Friday, April 12, 2019

Chaos in Chiapas, Mexico

The next wave cometh

Migrants from the Congo, Cameroon, Angola, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Haiti crossed into Mexico from Guatemala in the final days of February and the first week of March, according to a report in the newspaper El Universal.

African migrants said they flew from their countries of origin to South America before continuing to Mexico’s southern border via Central America.
Many said they were attacked by criminals and police during their journeys and spent all their money on people smugglers, transportation, accommodation and food.

The migrants voluntarily reported their entry to immigration authorities and requested transit visas that will allow them to legally continue their journey to the United States’ southern border, where they plan to seek asylum.
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The Ebola outbreak in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has killed more than 600 people.
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Newly obtained federal data from the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) reveals there to be over 10,000 illegal aliens living in the U.S. from countries that are state sponsors of terrorism, including Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan.

California has the largest population of Iranians outside of Iran. California is a sanctuary state. California is not cooperating with immigration authorities, so their sanctuary law is preventing ICE from removing these individuals. Of that number 10,000 … 6,000 of these individuals are Iranian. We’ve had hearings here recently in Congress where U.S. intelligence officials have stated there are Iranian sleeper cells inside the United States, ready and waiting for the order. [Emphasis added]
People have to understand how dangerous this is in these sanctuary cities because the first attack on the World Trade Center … the New York subway bombing conspiracy, and 9/11, all of these plots were perpetrated by immigration violators. This is a very dangerous situation. [Emphasis added]
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tijuana has tens of thousands of immigrants waiting to get a hearing. They are surviving under the most horrible conditions and are sick. Right now Tijuana is considered the most dangerous city in the world with the highest murder rate. If this group makes it there, it will be the breaking point.