Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mullica Man Rebukes The Bigoted Plagiarizer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited version of what I think Mr. Freeland meant to say, including suggested edits along with superhero narrative for your reading pleasure:

Xena, First let me start by saying I love the way your hair flows from under your warrior princess outfit.  You can put words into my mouth anytime. The Feud in Sweetwater Haven post:
Chuck Freeland said...
After reading this story it saddened me to realize that neighbors living in such a close proximity to each other are not capable of getting along and working out their problems. But that is the way of the world!! Neighbors, township people, citizens of a country, all show the inability of being able to work together to come to a common good for all. But what was really troubling was the last post by "Anonymous" and their jealousy, envy and resentment for the people in the article!!!! Wow talk about not liking people for what they have. (Republicans don't believe in this...they believe in disliking people based on their skin color, religion or sexual orientation) Sure some of those people are where they are because of family wealth, but without a doubt most of them worked really hard (faulty assumption, you don't know these people and how they acquired their wealth) for what they have. And hating them for what they have or who they are is just plain pitiful.
(So is hating people because they are Muslim, gay, Hispanic or black, but that didn't stop you from posting that bigoted, plagiarized post, did it CHUCK!)

10:07 AM
W(h)ere do I bring up race?? P(e)rfect example of your race-baiting tactics. Again(,) I would stand by my post. I truly feel sorry for someone who envies other people.

09/19/10 post, I again stand (space, two words) by my statement. An election is either to elect officials or to decide on an issue. (WRONG - elections are to elect an individual(s) that you think will best represent your interests) The school budget is an issue. It was soundly defeated. But not for the committee; It was just too hard for them to fathom the results. (Sometimes, its the government's role to step in and do what is right despite the will of the people.  It took leadership and courage for council to compromise on the budget.  The easy thing would have been to do the mindless work you suggest.  If you understand history, issues like women's suffrage, slavery and civil rights would never have come about had we let the electorate decide the outcome.  No, it was elected individuals that showed courage when our nation most needed courage.  They did what was right and our town council did what was right - that is leadership!) Remember government is "of the people, by the people, for the people" as Abe Lincoln said in his Gettysburg Address. That('s) right you hate Lincoln because he was a Republican!!!! (We love Lincoln.  He is one of our greatest presidents for the courage and wisdom he showed.  It cost him his life - you nitwit!  By the way, the Republican Party of Lincoln has no semblance to the debacle that is the current Republican party.)

On 06/15/10 post, I stated that they passed over Dr. Marro (no W in Marro) for a totally unknow(n) person( which by the way fell th(r)ough from the board not checking certifications before hiring. But you knew that, just leading your sheeple (you mean sheep?, if not, what is a sheeple?) on this blog by the nose again.  (Do Sheeple's have noses?) Keep reading Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", it's working well for you!!!!)  (The Republicans support a witch in Delaware, a racist in Kentucky, a loon in Nevada, a Governor in Alaska who didnt serve out her term for money, who writes notes on her hands.....and you call Dem's radicals????)
Now to the meat and potatoes. Is there a club for bigots?? I am sure you know being as racist as you are. You people just use racism as a tool to move your own agenda.  (The Republicans use racism to fuel hatred among the races.  The Republicans, led by your boy Rand Paul, wants to do away with the Civil Rights Act.)
Education is more important to me then probably some of the teacher(s) who teach in our school system!!!  (I believe you Chuck, since it seems that you haven't spent much time in the class room.) If as the NJEA states "that it's for the children" then why isn't it?? Why did the teachers blacken their bulletin boards or why didn't they let "Back to School" night go as planned??? Why was the first month of school so chaotic, as told to me by the children that attend the school???(Were you honestly polling children as they left school?  Who told you that school was chaotic?  I can see you asking your kids, "Honey, was school chaotic today?"  And them answering, "Yes Daddy, it was chaotic.") You know why!!! Because the teachers were more worried about their money then our children!!!! (Yes, teachers only care about money.  Teachers are rich.  That is why they are highly educated, receive continuing education, must deal with administrators, ignorant parents - yes you Chucky, and the occassional wise ass kid.  Chuck, how can you even make such wildly assanine accusations when you dont even know the teachers?  Oh...I forgot, you are a Republican!)

Show me w(h)ere I called the Mullica BOE stupid??? Again(,) show me where I endorsed any Republican running for committee??? Also (,) where have I even talked about this local election coming up??? I look at my "Tolerance" post for what it is. What's good for the goose(or should I say pig) is good for the gander!!!!! (Nice to see you admit your post is piggish behavior!)I for one am very tried of the PC police (You must be heavily ticketed - tell us all, who has violated your freedom of speech?); Since your hero took power( not the Mullica Man (I was born with my super powers and come from the distant star called Albion, Obama (President Obama did not "take" power, he was elected, democratically, ya know, with votes!  I know it kills you to see a black man rise to such a powerful position in our society - the most powerful position, next to mine!) is who I am refer(r)ing to.)two years ago race (run on sentence), religion relations (the reason we are seeing so much Islamophobic behavior is because people like you, who are in general simply phobic, stoke these fires with your hate speech.  Please reread my post regarding the Mosque.  This time, have someone else read it to you and let them explain it to you.) has gone to the dogs( or should I say rats). What a GREAT UNIFIER!!!!!! Also (,) I look at the people killed on 9/11 as Americans, not from their religion or their eth(n)ic background. (Really Chuck?  If you don't see skin color or religion, why are you against Americans building a place of worship?) Back (But) thats too hard for you people. As for being a plagiarist (,) you got me. (Well done.  Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.) I said in the beginning that I wrote this............NOT!!!!! (Chucky, you never said you didn't write it nor did you mention its source, thus implying that you did write it.  Hence the term Plagiarism!  Shame on you Mr. Freeland.) Spoon fed by my party, I would only have to think that you were staring at the mirror when you wrote that comment!!!! (Superheroes don't use or need mirrors.) And by posting anonymous here, the "town people" you refer to are GUTLESS. And we will never meet because I know who you are!!! So I keep my d(u)nce (hat on); Also (,) I don't socialize with pompous people. (True, opposites do attract.) Again (,) name calling is such a weak democratic tactic. (You are a democrat?  You just called people GUTLESS, and pompous....are you a teabagger?) So who looks STUPID for doing it???? Just you!!!!! (No, actually that would be YOU!) And to the "superhero", who here is really assanine. Look in the mirror, "Mullica Man". (Superheroes don't own or use mirrors - we always look super!) And the proud Gadfly Loon,(more name calling Chuck - more proof that you are truly a Democrat?) nobody tells me what to do. (I bet Mrs. Freeland tells you what to do and how to do it!!!) To bad you can(t) say the same.  (I'm sure you hear this from your wife all the time, but you came up short once again!  You blew the punchline!!!)

Up, Up and Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy

This is in response to the 3:24 PM comment (14th comment) under the heading "Tolerance"


Anonymous said...

Really funny rebuttal to the bigoted plagiarist!
Chuckie doesn't comprehend the simple stuff, this may present a large challenge for such a small brain. I look forward to reading his reply!

Anonymous said...

Mullica Man,with all this guy's delusional ranting about how everyone is jealous,envious or hateful of the rich,I have come to a conclusion.
I think it's possible that he has been possessed by the Wicked Witch of Sweetwater. She uses this as a diversion from real issues. She has taken over both his mind and his keyboard. He has become yet another victim of her evil spells.

Anonymous said...

I am really happy that you figured out what a "dnce" was. I didn't know what it was but I figured that Xena would be glad that he's keeping it. HAA Ha

Anonymous said...

More energy is expended on picking a penny off the ground than would be required to take over his mind.

Anonymous said...

Mullica Man,I notice you left out one very important thing. According to "Rules of Chuck"every article should have "I wrote this"at the very begining. Otherwise,we should all assume that this is the work of another literary genius.

Anonymous said...

Chuck thinks Xena hates Abe Lincoln???????
He is appearing weirder everyday. I'm hoping that he was just experimenting with a controlled substance when he wrote his post.
This whole rebuking thing is today is the strangest thing I've ever read in my life.
What a trip down the rabbit hole this was!
Very entertaining,Mullica Man!

Anonymous said...

Dear who ever,
To correct an obviously well-accepted but completely false idea.
The superintendent candidate who did not take the job which Dr. Marro took ended up with appropriate certification. He chose to not take the job for his own reasons, one of which he stated, was the divisive behavior of certain Board members trying to discredit his certification. I repeat, by the night he was to be offered the contract, his certification was in order, as it needed to be.
It is disappointing to see such gross inaccuracies in this small town. I guess a rumor mill is not supposed to be truthful

Mullica Man said...

Only I, Mullica Man, with my amazing powers of perception would be able to comprehend the fantastical, unfruitful frontal lobe of the dreaded BIGOTED PLAGIARIZER!!

Anonymous said...

The post at 5:43 pm goes to show you that Chuckie's accusations of lack of certification for the superintendent candidate was another thing he blindly believed. Too bad he didn't research the facts before he spread his spoon fed false information.

Xena said...

To my Super Marvel of Marvels,

You have utilized your extrasensory decoding skills to decipher the cryptic message!!

My strategy was to lumber through the quagmire and explain my position as simply as possible. It was my hope that Chuck would be able to grasp the concepts behind the discussion. My first installment was posted yesterday under "Tolerance".

I am now left in a quandary as to whether I should continue this battle. Your quick defensive actions might have eliminated the opposition. I shall wait and watch for any sign of the reemergence of the UpChuck Rebellion.

I must say,Sir,that you brought a shade of rose to my cheeks as I recalled your astute skills of observation. Even I can not detect when you are near my vicinity.

How can I,an apprentice,put satisfactory words into the mouth of such a master. A pupil must train under the wise guidance of their teacher to learn desired techniques and proper executions. Only then could they collaborate on a dissertation that could lead them to a successful literary masterpiece.

I must absorb your essence and knowledge before I would be bold enough to request you to take my words. I would never want to disappoint my superhero with anything less than verbal perfection.

Stay safe,my friend

Xena said...

RE 1:37pm

You are correct in the assumption that I'm happy that the plagiarizer is keeping his "dnce". I'm am thrilled that he will not be disturbing any poor,unsuspecting maidens who he perceives to be me.

Xena said...

RE 5:05 pm

I would like to put it on the record that I have no hatred in my heart for our past President Abraham Lincoln. I never even had the opportunity to meet the man. I know many republican people and I have respect and understanding for their views. I have many conservative views on various subjects,especially fiscal concerns.

Anonymous said...

Chuck just doesn't get it and probably never will. I know more about him now then I ever needed to know and all from his own hand. He's his own worst enemy. He opens his mouth,inserts his foot and bites it. Then he gets belligerent when someone shows him how much he's bleeding.
His answer "Nobody tells me what to do".

Anonymous said...

At this point, I strongly suspect that Mrs. Freeland has laid down the law and refuses to boot up the computer, logon and let her hubby tip toe through the tulips of his less than fully functional mind via the keyboard!