Saturday, September 14, 2013

Mullica Committee Minutes 8/27/13

The August 27,2013 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved at the September 10th meeting.
The following items are excerpts from those minutes:

First Reading: Ordinance #9-2013 / Bond Ordinance / Installation of Fire Well:
An Ordinance Appropriating $20,000 from the Capital Fund for the Installation of a Fire Well for the Township of Mullica, County of Atlantic, State of New Jersey

Mayor entertained a motion to approve and set a hearing date for September 10th, 7pm; so moved by Ms. Rheault seconded by Mr. Gabris.  RVC: yeas: Mr. Gabris, Mr. Hagaman, Ms. Rheault, Mayor Brown 

Old Business:  Mr. Gabris clarified his position regarding his comments to Mr. Piper in reply to his violation regarding chickens.  Mr. Gabris stated after reviewing the Township Ordinances, his opinion is that Mr. Piper does not need to go before the Planning Board for a variance, because the section cited, Pastoral Animals, does not apply to chickens.  Mr. Manos stated under a literal reading, a requirement for chickens is two acres; however, the Board may determine that twelve chickens could be allowed for his lot size, noting 50 chickens' equal one animal unit.  Mr. Gabris  stated the intent was to not have a large amount of chickens on small lots.  Committee briefly discussed the possibility of reviewing the Ordinance and noted at this time the complaint that was made regarding this issue is on hold.  Mayor Brown opened to the public.

Ms. Joy Ramer questioned the complaint being on hold and questioned the rights of the neighbor.  Mayor stated he needs to review the actual complaint and correspondence.  Ms. Rheault wished everyone could be good neighbors.

Public Discussion:  Mr. Francis Paulsgraf asked the location of the fire well.  Mayor stated it will be behind town hall where the current well is located.

Mayor Brown thanked Leo Manos for his service with Mullica, noting this is the last meeting with us, and wished him luck in his new venture as a business owner with his own firm.
( Note - Leo Manos was the Mullica Township Solicitor from the Nehmad Law Firm)

Read entire minutes at link:


Anonymous said...

Wow I never knew that 50 chickens equal "one animal unit". So the lawyer is saying that according to the ordinance, you can have 100 chickens on the 1st 2 acres and 50 chickens for each additional 1/2 acre. Three cows(units) or 150 chickens on 2 1/2 acres?
So the question seems to be are any chickens allowed on lots under 2 acres.

Anonymous said...

I'm floored that the town paid Petrosh $3093 for a few hours at National Night Out. That's ridiculous!