Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Anthony Gabris on 'Why "Keep Mullica Green"?'

Anthony Gabris has written up a post explaining why he switched parties and why he is running for committee on his and Susan Polk's website, A New Day for Mullica.


Anonymous said...

Mullica needs to follow the principles laid out in its current land development ordinance, our guide to our future and for keeping our community rural.
Increasing, more pressure will be put on the township by large land holders and builders to bend the rules and to make exceptions. We need people on committee who have the ability to say no to them.

Anonymous said...

Keep Mullica Green is not a strictly Democratic movement. Anyone can join who has the desire to preserve Mullica's rural nature.
You are not required to change your national party affiliation to become a member but only if you run for office under the KMG name.

We are one of the only towns left in the area that has not been mass developed. Your vote in this election could determine the future of Mullica and our school system.
Say "NO" to rezoning for private citizens and developers benefits and the selling off of Township land at ridiculously low prices.
Vote for Gabris and Polk.

Anonymous said...

Mr Gabris made a courageous decision and it shows how much the local Republican Party has changed. Perhaps he didnt leave the party as much as the party leadership left him and others years ago. He still loves the area, wants honesty in government and justice and fairness for all. It sends a message out to the town that he had to change parties to find it in KMG.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same exact way as Gabris. These last few years have changed my mind about alot of issues and people in this town.

Anonymous said...

If anyone has any lingering doubts about the wisdom of trying to maintain our rural lifestyle in Mullica, just take a look at our neighbor Galloway Township. Not all that long ago one could argue that Galloway was even more rural than Mullica. Today it is congested, with cars, people, houses, condos, apartments and stores. A recent property reval. there doubled the ratable tax base. Yet in today's Press, the headline reads "Tax levy up nearly 9% in final Galloway budget".

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Mr. Gabris had a difficult decision to make. I know many people in Mullica, both Democrats and Republicans. Most of the Republicans I know say things similar to Mr. Gabris. It is like the Republican Party in Mullica was hijacked from the good Republicans has gone off course. Republican and Democrat really only matters on national issues. Locally, it is about choosing who is best, who is honest, who you think will do the right thing. A good many people have told me that Mrs. Polk is a great person, and Mr. Gabris sounds like a very decent human being. I look forward to meeting them and talking to them to find out what they see for Mullica in the future.