Monday, July 04, 2016

Real Estate Transactions July 4

None for Mullica


Anonymous said...

I wish someone would do a website in the Twp. that would deal with serious issues that are going on. Getting tired of lost dogs, freezing blueberries, and your opinion on fireworks. Gadfly your a joke!

Moderator said...

Lost dogs, freezing blueberries, and illegal fireworks seem to be the most serious issues in Mullica. Nobody new wants to run for the Committee or school board. Only a few people go to the committee meetings. Nobody but B. Rheault has the guts to bring serious issues out in the open. If you or anyone else has a serious issue, you're invited to send in a signed Email and it will be posted. The Gadfly won't print anonymous accusations or rumors that can't be verified.

The main purpose of the revised Gadfly is to make it easy for the residents of Mullica to see what's going on in town or read helpful information. What the residents do with that information is up to them. The Gadfly is not pushing any political agenda.

Instead of wishing for someone else to start your dream website, why not start it yourself. The Gadfly will give you the publicity and you would have a very large following right from the start. Just send in your information when you're ready to publish and you'll be all set.

Anonymous said...

For many years Larry Angel really pushed the envelope with name calling, accusations, personal attacks etc and just about everyone complained about how trashy the website was. If there are serious issues going on around here it is behind closed doors. Granted Larry Angel visited town hall on a daily basis trying to get info on town business but few are like Larry was and the township and its staff are happy for that . The moderator presently is fair and not into name calling nor running rumors and trashing people and we are far better as a town. Lost dogs are usually very loved family pets and to help put the word out is a good thing to do. The other topics are welcome and instead of complaining about how "dull" the website is be thankful someone is doing the job of informing us since the township hasnt put out a newsletter in years nor do they have the show televised as it was years ago. Keep up the good work Gadfly. We dont need a gossip column or trash talk any more.