Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Gop Reacts to the Dem. Articles of Impeachment

A must watch video about articles of impeachment  against a president by only the Democratic party without any proof of misconduct.  This impeachment was planned even before Trump took his oath of office in 2017.  2 1/2 years and 40 million dollars was spent on the Mueller report which investigated every aspect of Trump's life and proved nothing against him.  The desperate Democrats have said they must impeach Trump before he wins the 2020 election.  Now they are basing this impeachment on a phone call with the Ukrainian President which which was by law perfectly acceptable. Not one witness in the inquiry could prove any Quid Pro Quo,, bribery or any other crime.  All testimony was based on hearsay, assumption, and proven lies.
If this impeachment goes to the Senate for trial, it will be the destruction of the Democratic party as the Republicans will be able to call witnesses that will expose all the corruption  at the very core of government.



Anonymous said...

If you still believe it’s all a hoax, get a shrink. Proven lies? What the hell do you read and watch?

Anonymous said...

Stop with such garbage! You and the 37% still backing the despot are just disgusting human beings. Absolutely disgusting. Like what this site has become. You back the old lightbulbs coming back? Old toilets? Screw the environment. Maybe you prefer going backwards in time.

Moderator said...

Cognitive dissonance, the mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The unease or tension that the conflict arouses in people is relieved by one of several defensive maneuvers: they reject, explain away, or avoid the new information; persuade themselves that no conflict really exists; reconcile the differences; or resort to any other defensive means of preserving stability or order in their conceptions of the world and of themselves. The concept was developed in the 1950s by American psychologist Leon Festinger and became a major point of discussion and research.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi called for articles of impeachment against Trump and the Dems are already going after Pence. Guess who becomes President if they are both removed? That's right, Nancy Pelosi, a woman who can't put two cohesive sentences together and is known for her love of liquor

Anonymous said...

Hey 7:48pm I'm listening to the Impeachment inquiry. The only witness in the whole thing so far who actually spoke to Trump asked him what he wanted from the Ukraine and he said "I want nothing". All the rest of the witnesses had no direct knowledge of anything. The Dem. & media spin put out to the public is outrageously false. Schiff should be charged for all his false statements to the press.

Anonymous said...

The biggest joke of this whole sham is the premise that Trump needed help from the Ukraine to beat Biden in 2020. Trump fills the biggest arenas around with thousands of over flow and gets requests for 100,000 + tickets. Biden can't fill a classroom and when he does, he doesn't even know what state he's in and says stupid,weird things. People even in the audience attack him. Trump could chew him up in less than a minute.
Notice that the Dems won't even mention Biden's corruption all the way back to when he was a senator.

Anonymous said...

just wait until you see what's coming about Biden and his son and a whole slew of Demorats. Watch OAN newsa at 8pm and take a look!!