Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Fall Soccer Sign Ups

Fall soccer sign ups at the Mullica Rec fields... tonight (Tues Aug 2) during National Night Out and this Sat (Aug 6) from 10am - 12 noon.
These are our only in person sign up dates scheduled before the $25 late fee starts (on Aug 15).
We need everyone to sign up early so we can make teams, find coaches and order uniforms. So please sign up as soon as you can.
You can sign up on line any time at leagues.bluesombrero.com/mtra
Prices: Lil Squirts (u3-u6) $50, u7 & up $75
(The u stands for under)
We look forward to a great fall season with all our players! If you would like to help make this season great please consider volunteering to coach, no experience needed. Or help with the concession stand. Let us know if you are interested, our kids need you!

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