Thursday, July 07, 2016

Comey Testifies Before Congress

House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, asked the director of the FBI
"But if I came up to you and said this person was extremely careless with classified information, exposure to hostile actors and used, despite a warning, created unnecessary burdens in exposure, if they said that they had one device and you found out that they had multiple devices, if there had been e-mail chains with somebody like [former Clinton aide] Jake Sullivan asking for classification changes, you’re telling me that the FBI would grant a security clearance to that person?

 “It would be a very important consideration in a suitability determination,” Comey replied.
 The director went on to add that if Clinton were an employee of the FBI and acted similarly, “there would be a security and a range of discipline could be imposed from termination to reprimand and in between, suspensions, loss of clearance.” 

HUH????? Not even a reprimand for the Secretary of State and possible future President of the US who has access to the most top security information for the country.  Does this make any sense?

Rand Paul's Video on this situation

FBI Director Comey connected to Clinton Foundation

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