Friday, May 17, 2013

Voice of the People- Karl Kruger

Coaching abuse common at the high school level

The events a Rutgers University shed light on the physical abuse of student -athletes by coaches.  However, a far more insidious and pervasive abuse is occurring at the high school level.

Children are routinely exposed to mental and emotional abuse by high school coaches who place winning and their records above the mental well-being of their players.  These coaches believe that the win -loss out come of their seasons is far more important than the process of participation, character development and safety.

When winning is the No.1 priority - in some cases the only priority - coaches do significant, long - term damage to young, impressionable children.

This damage manifests itself in many ways.  Some players lose their enthusiasm to play, quit the team or want to because they become demoralized.

Abusive coaches play head games with children, pitting one against the other.  They rarely use praise or positive feedback.  They are bullies who create an environment where children are afraid to make a mistake.

Abusive coaches run up scores, demonstrating poor sportsmanship and failing to develop their younger players by keeping starters in the game long after the outcome has already been decided.

Does this sound like your coach?  The problem is compounded when school leaders, tasked with overseeing these programs and protecting our children, are complicit with the abusive coach.  Their only measure of success is wins, and they ignorantly equate wins with good coaching.  The abuse is complete when parents are unwilling or unable to speak out to protect our children.

Abraham Lincoln once said, " To sin by silence when they should protest, makes cowards of men."
Are you willing to remain silent?

Mullica Township

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