taking public officials to court was Larry Angel's life. He believed that public officials should be open ,honest and law abiding citizens who serve the people.
Your concerns can be emailed to Gadfly01.blogspot@gmail.com for further discussion.