Friday, February 15, 2013

1/22/2013 Meeting Minutes

These minutes were approved and released at the 2/12/2013 Mullica Twp. Regular Committee Meeting and posted on the website

                                                             REGULAR MEETING
                                                              JANUARY 22, 2013
                                                                       7:00 P.M.

Mayor Brown called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.,read the following statement and led the flag salute.

Roll Call:
Committee Present: Anthony Gabris, Ed Hagaman, Barbara Rheault, Larry Riffle, Mayor Brown
Municipal Clerk: Kimberly Johnson
Solicitor: Elias Manos
CFO: Dawn Stollenwerk

Approval of Committee Minutes: Mayor entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the December 11,2012 meeting; so moved by Mr. Hagaman seconded by Mr. Gabris. RCV:Yeas: Mr. Gabris, Mr. Hagaman, Mayor Brown. Abstain: Ms. Rheault, Mr. Riffle.
Mayor entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2013 meeting with the correction to change carriage to Carrigan; so moved by Mr. Hagaman seconded by Ms.Rheault.
RCV: Yeas: Mr. Gabris, Mr. Hagaman, Ms. Rheault, Mr. Riffle, Mayor Brown.

Public Discussion Relating to Agenda Items:    None

Committee Reports:
Public Works:  Ms. Rheault reported the following: Remember to pick up your 2013 bulk permits in the Municipal Office Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.  The Transfer Station will be closed February 18,2013 in observance of Presidents Day.

Public Safety:  Mr. Riffle reported the following:  Municipal Court collected $26,222.50 for the month of November, 2012 and the municipality retained 11,724.80.  Town Watch January meeting will be held at the Sweetwater Fire House at 7:00 pm on January 24th.

Administration:  Mr. Gabris reported that Municipal Offices will be closed on February 18, 2013  in observance of Presidents Day.

Revenue & Finance:  Mayor Brown reported they have been working on the 2013 Municipal Budget.

Correspondence from the Pinelands Preservation Alliance requesting a Resolution of Support for Sustainable Preservation Funding.
Notification that the 20th Annual Pine Barrens Jeep Jamboree will be held March 21 -23

Old Business:
Certificate of Occupancy Discussion:  Mayor reported the Committee is reviewing changing the regulations regarding this and putting more of the responsibility on the buyer and seller instead of the municipality.  Mayor referenced a memo submitted by the Municipal Clerk noting most towns still require a full Certificate of Occupancy for rentals, but have limited the inspections for resales.
Mayor read the current responsibilities in compliance with Chapter 177-12. Maintenance Code Certificate and noted the guidelines for inspection which include, environmental, exterior, interior, sanitary, heating, lighting and ventilation.  Mayor requested volunteers to research and present a report to the Committee.  Mr. Gabris and Mr. Hagaman to review Ordinance.

Mayor Brown entertained setting a budget workshop meeting on February 12, 2013 at 6pm; so moved by Mr. Riffle seconded by Mr. Gabris.  RVC: Yeas: Mr Gabris, Mr. Hagaman, Ms. Rheault, Mr. Riffle, Mayor Brown.

New Business:
Resolution 32-2013/ Renew Trailer/Mobile Home Park License / Mullica Woods:  Mayor entertained a motion to renew; so moved by Mr. Hagaman seconded by Mr. Gabris.  RVC: Yeas: Mr. Gabris, Mr. Hagaman, Ms. Rheault, Mr. Riffle, Mayor Brown.

Resolution 35-2013/ Waiver Construction Fees / Elwood Fire Department:  Mayor entertained a motion to waive; so moved by Mr. Hagaman seconded by Mr. Gabris.  RVC: Yeas: Mr. Gabris, Mr. Hagaman, Ms Rheault, Mr. Riffle, Mayor Brown.

Resolution 36-2013/ Excess Tax Overpayments:  Mayor entertained a motion to apply and refund payments; so moved by Mr. Hagaman seconded by Mr. Riffle.  RVC: Yeas: Mr. Gabris, Mr. Hagaman, Ms. Rheault, Mr. Riffle, Mayor Brown.

Resolution 37-2013/ Approve Probationary Volunteer Fire Department Application / Nesco/ Brandon Westcoat:  Mayor entertained a motion a approve; so moved by Mr. Hagaman seconded by Mr. Gabris. RVC: Yeas: Mr. Gabris, Mr. Hagaman, Ms. Rheault, Mr. Riffle, Mayor Brown.

Resolution 38-2013/ Approve Probationary Volunteer Fire Department Application/ Nesco/ Daniel Westcoat: Mayor entertained a motion to approve; so moved by Mr. Hagaman seconded by Mr. Gabris. RVC: Yeas Mr. Gabris. Mr. Hagaman, Ms. Rheault, Mr. Riffle, Mayor Brown.

Public Discussion

Mr. Tom Blandy, Venice Avenue asked what the town was doing regarding submitting the required documents to FEMA for Storm Sandy.  Mayor stated Chief Thompson, Emergency Management Coordinator, is handling all the grant work.  Mr. Gabris reported he had applied to FEMA and was directed to SBA for mitigation.  Mr Blandy and Mr. Gabris discussed the difference between loans from SBA and the FEMA grant opportunities.

Mr. Gaetan Panarello,Jr. stated if the municipality does not file the required grant paperwork the residents will not receive any funding. He stated there are currently 53 municipalities who have filed and added there are five different mitigation programs available, including a program for municipalities to file claims for roadway, bridges, dams, etc.  Mr. Panarello expressed the importance that Chief Thompson be afforded assistance in this process.  Mayor stated Chief Thompson has attended all the meetings regarding Storm Sandy and is aware of all the programs availability.
Mr. Gaetan Panarello,Sr. expressed his concern of the municipality applying for this grant, adding we should be applying for roadways, culverts, bridges, etc.  Mayor stated he will check with Chief Thompson.

Mayor Brown closed the public portion and entertained a motion to enter Executive Session; so moved by Mr. Hagaman seconded by Mr. Gabris.  RVC: Yeas Mr. Gabris, Mr. Hagaman, Ms. Rheault, Mr. Riffle, Mayor Brown.  Clerk read Resolution ES 1-2013 in full to discuss a personnel matter, a grievance, and to review Executive Session Minutes.

Mayor Brown  entertained a motion to return to Regular Session at 8:36 pm; so moved by Mr. Riffle seconded by Mr. Hagaman. RVC: Yeas Mr. Gabris, Mr. Hagaman, Ms. Rheault, Mr. Riffle, Mayor Brown.  Clerk reported in Executive Session the Governing Body discussed two matters of personnel, contract negotiations, conflict salaries for professionals in the Mullica Court, and reviewed Executive Session Minutes.

Approve Executive Session Minutes:  Mr. Hagaman so moved to approve the minutes of December 11,2012 seconded by Mayor Brown.  RCV: Yeas: Mr. Gabris, Mr. Hagaman,Mayor Brown.  Abstain: Ms. Rheault, Mr. Riffle.

Clerk noted the Bill List which was emailed to the Governing Body and posted at Town Hall was omitted on the agenda.  Mr. Hagaman so moved to approve the Bill List seconded by Ms. Rheault.
RVC: Yeas: Mr. Gabris, Mr. Hagaman, Ms. Rheault, Mr. Riffle, Mayor Brown.

Ms. Rheault moved to adjourn seconded by Mr. Riffle.  RCV:Yeas:  All voted yes

Respectfully submitted,

Kimberly Johnson,RMC

Disclaimer-The above document was released by the Township of Mullica.  The Gadfly cannot guarantee the accuracy of content located in said document.

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