Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Mullica Budget Passed

 The local tax rate will increase by 2.7% from $1.104 to $1.134 per $100 of valuation. A home assessed at $110,000 would see a local portion tax bill of $1,247 in 2013, up about $33 from last year.

The total tax rate, including county and school spending, would increase 4.3 percent.  An owner of a home assessed at about $110,000 will pay about $4,495 in 2013, which is $185 higher than 2012.
There was no comment from the public.
The two Resource Officers for the school will be paid $22.00 an hour and will work about 20 hours each.


Anonymous said...

The local portion is about $33 higher on a $110,000 house. That should make Barker, Scott and Gelfand happy.

Anonymous said...

???? Who the heck are Barker,Scott and Gelfand? Why would anybody be happy with a tax increase?

Anonymous said...

I looked up their website. They are special attorneys who handle trial cases involving police, fire, emergency services. elected officials,constitutional,civil rights, employment and discrimination issues. Mullica and the Mullica police are on their client list.

Anonymous said...

I heard rumors that there are multiple suits against the town

Anonymous said...

The rumors in this town turn out to be true most of the time. Let's hope it's not a mess like Galloway Twp. has going on. The fees for that group must be really high. No wonder the taxes went up.

Moderator said...

Some comfirming facts to the readers comments:

Barker,Scott and Gelfand were listed in the March 12th meeting minutes as being paid for the "Wild Matter".
(Bill lists for 2011 and 2012 cannot be found)

The minutes of the February 12, 2013 Budget Meeting reflect the CFO stating that (foreclosures) could be budgeted in 2014, noting we have too many outstanding legal issues(in 2013).
What the "legal issues" pertain to is not stated.