Saturday, October 16, 2010


After reading the views of "Mullica Man" in regard to the Muslim Community Center or the "Mosque" in New York City--I have come to the conclusion that tolerance IS what's needed on both sides. So this is what tolerance should look like.

**I am truly perplexed that so many of my friends are against a mosque being built near Ground Zero. **

**I think it should be the goal of every American to be tolerant. The mosque should be allowed, in an effort to promote tolerance.**

That is why I also propose, that two nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque thereby promoting tolerance within the mosque.

We could call one of the clubs (which would be gay) "The Turban Cowboy" and the other being a topless bar
"You Mecca Me Hot". Next door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork and adjacent to that have an open barbeque pork rib restaurant, called something like “Iraq o’ Ribs”?

Across the street there could be a very daring lingerie store called " Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret " with sexy mannequins in the window modeling the goods. Next door to the lingerie shop, there would be room for an Adult Toy Shop " Koranal Knowledge ", it 's name in flashing neon lights, and on the other side a liquor store, maybe call it "Morehammered" . Then the Muslims could be allowed to show their tolerance. Problem solved.

Chuck Freeland


Anonymous said...

It would have more impact if Mr. Freeland hadn't plagiarized the entire Fox news network. Is Mr. Freeland just another sheep?

Xena said...

Not the entire thing. The second part was taken from a post on by Boomerrang. Word for word,no less. And for a millisecond, I thought that Mullica Man had a local challenger to his wit and imagination. How disappointing this is because I would have enjoyed a real debate between two intelligent people.

Mr Freeland is a fan of Red eye host Greg Gatfelf and Glenn Beck. It would've been nice if he attributed the work to the authors. I'm assuming that he got through school by looking over at the next desk.

Chuck Freeland said...

I never stated that I wrote it; Sent to me and I thought I would share. Nothing better then stirring up the "Loons" that populate this blog.

Xena said...

Mr. Freeland,
On 6/15/10, you posted "Why is everybody on this blog afraid to list their name? What is Mullica Twp. like Nazi Germany or is everybody just plain balless?"
Let me tell you what I know about you so far from your signed posts.

On "Bitter Feud in Sweetwater" posted here 7/19/10, you were saddened that neighbors in close proximity couldn't get along and work out their problems. It's perplexing that you're sad that rich, white folk can't get along and work together. You state that hating them for what they have or who they are is just plain pitiful. Yet on this post,you openly condone harassment of people who are not the same color or religion as you.

On 9/19/10, you openly berated our Committee for making a smart compromise and favored Republican candidates,who 2 weeks away from the election,have still not brought one new idea or suggestion to the table.

On 6/15/10,You made the statement that our school board just likes to give away money.

So Mr.Freeland,if I was ever introduced to you,just by these few comments you have made and this article,I will know that you are

#1 A card-carrying bigot with extreme sympathy for the rich and white

#2 You are against a quality education for our local children

#3 You think our local school board is stupid and wasteful,when in actuality, they work very hard to stretch every penny they receive to benefit our kids.

#4 You mindlessly support the local Republican candidates who have pledged nothing new and who have stole the Democrat's promise,which they kept,of keeping Mullica green. I might add that the past republican administrations did everything in their power to destroy Mullica as we know it and gave out the highest salary increases,thus raising your tax bill sky high for 15 years.

#5 You have not investigated the character or ethics of one of the running republican candidates. The word is out there. On second thought, maybe you did hear, considering that this post condones harassment and you wholeheartedly approve of such behavior.

#6 You are a plagiarist,who has not one witty thought of your own.

#7 You are a mindless follower,who doesn't investigate issues and just believes whatever your party spoon feeds you.

You see, by posting anonymous here,the people of this town are just a whole lot smarter than you.

If I ever meet you,Mr.Freeland,it will be as if I already know you. I have a preconceived notion of just who you are and I wouldn't waste my time beyond the immediate introduction to get to know you better.

I must say I have to add #8 "stupid" to the list to let this whole town have a label on you. Someday you might have to deal with a Muslim neighbor(Allah forbid),or a teacher,the school board,the committee or a "horrible" democrat.

I will say this for you, you do have humongous balls.

Anonymous said...

Re 3:26 pm
Mr.Freeland, we "loons" know that writing something and not giving the author credit is plagiarism. You should have indicated that you didn't write it.
You can stir the pot here anytime you wish.
It would be a delightful entertainment to debate you on any issue.

a proud gadfly loon said...

RE 3:26 pm
Mr. Freeland, I've been coming to this site for seven years. Just in this recent year, I've seen signed posts from the Superintendent of the School,teachers,a Board of Education member and Rec members. In the past,I read posts from the Fire Dept.
The majority of the comments are written by concerned parents or people who feel they have lost their voice in this town and want to expose unfairness or corruption.
Are these the people you consider to be the"Loons"that populate Gadfly??

I'm really amazed that you didn't receive a phone call from some high ranking local republican from the"club"telling you to stop writing in. They don't like freedom of speech as you might have heard. They also don't like "stirring the pot"because the end result always exposes their lack of essential ingredients.

I,for one,would welcome any future posts you might make regardless of the subject matter. I do find this one to be ugly and racist but it does show inventiveness albeit not your own.

Anonymous said...

It's posts like this one that really make me miss Larry. I would have loved to read what he would have wrote in response to this guy. I can only imagine what moniker Larry would have gave Freeland. Ahh,the good old days!

Mullica Man said...

Xena, my warrior princess, once again you display your powerful prose. You have inspired this superhero once more by your amazing ability to articulately address the assanine that is UpChuck Freeland. Sadly, it is too late for Mr. Freeland. I suspect that some time in the near future, we will see Mr. Freeland getting tased as he runs naked across the infield at Citizens Bank Park. Our only hope is that as he falls, Mr. Halladay fires a fastball right at his head. Or, this may have already happened and would thus be an ample explanation as to Mr. Freelands current state.

Xena said...

Mullica Man,
You lighten my heart and make me smile,even on the bad days.

Anonymous said...

Ahh....classic response from all of the right-winged, militant, christian, religious wackos. Small minds like Chucks follow right along. So witty.

Anonymous said...

8:57PM post. Larry would have said that even bigots have the right to free speech to oppose the right to exercise one's religon. Ironic, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Everyone has the right to agree to disagree. This isn't about the Mosque, as I am sure many who write in may not be comfortable with it on Ground Zero. It's the plagiarized bigotry that's so unsettling.

Anonymous said...

The "Freedom Tower" is being built on World Trade Center site, not a mosque, or a church, or a temple or a synagogue. People of all faiths were killed in those towers: Muslems, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, ...Agnostics and Atheists too... and no one of any particular faith or belief has any special right to exclude or stop others from worshiping in his or her own fashion.

Chuck Freeland said...

Xena, First let me start by saying I love the way you put words into my mouth. The Feud in Sweetwater Haven post:
Chuck Freeland said...
After reading this story it saddened me to realize that neighbors living in such a close proximity to each other are not capable of getting along and working out their problems. But that is the way of the world!! Neighbors, township people, citizens of a country, all show the inability of being able to work together to come to a commom good for all. But what was really troubling was the last post by "Anonymous" and their jealousy, envy and resentment for the people in the article!!!! Wow talk about not liking people for what they have. Sure some of those people are where they are because of family wealth, but without a doubt most of them worked really hard for what they have. And hating them for what they have or who they are is just plain pitiful.

10:07 AM
Were do I bring up race?? Prefect example of your race-baiting tactics. Again I would stand by my post. I truly feel sorry for someone who envies other people.
09/19/10 post, I again standby my statement. An election is either to elect officials or to decide on an issue. The school budget is an issue. It was soundly defeated. But not for the committee; It was just too hard for them to fathom the results. Remember government is "of the people, by the people, for the people" as Abe Lincoln said in his Gettysburg Address. That right you hate Lincoln because he was a Republican!!!!
On 06/15/10 post, I stated that they passed over Dr. Marrow for a totally unknowed person( which by the way fell though from the board not checking certifications before hiring. But you knew that, just leading your sheeple on this blog by the nose again. Keep reading Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", it's working well for you!!!!)
Now to the meat and potatoes. Is there a club for bigots?? I am sure you know being as racist as you are. You people just use racism as a tool to move your own agenda.
Education is more important to me then probably some of the teacher who teach in our school system!!! If as the NJEA states "that it's for the children" then why isn't it?? Why did the teachers blacken their bulletin boards or why didn't they let "Back to School" night go as planned??? Why was the first month of school so chaotic, as told to me by the children that attend the school??? You know why!!! Because the teachers were more worried about their money then our children!!!!
Show me were I called the Mullica BOE stupid??? Again show me where I endorsed any Republican running for committee??? Also where have I even talked about this local election coming up??? I look at my "Tolerance" post for what it is. What's good for the goose(or should I say pig) is good for the gander!!!!! I for one am very tried of the PC police; Since your hero took power( not the Mullica Man, Obama is who I am refering to.)two years ago race, religion relations has gone to the dogs( or should I say rats). What a GREAT UNIFIER!!!!!! Also I look at the people killed on 9/11 as Americans, not from their religion or their ethic background. Back thats too hard for you people. As for being a plagiarist you got me. I said in the beginning that I wrote this............NOT!!!!! Spoon fed by my party, I would only have to think that you were staring at the mirror when you wrote that comment!!!! And by posting anonymous here, the "town people" you refer to are GUTLESS. And we will never meet because I know who you are!!! So I keep my dnce; Also I don't socialize with pompous people. Again name calling is such a weak democratic tactic. So who looks STUPID for doing it???? Just you!!!!! And to the "superhero", who here is really assanine. Look in the mirror, "Mullica Man". And the proud Gadfly Loon, nobody tells me what to do. To bad you can say the same.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Freeland, you seem to populate this blog with quite a few diatribes of your own, are now a "loon"?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Freeland, if that is indeed your real name, you really should limit your time at the computer. With each masterful minute that passes, you become more and more enraged, unintelligible, inexplicable and sad. And Im not even talking about your grammar, punctuation and spelling. It is frightening to think that your DNA has been passed to another generation. God help us all!

Mullica Man said...

Xena, my Warrior Princess, I see that there are others who share my passion for you!!! I must root out this Chuck Freeland, who from this point forward shall only be referred to as "The Plagiarizer", and apprehend his keyboard before he has another opportunity to woo you with his powers of pursuasion.

Xena said...

Mullica Man,
I was extremely surprised to find Mr.Freeland's and your comments on this post from Saturday. I just finished reading all the posts on your "support" article and the "got cha" picture of Curcio. I am so glad that I checked back to read these gems.

Please do not touch Mr.Freeland's keyboard. I fear that it is infected with the dreaded gobbledygook virus which must drip from his fingers. I will address his complaints and questions as soon as I decipher his post. From a quick glance,this might take Herculean efforts.

I could never be wooed away from such a protective,loyal hero. Your assistance is always welcomed and much appreciated.

Stay safe,my friend

Xena said...

RE 3:24 pm --------------------------------------------#1
Mr Freeland,
Your post is very erratic,long and difficult to comprehend. I will have to answer you in installments divided by subject matter. This will give you ample opportunity to disagree with me,again,if you so choose.
Lets start with
# 1 - Plagiarize - definition - to steal the words or ideas of others and use them as your own.
In the "Tolerance" post, you stated "I have come to the conclusion that tolerance IS what's needed on both sides. So this is what tolerance should look like...."
Then the sentences start with "I am","I think","That is why I propose".
At the end of your submission you signed your name.
You did not attribute credit to the authors of this piece.

Your response to me about the charge of plagiarism was "As for being a plagiarist you got me. I said in the beginning that I wrote this..........NOT!!!!!"

That is exactly the point. You did not say that you DID NOT write it. Which was deceiving. If you WOULD have stated this is what the Red Eye host or boomerang proposes we would have no issue.

The point is that you plagiarized others ideas and made them APPEAR to be your own.

(To be continued)

Xena said...

Please see the 10/20/10 submission "Mullica Man Rebukes the Bigoted Plagiarizer!!!!!!!!!".
This is an effulgent repartee to Mr.Chuck Freeland's 3:24pm comment posted here.

Mr.Freeland has not returned for three days and I am assuming that he does not wish to continue this sparring match.

If Mr.Freeland does request me to continue and proves himself to to a masochist,I will post installment #2.

Until then,I see no point in continuing this discussion.

Mullica Man said...

Xena, my warrior princess, it appears I have apprehended yet another nefarious creature in the form of my latest arch rival, The Bigoted Plagiarizer!!!! I have now decided to make my Egg Harbor Township "drops" at night, to draw less attention and so not to stir panic in the hearts of law abiding citizens. We have heard the last of Mr. Freeland. Lets just say that Mr. Freeland's mouth is not the only orifice that this superhero stuffed an apple into!!!

Anonymous said...

Mullica Man,
How clever of you to discern the true origin of his putrid parlance!!This fellow seems filled with such noxious,combustible gas that I fear the fermenting apples will be violently expelled and he shall be propelled right back into the midst of Mullica. Be on Guard! A bio-balderdash missile attack may be forthcoming.

Stay safe,my friend

Xena said...

Mullica Man,
I have since repaired my "X" which appears to have exploded during my 3:15 pm post. Keep your eyes on the skies.