Wishing you all a happy and safe New Year's Eve and a wonderful New Year !
Does anyone have some predictions for what 2018 will bring?
Are you making any New Year resolutions?

Diatribes, harangues, heckling, and other infantile dyspeptic commentary on social justice, politics and life.
Chris Silva will become Mayor of Mullica
I predict multiple high level government arrests that will shake the country. The big surprise will be the majority will be Democrats. The Government will confiscate billions from crooked foundations, corporations, and personal entities.
NESARA Trump cancels all debt,public & private,and we all get $1 million each
#QAnon will spread knowledge throughout the country via youtube
The DOJ presents positive proof of the deep level corruption of the Obama Administration and the sell out of America. Mass indictments. Riots in the streets and Marshall Law is declared.
Hope the burning of the American Flag becomes a prison term crime.
8:15 am,I agree with you. I would like to see a federal law that makes it illegal to protest with your face covered. The terrorist Antifa groups would be less emboldened to go on their destructive rampages if they were easily indentified
Well, the first prediction has come true and I'll be happy if the rest of them do,too
The $32.8 TRILLION dollars stolen from Lee Wanta(agent under Reagan) by the Federal Reserve will finally be returned to the American people. This will payoff the national debt and build new infrastructure among other great things. This money was ordered to be returned in 2006 by a Federal Judge but Bush & Obama did nothing
The media and press will become free again. Journalists and commentators will not be owned by any political party. They will tell truth and do real investigations, not just read scripts handed to them by the rich & powerful.
Common core will be dropped from schools
Disclosure by NASA and world scientists that we are being visited by alien life forms.
Possible false flag alien attack performed with holograms by the swamp deep state to divert the public's attention from all the Congressional and Senate investigations into their crimes.
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