Thursday, May 28, 2009

Brief Synopsis of 5/26/09 Twp. Meeting

Mullica News and the A.C. Press were not in attendance at the last Twp. meeting.

Mr. Kenneth Moore,CPA,RMA gave a review of his 2008 audit. He was highly complimentary about the way the records are kept up-to-date and everything is well documented. He said Dawn Stollenwerk is one of the best CFO's in Atlantic County.
The Town's finances seem to be in fairly good shape under the conditions that the town is forced to operate. The State rules, that the Town is forced to abide by, are a burden.

Budget Hearing: Budget was approved:
Ms. Chasey,Ms. Forman, Mr. Kennedy -yes
Mr Graebener,no, Mr. St Amour,no. Mr. St Amour stated, "I'm uncomfortable with the amount of fund balance that was used."

Committee Reports:

Ms. Chasey reported that no Federal Stimulus money will be available to Mullica. 95% of the money available went to North Jersey,5% to South Jersey and Atantic County did not receive any.

Ms. Chasey wanted everyone to know about "Clean Communities". If you want to a adopt a road, you can call 272-6960 and they will give you a sign,gloves,a bag and anything you need to start cleaning up the road of your choice.

Mr. Kennedy-no report

Mr. St.Amour reported that the pipes and tanks have been installed on Darmstadt Ave and the paving should begin within the next two weeks. Tubgrinding has begun and should be completed this week.

Mr. Graebener reported that the next Planning Board meeting will be held on June 3 at 7:30pm. He noted that his Dept. will be amending Chapter 102 of the Construction Code to bring it into compliance with the State.

Ms. Forman reported that Community Day will be held on June 6,2009 starting at 10:00am. The School Board is accepting bids on the Lauer School on or before 4:00pm June 8,2009. Visit the Twp. website for more details.

About 40 senior citizens held a meet and greet at the Elwood Fire house on 5/19. Ms. Forman attended this highly informative and enjoyable meeting. Benefits and activites for the seniors were discussed. The next meeting will be on June 17th at 1:00pm. Anyone wishing to join or volunteer should call 965-0614 or 965-1590.
Ms Forman suggested to the Committee that an Ordinance be amended so the group can be recognized as an Organization. The Solicitor will be investigating the different types of Organizations in other towns and the matter will be discussed at a future meeting.

Old Business:
A .Resolution #65-2009/Confirm Land sales
Two of the three lots were purchased. Lot 17 went for $26,400 to Ms. Eilene Moore
of Elwood and Lot 18 was sold to Mr. James Fifth of Elwood for $26,400.
Vote to confirm- Ms Chasey,Ms. Forman,Mr. Kennedy, yes
Mr. Graebener, Mr. St. Amour, no

B. Parades and Assemblies:
After a lenghty discussion about the definition of the words and the safety issues involved in the Ordinance, it was decided that a representative from JIF would come to Mullica and speak personally with members of the Committee,tour the "Dump",and give safety suggestions. It appears that an exemption for political speech will be placed in the Ordinance. This matter will again be discussed at future meetings.

New Business
A . Accept Annual Report of Audit 2008 All yes
B. 2009 Emergency Management Roster All yes
C. Atlantic County Task Force Members All yes

Public Discussion:
An elderly gentleman with 30years of experience teaching art spoke of his desire to start a community center for the children of Mullica. He was asking for the Twp.'s help with funding,a building or perhaps grant money. Ms. Forman explained that the budget did not contain any extra money for this purpose and that it all comes down to money. She said we have a strong community spirit and the parents and teachers would do a whole lot. If we had the money we would have the very best community child center. The Committee asked him to talk to the Recreation Association.

Jo Ann


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the information.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for keeping everyone up to date. It is much appreciated.

Isn't Mullica News taping the meetings any longer?

Anonymous said...

The Foundation Center, based in NYC, has an extensive website with corporate grants for organizations. Maybe someone else has time to search it. Several years ago, it was a few dollars to subscribe for a month to search and navigate their huge website.

I would love to have a children's center in our township, with activities for all ages. Not all children are highly athletic. I hope this kind gentleman's dream comes true.

Anonymous said...

All children should be encouraged to play team sports, no matter what their skill level. Besides benefiting physically, there are many other advantages that help to promote a happier life. That's why the Rec Association is so important to many of Mullica's children.