Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mullica man arrested for blowing up neighbor's mailbox

A local man was arrested for blowing up a neighbor's mailbox on New Year's day.   Kevin Anderson, 42, of Grape Avenue allegedly built an explosive device and instructed two juveniles to put it in the mailbox of a Melon Avenue resident, which eventually detonated and destroyed the mailbox.  No one was hurt in the incident.

A week long investigation between the Atlantic County Prosecutor's Office and Mullica Township Police revealed an ongoing dispute between the neighbors that led them to Anderson. More arrests are expected.

To read the full story, click this link to The Press of Atlantic City website.


Anonymous said...

Ongoing disputes between neighbors can become very dangerous and costly, not only to the people involved but also innocent passers-by.
This guy is facing a maximum prison term of ten years and up to $150,000 fines just for the second degree possession charge. I think they should include contributing to the delinquency of minors to the list of charges against him.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this a Federal offense? Why wasn't the FBI involved?

Anonymous said...

We all know that neighbor disputes never amount to anything. Why get the police involved. Now those damn liberals are taking away my bombs?

Anonymous said...

He should have asked town council to erect some no parking signs to harass his neighbor, as Chasey, Forman and Kennedy did to help out in a private dispute.

Anonymous said...

RE 10:25 am
I read that a Homeland Security Unit was involved in the investigation. If people are going to use bombs or guns to harass their neighbors,I think they should be classified as terrorists under the Federal law.
One conviction of harassment with weapons should be enough to remove all gun rights for the rest of these deviates' lives.
I hope the court puts the bomb maker away for a long time.

Anonymous said...

A dispute between neighbors does not just involve two homes. The whole immediate area is affected by the stress caused by the conflict.
One immature bully,who gets his kicks by terrorizing people,can rip apart relationships on a whole street.
Everybody trys to mind their own business until some kind of tragedy occurs. Then you'll hear all the stories about how years of harassment led up to a criminal incident.
Evil,corruptness and bullies thrive and grow when good people sit back and do nothing.

Anonymous said...

This story is very disturbing. I'm so glad no one was hurt. It might have ended differently if the owner of the mail box saw the people and went out to investigate.
I'm so glad that our police force was able to find the evidence that led to this character's arrest. They did a great job.

Anonymous said...

Just to be clear, this Mullica man is not THE Mullica Man!!!!

Anonymous said...

knowing the accused for years now and knowing of the individual this happened to the whole story is an accusation,the real story is that the mailbox belonged to a trooper and his very own teenage neighbor decided to do this as a prank,therefor Mr. Anderson was accused because of a falling out between him and the trooper years back, they thought that this would be a perfect person to accuse and a lesson to be taught,so to all of those who read this remember not to believe everything you hear.Mr Anderson is actually a very respectable person and is far to old to be playing childish pranks like this...