Monday, June 03, 2013

Primary Election

Tomorrow is the Primary Election and both parties have choices for you to make.

It is very rare for Mullica to have three Democrats running for two seats on the Mullica Township Committee.

Column B -  Ernest A. Aponte, B11, Atlantic County Regular Democrat, Inc
                  Michael H. St.Amour, B12, Atlantic County Regular Democrat, Inc
Column C -  Gilberto Matos, C11, Democrat

You are asked to vote for two of these men, who will go on to run in the General Election in November.

There is also a choice about who you would like to run for Governor
Column A - Troy Webster, A1, Democrats for Forward Progress
Column B - Barbara Buono, B1, Atlantic County Regular Democrat, Inc

The Republican Ballot shows choices for Governor, State Senate and Freeholder- at - Large
Vote for One
Column A - Chris Christie, A1, Atlantic County Regular Republican
Column B - Seth Grossman, B1, Restore Republican Principles

Vote for One
State Senate
Column A - Frank X. Balles, A2, Atlantic County Regular Republican
Column B - Marybeth Bennett, B2, Restore Republican Principles

Vote for One
Column A - William Pauls, A5, Atlantic County Regular Republican
Column C - Joe McDevitt, C5, Reagan Republican

All other office titles for both parties are uncontested.
You must be registered as a democrat or republican to vote in this election or declare yourself.
Polls are open from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm

Take a few minutes of your time and let your voice be heard.

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