Mr. Silva reported the following calls from September
– October 25
: burglary alarms 26, fire alarms 3, animal complaints 20, arson 1, assist other agencies 10,
attempted suicide 1, bank bags 24, burglary 2, burglary attempt 1, general complaints 15, criminal mischief 1,
death 1, debris in roadway 10, disabled motor vehicle 14, disturbance 6, domestic 8, drunk driver 4, ambulance
call 59, erratic driver 4, firearms application 37, health & welfare check 13, mail transport 36, motor vehicle accident 22, motor vehicle stop 290, noise complaint 3, property check 481, property damage 4, sexual assault 1, stolen property 1, suspicious motor vehicles 16, suspicious person 10, terroristic threat 1, traffic control 10, unwanted person 5, vehicle maintenance 15 and wires arching 2
10/25/16 Mullica Twp. meeting minutes.
I'm really glad that Mr. Silva is reporting all the police activity in this town. The past silence has led people to believe that our officers are just sitting on the Pike waiting to trap people or sleeping in the woods. This reporting shows just how hard our guys work to protect our town and keep us all safe. Thank you to MTPD.
I agree. Nothing but love and respect for Mullica PD ��
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