Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Resurfacing of Route 542

On the Township web page in a blurb about the Route 542 resurfacing it states that the county is doing everything they can not to inconvenience the residents. This couldn't be further from the truth. The road has been closed for several days now and the detour designed by the county is ridiculous, sending cars down Elwood Road and then across Columbia Road back to Route 542, taking residents many miles out of their way.

The way not to inconvenience residents would be to do one lane at a time as is the case with most of these resurfacings. Richards Ave. also may have been a better choice for the detour.

With all that being said, they are not doing the worst section of the road at all. That would be the section from Jackson Road to the Burlington County Line. I guess we all should write to the County Executive with our thanks for his not inconveniencing us. I am sure that would result in a snotty response from one of his underlings.


Anonymous said...

Maybe they will blow all the trash into the street and pave over it.
That would save time,energy and money. Mr Nasty from the County can write in to the Press that the road was cleaned up and paved as Mullica Twp. requested.
He can always say that all the bumps were caused by unavoidable weather conditions.

Anonymous said...

You need to chill. You all live like slobs and expect everyone to do everything for you. Pick up your own trash.(and if the road is closed, avoid it.)

Anonymous said...

The county was out there again today, cutting up all the roadside trash for us ungrateful taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Re 11:27 am
Is that you Mr. Nasty from the County? Your comment sounds just like someone from our local government who thinks of us all as "Podunkians".
We don't live like slobs and we ex
pect to get the service that we are paying for with our County tax dollars.
The County should have asked the police about the best detour routes and better ways of doing this road that would have been more convenient for the public.
I'm sure the majority of this town pick up trash thrown on their own property.
When people are in office too long they lose sight of the fact that they are there to serve the people and start thinking that they can't be replaced.
I hope the people of Mullica will be reminded of all the waste,inconvenience and arrogance when election time comes and they vote out all the incumbents.

Anonymous said...

re:3:25 pm
What road were they mowing on? I'd like to go out and take a look at our tax dollars at work.
I guess the phone calls and nice letter to the County fell on deaf ears.

Anonymous said...

Re 11:27
The slobs are the ones who throw everything out their car windows while they're passing through this town.
How dare you say we "ALL" live like slobs!
The only people I expect to do anything for me are the ones that are being paid a nice piece of MY paycheck.
The County is doing a bad job in this town and what really bothers me is that Chasey is "COMFORTABLE" with their work. She would rather see our town full of litter than ruffle any of her Repub.County "friend's" feathers.
She must be looking forward to a County job after she's kicked out of here.

Anonymous said...

The nice letter to the county fell on deaf ears because Chasey and Forman, plus their toady Kennedy, didn't sign it. They tried to make it a political issue that backfired on them. Had the request been signed by the republican members of committee, the republican county administration would have sent workers out to pick up the trash like it was asked to. Chasey has been making excuses for the county for a long time and one has to wonder who she is working for, the township or the county.

Anonymous said...

RE 9:02 am
My guess would be the county.