Saturday, August 20, 2016

Senate Wants Answers About The Clinton Foundation

Below is linked a must read letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch from the Chairman of the Judiciary, United States Senate, Charles E. Grassley.

The Senate wants to know why investigations into the Clinton Foundation were denied when there is evidence that the State Department acted favorably to players who sent billions of dollars in donations to the foundation and paid millions to Hillary and Bill Clinton in speaking fees.

Among the subjects mentioned:
Individuals involved in Pay for Play
Sweden / Iran sanctions
Rosatom (Russian Uranium Company that got 20% of US uranium after a $ 145 million  donation)
Keystone XL Pipeline
Arms Deals
Failure to report foreign donations

In addition to the above, Cause of Action Institute is pursuing Freedom of Information Act documents concerning the mismanagement of the State Department under Hillary Clinton.  The institute reviewed contracts that exceeded $6 Billion dollars.  They found lost contract files, incomplete files, unauthorized payments, etc. 

Articles about the Russian uranium company & US land grab deal


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