Thursday, April 11, 2019

Migrants Are Not All Central Americans

Central Americans are not the only migrants entering Mexico at the southern border: more than 500 Africans, Asians and Haitians have also arrived recently in Chiapas.

Migrants from the Congo, Cameroon, Angola, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Haiti crossed into Mexico from Guatemala in the final days of February and the first week of March, according to a report in the newspaper El Universal.

The migrants voluntarily reported their entry to immigration authorities and requested transit visas that will allow them to legally continue their journey to the United States’ southern border, where they plan to seek asylum.

African migrants said they flew from their countries of origin to South America before continuing to Mexico’s southern border via Central America.
Many said they were attacked by criminals and police during their journeys and spent all their money on people smugglers, transportation, accommodation and food.

Migrants are carrying infectious diseases, some incurable

A rotating medical team near the southern California border reportedly discovered hundreds of cases of communicable diseases and other conditions in the first two months of 2019, including 362 cases of lice, 113 cases of scabies, 22 cases of possible flu and four cases of chickenpox.
According to a November report from the Tijuana Health Department, thousands of migrants have been treated in Mexico for infectious diseases. The diseases ranged from the flu to HIV/AIDs and tuberculosis. (REPORT: Thousands Of Migrants Treated For Infectious Diseases)
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) called in the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in December to investigate the growing number of sick migrants arriving at the border after a seven-year-old girl died in Border Patrol custody.

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