Thursday, April 30, 2009


Mullica News has the 4/28/2009 video of the Township Committee Meeting available on their site. Residents who were unable to attend the meeting can view it at this link.


Anonymous said...

It was refreshing to see school board member Frank Kelly address township committee at the most recent meeting. In particular, Mr. Kelly's call for "morality" is a breath of fresh air here. Certainly Fwank Kelly was referring to the immoral treatment of Mullica's taxpayers over the last several years by Cathy Chasey and Janet Forman. They voted to pay the township cell phone bills after committeeperson Bruce Crowe (who is running again this year) made hours upon hours of personal phone calls at taxpayer expense, with no remorse and no reimbursement. They failed to disclose details of an impending rail trash hauling facility that was to be built it Elwood. And they plotted in an effort to change the zoning in Elwood Village so that they could pave the way for massive development for a wealthy Republican contributor. Such objectionable behavior by these Republican elected officials obviously led to Mr. Kelly's cry for morality on committee.

In a twist of irony, Mr. Kelly is the only sitting member of the Mullica Twp. Board of Education with a confirmed ethics violation and suspension. You can use the link:

or Google:

Frank Kelly Mullica ethics

to find the information which is a matter of public record. Mr. Kelly was subsequently suspended for one meeting for the violation.

Also, Mr. Kelly identified himself as a taxpayer when he spoke at the meeting and distanced himself from his elected duty as a school board member. I guess Mr. Kelly didn't attend the training session where his good buddy, Bill Kennedy, said that you're an elected official 24/7!

Thanks for the morals lesson Frank...sure you were on the mounted police, but its time you get off your high horse.

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain to me why there are no comments posted on this article. I watched the meeting and there are many issues being brought up that should be commented on. Are you all talked out about the land scam being pulled? How about the freedom of speech at the dump issue? No one has anything to say about the mayor's rant about KMG? I'm amazed that no one brought up Glen Forman's first step in discrediting the zoning officer for his DEP case.
Are all the comments going into cyberspace? Has Swine Flu hit Mullica?

Anonymous said...

Frank Kelly's repeated re-election to school board shows how little Mullica's voters really care about the quality of education here, despite the hype. He is an embarrassment to the other board members who are trying to make a difference. He is a big joke.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what happened this week but I've been so busy that I haven't found time to fit the meeting into my schedule. It sounds like many interesting statements were made and I definitely will watch it in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Re 10:39pm
I looked up the ethics violation.
Mr.Kelly had a whole year to attend the training session. Seven different meetings were set up and he never bothered to go to any of them.
Only after a reprimand from the NJSBA and threatened removal from the board,did he manage to get his ass to the last session available.
One has to wonder what his real reasons were for wanting to be on the board and why a meeting to provide specific ethical standards to guide his conduct was so repulsive to him.

Anonymous said...

I previously submitted a comment on this article, but it never showed up in the blog. So I will try again:
I found it painful to watch this video. There was so much petty bickering from both sides. Bernie was doing his usual nit picking about the minutes, etc. and it seemed like there was very little agreement about anything between the two sides. The Mullica Township Committee is not going to reduce the GEHR budget, but they have to make a show of not just approving it since the taxpayers voted it down, albeit with a very small number of taxpayers voting at all.
It was refreshing at the end of the meeting to see Glen Foreman rip Sandman a new one, and also, in passing, to take ownership of his own violation.
Finally, until the Chasey and Foreman are replaced, there will be no agreement on anything green, and they will prevail with Kennedy's help in most instances.
Did I hear something during the meeting about allowing one of them to vote on an issue by phone? CUT ME A BREAK! If that were true the whole committee could just stay home and vote by phone or by proxy.

Anonymous said...

Who in Mullica would want to sell their property for the tax book assessed value? If you lived here for many years you would lose about 50-75% of the market value.
That's exactly what Chasey and Forman want to do with these three lots. They want a quick sale to try and cover the increase in taxes during Chasey's election year.
In Chasey's own words they made a conscious decision not to sell buildable lots in the past.
She knew it was wrong in the past and she knows it's wrong now.
Although Chasey has selective memory now about how these lots were offered to the adjacent land owners years ago, it was obviously as non-buildable property that they could join to their lots.

Anonymous said...

The lots should be sold only as non-buildable, since the contiguous land owners are being given first dibs.

Anonymous said...

You're right about the selective memory. At the last meeting,Chasey said that there were still foundations on those properties and at this meeting she said there were no foundations for five years. She changes her story to fit the conditions of the questions.

Anonymous said...

I see where Janet Forman said it was her idea at the budget meeting to sell the land. Remember they tried to say that Kennedy had this bright idea. We all knew that couldn't have been true.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it was Kennedy who had the bright idea to raid the treasury and worry about the consequences next year.

Anonymous said...

Let's go back to Dec.11,2007.
Ordinance Amending Chapter 2,ArticleV,Section 2-25
The Zoning Officer received a 4 year contract along with a 4 year appointment. He also received more than the 4% salary increase given to other Twp. employees.
Mr. Kennedy made a motion to postpone this until Jan.2008 so the Dems. could look it over. No second, so the motion died.
The Ordinance passed. Mayor Chasey,Ms.Forman,Mr.Kehrli-yeas
Mr. Kennedy -nay.

Now we have Mr.Forman questioning the Zoning Officer's schooling and certification. He stated that he doesn't think the man is qualified and that he tells people the wrong things to do. He stated that there are 100+DEP violations in Mullica and that the Zoning Officer lied to him and cost him alot of money.

If this were anyone else,I would feel bad for the guy. This guy's wife and her co-hort Chasey rushed to get Sandman's contract and raises through so the new Dems. wouldn't have a say in it. Sandman issued the Forman's permits for building that were denied them in the past. One hand washed the other.

It looks to me like the Forman's are planning a lawsuit against the town because of the DEP mess they're in. They are going to blame the incompetent,underqualified,highly paid and contracted Zoning Officer for their problems.
Because of Cathy Chasey and Janet Forman we will have to pay big legal bills but we will win in the end. It is common and provable knowledge that they knew they were building their garage on wetlands. When this all goes to court,I hope that Misuse of Office also comes into play.

Anonymous said...

Geezzz. Chasey said she wanted to discuss furloughs at the last budget meeting. She got her wish and now she can't think of anything to cut. Looks like she was bluffing the matter.
What's with the Solicitor? Chasey said to her directly "correct me if I'm wrong but...."and she just sat there and looked straight ahead and said nothing. I do think Chasey was wrong about public safety people not being allowed to take furloughs. Other towns are doing it.

Anonymous said...

Re: 7:59 PM-I am sorry, I don't think Mr. Kennedy could come up with an idea on his own, dim or bright, if it bit him on the ass. The only ideas he has are what the chief, Chasey or Forman tell him he has.

Anonymous said...

Response to 1:35pm poster:

Dear Linda Lovelace---It is clear that Forman is setting up a lawsuit against Mullica for the DEP issues. Interestingly, his wife was one of three votes to give Sandman a 4-year contract. If Sandman was unqualified when she voted for him AFTER he issued her permits and FIRED the zoning officer who DID NOT ISSUE her permits, the case gets a little flimsy.

And to say that Mr. Forman is owning up to his own issues is a fabrication (although we get a lot of those from you Linda L.). If Mr. Forman is owning up to them, does that mean that he is NOT appealing the decisions? If you appeal, you're not owning up.

As for "phoning it in", this scheme was being investigated by the solicitor at the behest of the Mayor. It would appear to the casual observer that the Mayor may be leveraging her past relationship with the inexperienced solicitor to obtain favorable opinions, even when those opinions are NOT in the interests of Mullica's residents. The pig Mayor is back at the public trough.

Anonymous said...

In reference to the 1146am post It could be that the Foremans had appealed and lost the appeal, If so they could be going after the township who allowed the structure to be built. The truth will come out sooner or later but I agree that they fired the former zoning official who wouldnt allow the structure to be built Then they recruited, hired and gave his replacement a contract. Now it appears they are going to sack him.