Pennsylvania was called for Trump at 2:40 am giving him the 270 electoral votes needed to win the election. More states still to be called.
November 10, 2016
Electoral Votes
Trump 305 Clinton 232

thank you good lord in heaven
59,083,016 people do not share your sentiments. Hillary received more votes than Trump. Do you still want to get rid of the electoral vote system?
Always bad when it doesn't work in your favor
We deplorables didn't protest and act like fools when Obama was elected twice. Go home go to work. If you don't like the system move to Jupiter with Cher
My candidate did not win however I believe in the American system so We must work together now. Remember united we stand, divided we fall. God Bless America
Collages are offering therapy to disgruntled students over the out come of the election. Deplorables are headed to work.
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