Tuesday, January 02, 2018

California Now 1st " Sanctuary State"

California lawmakers on Saturday passed a “sanctuary state” bill to protect immigrants without legal residency in the U.S., part of a broader push by Democrats to counter expanded deportation orders under the Trump administration.
The legislation by Sen. Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), the most far-reaching of its kind in the country, would limit state and local law enforcement communication with federal immigration authorities, and prevent officers from questioning and holding people on immigration violations.
Entire article at 

 Anonymous Street artists moved out to highways once again to ring in the new year by posting messages to the “Welcome to California” highway signs.
The signs were put up north of Lake Havasu, Arizona, Primm, Nevada and on Highway 95 in California http://thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/photos-sanctuary-state-signs-pop-california-highways-new-year-felons-illegals-ms13-welcome/


Anonymous said...

Not so funny when you realize that our new governor wants to make NJ a Sanctuary State. California is starting to look like a 3rd world country with tents lining the city streets and garbage all over the place. The city streets are used instead of bathrooms and disease is spreading. California is going broke supporting illegals while their infrastructure is crumbling. Why in the world would we want our tax dollars wasted on felons, illegals and MS13 gang members

Anonymous said...

let him pay for it. don't give us the bill its all left wing BS!!!!!!!