Sunday, November 17, 2013

2005 Press Editorial

The following editorial from the Press of Atlantic City is dated from Sunday, April 3, 2005
It is printed here in a response to anonymous poster 9:48 pm, 11/16/13 on Gadfly Post :

                                                        Mullica's Larry Angel

                                                           The Right Ruling

"Larry Angel is more than a common gadfly.  He is a virtual killer bee, stinging Mullica Township's Officials with venomous criticism that often crosses the line of taste and civility.

But a judge last week ruled that what he posts on his web log about public officials is protected speech.  And - although we have some sympathy for the public officials tired of being called 'The Mullah','The Bag Lady', and 'The Quisling Bigot' among others - the decision was a win for the public.

Gadflys can be a pain.  But they play a vital role in our democracy.  They are the eyes and ears of the more apathetic majority, and while they may often be off base, they stir the waters and can bring legitimate issues to the surface.

Linwood attorney Paul D'amato, noting the First Amendment gives 'incredible protections', questioned whether those protections were excessive in the case of public officials.

'I seriously wonder whether the framers of the Constitution and Bill of Rights contemplated that in the year 2005, the (First Amendment) would provide protection for some of the statements Larry Angel made,' D'Amato said.

Odd, unpopular and sometimes even offensive speech about public officials are probably just what the framers had in mind.  The marketplace of ideas includes ideas that are good, bad and downright wacko.  The public need to hear it all to form opinions and make choices in a democracy.

And there are good reasons why public officials have greater legal hurdles to prove they have been slandered or libeled.  The Supreme Court has tried to ensure there is no chilling of public discussion about public people and public issues.

When you enter public office on any level, you have to have an acceptance for open debate, even debate that lacks civility.

Moreover, Mullica's Officials shouldn't take it so hard.  Angel has been blasting Democrats and Republicans for years.  People can figure out for themselves the value and legitimacy of Angel's Web logs.  And public officials can log a few well-chosen epithets back if they choose.

Welcome to the marketplace".

I suggest that poster 9:48 pm needs to develop the "thicker skin".


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