Monday, March 28, 2011

Board of Education Candidates

Does anyone know who is running for the Board of Education seats up this year? The seats up are Tom Carl, Frank Kelly, Terence Watson and Melinda Matos should be running for the seat she took over from Rick Noble. Are all of these people running? Nothing is on the school's website regarding this.


Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see if the teabag faction supports Kelly once again, who can't do enough to raise school taxes, but who represents their values in other ways.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Watson, Mrs. Matos, Mr. Freeland and a write in candidate

Anonymous said...

Does that mean that the two Republican Club members are jumping ship?

Anonymous said...

re 9:11 pm
Would that be Mr Chuck Freeland,who has written in to Gadfly with very controversial plagiarized material?

Anonymous said...

I wonder who the teachers union will put on the board.

Anonymous said...

RE: 3:54 PM

Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I wouldn't say Mr. Freeland plagiarized anything, he just got information off of the internet like everyone else does. He signs his name to his posts, so it's not like he's hiding anything. Freedom of speech goes both ways, whether you agree or disagree.

Anonymous said...

What Mr. Freeland published on the site regarding Muslems seemed to be insensitve at best and bigoted at worse. Is this the caliber of candidate for the school board that we want or need?

Anonymous said...

If it is in fact Chuck Freeland who is running for the school board, I can say that I serve on the Parent Advisory Council with him and he asks good questions and I believe that he would take the position seriously and act in the best interests of the children.

Michael St. Amour

Anonymous said...

The last time I checked plagarism is crediting someone else's work to yourself. Has that somehow changed? When you say you have found something on the INET [like Mr Freeland did] and post it, you are not claiming it as your own.

Is freedom of speech only allowed when everyone agrees with it?

Are there "protected classes" of people who are above scrutiny?

Lincoln would have been very insensitve to the Conferedates with his speech at Gettysburg and I am sure some on here would want to silence him!

Anonymous said...

The problem is that Mr Freeland never said he found something on the net.
In his 10/16/10 rant against Muslims,he started off by saying "I have come to the conclusion that tolerance is what's needed on both sides...."Then he goes on with disgusting,demeaning remarks and starts his sentences with "I am, I think, & I also propose" and then signed his name on the bottom.

Plagiarism is a minor charge when you consider the content of his post. We are going to have open bigot on our Board of Education and that disturbs me.
I can only hope that the other members of the Board will protect the minority children's interests in the days ahead.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand your "freedom of speech"issue. Mr. Freeland's article was published as he desired. He wasn't silenced.
He stated his views. Thankfully there are still people around who find his ideas insulting and distasteful. That is their right,too

Anonymous said...

If you think Mr Freeland isn't the caliber you'd like on the BoE then maybe you should of run yourself. I commend Mr Freeland for throwing his hat in the ring. Would be nice if we had choices instead of not enough candidates.

Anonymous said...

Most of you are abutch of whining wanna be's that cant do anything but whine and cry ----pathetic like the rest of our goverment. grow some balls and standup for american and quit kissing a bunch of radicals problem causing people ass .if your not part of the solution --YOUR THE DAM PROBLEM. SICKING BUNCH AS USUAL.THE MOD THAT WONT POST THIS IS PART OF THE PROBLEM --MOVE TO IRAN YOU WILL FIR RIGHT IN TILL THE CUT YOUR HEAD OFF .

Anonymous said...

Mr.Freeland brought all this controversy down on himself by showing such poor judgement in sending in that article and his comments afterward. It all reflects on his character.
I feel that the Board of Education represents our school and the members should be able to conduct themselves in an impartial,
respectable manner.
Can you imagine the ramifications if I or another teacher sent in a derogatory racial post? There would be hell to pay and rightly so.

Ivana Humpalot said...

Re: 5:57 PM

Looks like the moderator allowed your post. It's sad how ignorant and how illiterate your post is and I guess it also shows what an uneducated asshole you really are.

People like you are part of America's problem. Take your head out of your ass and look around you. WE ARE EVERYWHERE.

Anonymous said...

Ivana,I recognize some key phrases in the 5:57 pm post. I think that big mouth junkyard dog is hitting the martini's again.
I guess this is the caliber of Mr. Freeland's supporters. God help us all.

Anonymous said...

re 5:57 pm
If you're part of the solution to all the problems, I see why hatred,evil,division and stupidity are growing everyday.

Anonymous said...

re 5:57 pm
If I understand your post correctly,it would be supporting American values to back someone for Board of Education who is openly prejudiced of different religions or races.
Your view point is directly opposite of what America stands for. We are a county where all citizens are equal and freedom of religion is one of our founding principles.
Your narrow,little mind is the DAMN PROBLEM. People with your view point do not belong in our school system to propagate hatred.