Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mullica Township Board of Education meeting tonight, 7:00 pm

The Mullica Township Board of Education meeting is tonight, Tuesday, January 18 at 7:00 pm. The agenda for the meeting can be viewed here.


Anonymous said...

I think it's fantastic that such detailed agendas are being made available to the public.
16 pages of material to study.

It would be helpful to our citizens if the town would follow this kind of example. So often there is nothing to describe what a new ordinance or resolution is about. For example,did anybody ever figure out what "PACO" pertained to under new business at the last meeting?
It could be something very simple and benign or it could be something that could tear our town apart.
We have to be very vigilant in the days ahead and question everything. The fox is back in charge of the hen house.

Anonymous said...

I agree and I have been saying this same thing for years. I wrote to the Township government suggesting this change some time ago, but it fell on deaf ears.

The agendas that are posted by the Township Committee are practically useless. It would not take much effort to add a sentence or two to each item.

Anonymous said...

RE: "I wrote to the Township government suggesting this change some time ago, but it fell on deaf ears." You should bring this up at a committee meeting or raise it with Susan Polk, who oversees this department.