Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Campaigning at the dump

Am I the only one to see the hypocrisy of Republican Club stalwarts again arguing to close down the transfer station from all campaigning when just a few years ago their fellow club member Kathy Chasey had her husband camp out there every weekend night leading up to her re-election to secure the coveted exit spot?


Anonymous said...

They never learn, do they?

Anonymous said...

You know, if these people only read the newspaper on a regular basis they would know that we've already been through this battle several times in Mullica and that we don't need to repeat it once again. Don't they get it? It's called Freedom of Speech. It's taught in our schools. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Hello, anybody home?

Anonymous said...

I really believe that this whole controversy about campaigning at the dump is not the real issue. Kathy Chasey went ballistic when she found out that a citizen group gave out pineland flyers against the rezoning of 370 acres around the Waszen property for a housing development.

I think she wanted to cut out all fast and effective communication between the people of this town.

Some people don't read the paper,some don't use computers but most of the people here have garbage that they take to the "dump".

I'm glad she's out and freedom of speech lives on in this town.

Anonymous said...

I always felt that the initial impetus for Chasey, Forman and Kennedy to shut down the dump from campaigning there started after Forman's husband almost ran down St. Amour with his truck. It was their way to somehow justify his actions by claiming that campainging there was inherently unsafe. That, and the Concerned Citizens leafleting at the dump that opposed the proposed housing develpment plan for Waszen, which was openly supported by Chasey, also advanced "KFC"'s decision to close down the site.

Anonymous said...

re 11:01 pm

I agree with you. The Republicans have been rushing to the dump since it opened to do political campaigning. It was only after the citizens got their message out that the problem started.

It really makes me wonder what plans the repubs are cooking up for the future. Why do they want to block the voice of the people? That's scary.

Anonymous said...

re 12:49 pm
Yes,it is scary given the past history of the last few republican administrations in this town and their relationship to the county republican machine.

The Waszen property is still waiting for something to pop up on it. Dave Declemente was Waszen's attorney who contacted Southern rail to set up the rail waste disposal facility in early 2003.

Waszen leased the land to Southern Rail for $1 for 10 years.

Joe Silipena, who was responsible for and supportive of the county garbage coming to Mullica,won the vote in Mullica. In fact some key players in the Mullica Republican club had signs on their property for Silipena's reelection.

$$$ jim THE ETHICALLY CHALLENGED curcio was a Mullica prosecutor who had taken a $1800 campaign contribution from Waszen.

It was revealed in court by Steve Waszen that the republican elected officials in Mullica had known about the garbage rail transfer station for months and kept it a secret from our community. Was it their strategy to hide the construction and have it up and running before community opposition had a chance to organize?

When the garbage facility was stopped in court, Chasey was pushing to rezone 370acres for a housing development because she found out that only rezoning Waszen's 20 acres would be illegal spot zoning. Over $20,000 dollars of our taxpayer money was spent on talks and plans to help Waszen develop his property

What really bothers me is that if the Republican Administration had properly foreclosed on this property because of a monstrous tax default before Waszen robbed the previous owner, our town would not have been put through years of turmoil.

Our citizens must remain vigilant and maintain our freedom to protest efforts to rip the soul out of Mullica. Our "DUMP" is our town center in reality. It appears that there are still favors left to be paid to the County Republican machine and Mr.Waszen in the future. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Make no mistake, loyalty to party over community is betrayal of the highest order.

Anonymous said...

To the original poster
No,you're not the only one to see the hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

If you read "The Boardwalk Empire", you will recognize the reminents the Republican Party machine mentality still here in Mullica, where loyalty to the party trumps the good of the community, in political appointments and in influencing their decision making.