Monday, August 01, 2016

German Lawmakers Call for a Ban On Muslim Immigration

 German lawmakers are now calling for a “complete moratorium” on Muslim immigration, according to the Daily Caller.

 Thomas Jahn, Vice Chairman of the CDU’s sister party, the Cristian Social Union, said  “People in Bavaria and in whole Germany say that, of course, Mrs. Merkel has failed and, historically, the nation because she decided to ignore the German immigration law and she opened the borders of our country last year for two million immigrants from countries outside Europe…It’s really a nightmare politicians brought to Germany and Bavaria, and people are very worried to be next victims of terrorism in our country.”

United with CDU and CSU is Nationalist Party Alternative fur Deutschland, whose Vice Leader Alexander Gauland said, “We can no longer afford, for safety reasons, to let uncontrolled Muslim immigration into Germany…The right of asylum for Muslims should be suspended immediately until all applicants residing in Germany are registered, monitored and their applications are processed.”
Entire article at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems like commonsense to me. Merkel is trying to appease people that do not want to assimilate. Countries must have borders that are defendable.