WASHINGTON (AP) — Wearing pink, pointy-eared "pussyhats" to mock the new president, hundreds of thousands of women took to the streets in the nation's capital and cities around the world Saturday to send Donald Trump an emphatic message that they won't let his agenda go unchallenged over the next four years.
Entire article at
Asra Q. Nomani is a former Wall Street Journal reporter. She can be reached at asra@asranomani.com or on Twitter.
I thought the women were environmental activists, too

I thought the women were environmental activists, too

President Obama encouraging Illegals to vote
Judicial Watch update on Clinton investigations, Voter fraud & Sanctuary cities 1/28/17
More like millions, not hundreds of thousand, countrywide. Washington alone 500,000+ thousand.
2.9 million nationwide. Largest protest in country's history.
Gadfly your a joke, I thought you would not print any bad words on the site. I guess pussy hats is ok
They are cat hats, with cat ears. 10:37pm poster, get your head out of the gutter.
Ashley Judd is a disgrace to all women.
Madonna should be arrested for her terrorist remarks. Glad that she doesn't represent my party
Yea I'm sure that's what the word was referring to. Hypocrite
Ashley Judd and other celebrities are abke to get the press to listen to them, so why not? Your head is too clouded by the Trump Kool-Aid and you just don't see the big picture. Is it because you're a man and your age? The real issue is this Make America Great Again is going back to the 60's, when women and minorities "knew their place". That's when the powers that be see it as being so great. Everything hidden, Leave it to Beaver on TV. It won't be tolerated. Women with their daughters, black women, white women, Hispanic women, Muslim all united together and you have a problem with it. We have to teach the upcoming generations, our future, that no, it's not okay and you have rights, hard fought for rights, stand up for them.
I'm thrilled that these protests are taking place. The country is divided, but it is Trump, McConnell, Ryan, et al, their doing. So jump on the Trump Hillbilly wagon and hold on, it's going to be a bumpy ride all right.
cry me a river
Yea get your Burkas ready and Learn to walk 4 steps behind your husband along with his other 3 wives.
I am a woman who has always been a registered democrat. I am sooooo embarrassed that the world saw American women represented as loony,vile,vulgar,ignorant clowns. Yes 4:57pm,the press listened to Ashley Judd,Madonna and the rest of the celebrities and their words & videos are forever on the internet. You have no idea how this display degraded women and probably caused loss of credibility in the future.
My eyes have been opened during this election year. I've seen the lies,deception,corruption,riots,millennials and disgraceful actions of the democratic officials. I do not want to see my country in the hands of these people in the future. I can say I will never vote for a democrat on any level of government again.
Believe me,I am not alone in my feelings.
The Country should rejoice that we have at least a four year period without these cry babies getting spoon fed by Washington. What a embarrassment.
RE: Moderator's sarcastic comment "I thought the women were environmental activists, too"
A democracy is not neat and tidy. It also is not a dictatorship or a plutocracy, which is what Trump is trying to make our country become, with a ruling class and everyone else peons. I'd rather have a democracy and equality than be dictated to by the 1%. We don't want to become another Russia.
They are all crying because Washington will not be spoon feeding them for the next four years , hopefully eight
The US is a Democratic Republic and not a total democracy. The recent history of the America has shown that the rich are richer and the poor are poorer and our middle class is struggling and shrinking. I will state that Trump's platform is to give a voice back to the people, bring back jobs, build up the middle class and bring relief and improved conditions to the inner cities. If the country stayed on the same track that we have been on, we would end up with being equal to third world countries.
Call this March what it was. A left wing organized attempt to attack and undermine Trump after one day in office.
I'm all for peaceful protesting when there is a serious issue. People interviewed could not even give a coherent answer as to why they where there. The speakers were a vile embarrassment, the costumes were vulgar, and a giant mess was left behind. The only thing missing was a naked woman swinging across the crowd on a wrecking ball hanging from a crane. Is this really how you think people are going to take any issues seriously?
They have put the issue of women's rights in a backward direction for 1000 years. Muslim countries will probably use videos of this march to show their men what happens when women are given any type of rights or freedoms.
You say "A democracy is not neat and tidy" and "We do not want to become another Russa". Every town in the US has litter laws. How does following US laws turn us into Russia? This group left a mess that will have to be cleaned up with taxpayer money and shows how little they cared about the environment or the law.
I seem to recall that the tremendous number of NO Dump signs in Mullica were considered litter by the local Republicans, until the ACLU set them straight on the First Amendment. The protest signs shown on your blog had the same protection under our Constitution. They are not litter, as you had stated, but a legitimate means to express dissatisfaction with the Trump Administration. You do realize that they were displayed on that particular spot by the marchers as they walked past the White House to be seen together, to express their various objections to stated policies that they believe can damage our country, don't you? I understand that the Smithsonian even sent out museum curators to collect some of the left-behind signs, to be archived for posterity because the marches were so large and overwhelming, as did other museums throughout the country at other Saturday Women's March protests nationwide. They didn't consider them litter but, rather, visual and physical artifacts of a now historic event that might help to shape the direction our nation's political future.
Yes, we are a Democratic Republic. That means every citizen has the right to vote for who represents them. Ms. Clinton received just under 3 million MORE votes than did our current president, even despite Russian and FBI intervention in our politics that favored the Republican candidate, so you can imagine that there are a lot of Americans who do not necessarily or fully agree with the outcome of the election or the new, frightful direction that our country suddenly seems to be heading. They have a right to protest. I just don't understand your vitriolic attitude toward the marchers, finding fault by pointing to irrelevant things to somehow support your own position. The majority of America's voters lost the election and they need a way to express their frustration and their legitimate fears for their family's welfare and for our nation's future in the next few years in a lawful manner and that's what they did. I don't understand why you are only for protests when "there is a serious issue". Are you the nation's arbiter as to what are serious concerns of others, in this instance to a vast number of Americans? We are certainly a split country, as both the protestors, and you, demonstrate. Let's insist that our elected officials work together to make sure things don't get worse, not better, as the Republican officials say they will be, and hold them ALL accountable to provide for ALL Americans,for our own sake, for that our loved ones, for our neighbors and for the future of the Union.
"Muslim countries will probably use videos of this march to show their men what happens when women are given any type of rights or freedoms."
Wow, Moderator. You really do believe that women need to know their place and keep quiet, don't you, just like our new president denigrates women? And then you wonder why so many women marched this past weekend? You really discredited yourself with your own male-chauvanistic sentiment. Talk about divisive speech.
Did you read the first sentence, 11:38? I stated that the way this march was conducted set back woman's rights. I believe that the majority of American women are intelligent, hard working, decent citizens who should have equality with men in all issues. I have voted for many to have their voice heard in different offices. The media and organizers did not represent the the true qualities of the American women and gave the world a different picture.
I, for one, respect women's Constitutional right to protest, even Muslim women. We no longer are the personal chattel of our fathers or husbands as the Moderator had suggested that our rights are now set back to 1017. We won't stand for it.
10:08 am, I had a few of those "NO Dump" signs and would have been out protesting with everybody else if our local government forced removal. After that issue was over, I recycled the signs. I didn't just throw them in the street.
I hope the Smithsonian picks through the pile and finds some that " state various objections to stated policies that can damage our country". " I'm with Her", "Not UR Bitch"and "Pu$$y Power" are not exactly objections to stated policy.
You're not going to like this but today in was announced that it is suspected that multi millions of votes were submitted by illegals and an investigation will be done.
Even Obama said Russia had no influence on the voting machines. Wikileaks has said that Russia was not the leaker of the hacked DNC Emails. Nobody has given any exact explanation about how Russia was involved.
Clinton's own actions put her under Congressional and FBI investigations.
You state "I don't understand why you are only for protests when 'there is a serious issue'. Well, peaceful protests that are well organized and directed against a civil rights issue can be a powerful voice for the American people. They should have a direct unified message about a threat that has been presented to the nation or local community or an injustice that has been committed.
Suppose you didn't like the results of the Mullica Election. Are you going to take 25 people in costume to the "dump" and yell obscenities and personal insults about those who won? Are you going to complain about things that have not happened yet? You would lose credibility and turn people off.
You said yourself that the "voters lost and need some way to express their frustration." That was an honest answer for the reason of the March.
I'll regret this but what exactly are your fears?
3:50 pm What are you reading???
I believe totally in women's right to protest. I have great sympathy for the conditions of women in Muslim countries. This March did not advance or help them.
"You're not going to like this but today in was announced that it is suspected that multi millions of votes were submitted by illegals and an investigation will be done."
Actually, this was stated to be a fact by President Trump, which had already been widely discredited, disproved and debunked and the Republican Congress is reluctant to spend millions of dollars investigating a wild goose chase that brings them no political advantage, like it did investigating Ms. Clinton, and also makes them look like fools spending taxpayer money investigating alternative facts that they cannot defend.
There are MANY independent organizations examining the vote. Here's one
28th of November 2016
HOUSTON, TX. – November 27, 2016: True the Vote (TTV), the nation's leading voters’ rights and election integrity organization, today released a statement with respect to President-Elect Donald Trump’s claim that “millions” of individuals illegally voted in the 2016 Election.
“True the Vote absolutely supports President-elect Trump’s recent comment about the impact of illegal voting, as reflected in the national popular vote. We are still collecting data and will be for several months, but our intent is to publish a comprehensive study on the significant impact of illegal voting in all of its many forms and begin a national discussion on how voters, states, and the Trump Administration can best address this growing problem.”
True the Vote (TTV) is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) voters’ rights organization, founded to inspire and equip voters for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit www.truethevote.org.
Project Veritas has many documented videos that where also submitted as evidence.
Ms. Clinton's investigations are far from over as you will see in the future.
How about watching a short video of President Obama encouraging illegals to vote which is against Federal law.
I linked it on the under the photo in article to make it easier for you to view the video
President Trump is just trying to get back at states whose voters were in the majority for Ms. Clinton. It has nothing to do with alleged, unsubstantiated fraud.
Moderator, looks like you have bought into the myth of Democratic voter fraud. True the Vote specifically targets minority, student, and low-income voters in an attempt to suppress votes that would potentially be for Democrat candidates. Please do a little research on True the Vote.
In that video, which has been snipped, Obama is telling her that Latino citizens should vote. No where in the video does he say that undocumented immigrants should be voting.
Also, as a white man, you do not get to decide how or what is going to set back the woman's movement. I know it would be much better if us women would all just shut up and let Trump shut down free speech, ruin the environment, fill Guantanamo with more prisoners, de-fund needed health programs, the list goes on and on. The movement is happening and women are going to speak up if you like it or not.
I know the world is a is full of problems and you obviously want someone who has made big, yuge, promises to make it all better, but it's not going to happen. Trump is already in violation of the constitution by not putting his holdings into a blind trust, he is breaking ethics from day one.
How can you support someone who is just boldly lying about everything, and not even important things? Lying about the size of the crowd, lying about the weather, lying about voter fraud, saying he was never in a conflict with the CIA, that the media made that up. At this point, it's just insulting.
8:30pm The video is very plain to see. The young woman asks the President:
"Many of the millennials, dreamers and undocumented citizens, and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country, are fearful of voting. So if I vote will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family and deport us?"
President Obama answers "Not True and the reason is, first of all, when you vote you are a citizen yourself (not true, she's still an illegal) and there's not a situation where the voting roll is somehow transferred over and people start investigating in... The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential.
She is clearly asking President Obama about ILLEGAL people going to vote and fears DEPORTATION of herself and her family if they vote and get caught. He's telling her don't worry because nobody is checking the voting roll and it's confidential and nothing will happen to them.
Now, if you can spin that into he's just saying that Latino's should vote and it has nothing to do with illegals voting, I'm just speechless.
Good luck with your movement. Please diversify your news sources so your next march will be more informed and cohesive.
8:09 pm, Please send your post to all the big newspapers, organizations and news media who have been reporting on the problem of illegal votes and dead people voting FOR YEARS. Let them know that this year nothing happened & it's only Trump wanting to get revenge on Clinton states.
Voting is our first and most important right as a free country. I don't understand why certain people and officials are so upset about an investigation to prove to the country that our system is safe and secure. If nothing is found then Trump can be ridiculed forever. That should make a lot of people very happy.
"Please send your post to all the big newspapers, organizations and news media who have been reporting on the problem of illegal votes and dead people voting FOR YEARS."
Boy, are you delusional. No "big" newspapers and other legitimate media have reported there being a problem with illegal votes. Its a sham argument started by the Republican Party to restrict legitimate voters from their Constitutional right to vote, who have a tendency to vote Democratic, and to corrupt our democracy. That's why they have gerrymandered the voting districts, to stay in power despite that they are in the minority.
Funny how Trump only wants to investigate California and New York for alleged, unsubstantiated voter fraud.
Any investigation should be substantive, as in what states are suppressing its citizens from voting but the Republican leadership wont do that because they are for voter suppression. Saying that dead people are voting, which is not true, is a red herring to make opressive laws so that fewer citizens (read working poor minorities) can easily vote.
The more citizens who vote, the better for a democratic society. Maybe it should be easier for citizens to vote, not harder. Do you agree Gadfly?
Your argument about the video would be valid-
Except that the person in the interview is a legal citizen of the United States. Gina Rodriguez is an actress who was born in Chicago. She has citizenship. She is asking if she votes, will the government see that she is a Latino and will they come looking for other people who are not citizens. What he means is, when you vote, you have to be a citizen first. And he obviously knows she is from the US and where she came from.
Please stop being a condescending Trump supporter.
3:45 pm Yes, I agree that the more citizens who vote the better it is for a democratic society. I also know that the vast majority of countries around the world require ID, usually a photo ID, to prevent fraud.
I see no reason why the most developed country in the world could not provide a means of identification to every citizen for free.
What the rest of the leaders of the world call anti fraud measures, the democrats here call it racist. Mexico has voter ID laws and a southern border wall, India has voter ID even with all their problems and large population. The rest of the civilized world is being realistic.
It just makes sense to have protections put in place so every citizen's vote is counted and not nullified by someone who has no voting rights in this country.
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