Saturday, August 06, 2016

State Department Spokesman Laughs at Notion Of "Transparency in Democracy"

State Department spokesman Mark Toner could not keep a straight face as he began his daily press briefing on Thursday by describing it as an “exercise in transparency in democracy.”
Toner was directing his comments to some interns who were sitting in the back of the briefing room.
“Is that what it is?” a reporter shouted as Toner laughed heartily at his own description. “I thought it was an exercise in spin and obfuscation.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to break out laughing at that,” the spokesman said.

Toner, as well as fellow State Department spokesman John Kirby, have been on the hot seat this week following the revelation the United States paid $400 million in cash to Iran at the same time four American hostages were released.
Entire article at

Laughing begins at start of 1hr long press conference


Anonymous said...

It was a ransom payment plain and simple. To the fools who support this president, we will see the same thing with Hilliary

Anonymous said...

Even the spokespeople can't keep a straight face because the lies are so ridiculous. Yet,the owned mainstream media is having a war on Trump.

Anonymous said...

Mainstream media
NBC Senior Deputy Political Editor Mark Murray is married to Obama appointee Sasha Johnson (who also worked for CNN), who is chief of staff at the FAA.
ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama's Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications and is an Advisor on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran.
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama's Deputy Press Secretary
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama's Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton's Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
Plus how many more are bought and paid for or blackmailed.

Anonymous said...

I've been watching both Clinton 's & Trump's rallys The press rave about her crowds but pictures taken by attendants show only a couple of hundred people are there. Trump's large arenas are always filled with thousands of people. On FB and newspaper article comments, Trump has 100+ positive comments to 1 negative & Hillary has 100 negative comments to 1 positive. How is it even possible she's ahead in the polls?

Obama was asked about the possibility of a rigged election. He is considering that a National election is critical infrastructure of the US and his office will make sure the elections are legal and fair. That scares me even worse than the bias media and the corrupt DNC. He's capable of anything. He has shown how he hates Trump and recently loves Clinton.

Anonymous said...

truth has become treason in an empire of lies