Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Clinton Supports Charter Schools

 Politico reports that when Clinton attempted to speak to what she said is a needed dialog between public schools and charter schools, she was booed at the National Education Association Convention in Washington DC
Some charter schools have been racked with mismanagement, financial cronyism, a lack of transparency and corruption, among other problems.

One such school is the Beehive Science and Technology Academy, a Gülen charter school in Utah, was found to have spent 50 cents per dollar allotted to textbooks on paying for the relocation expenses of mainly Turkish teachers. Gülen schools, whose CEO is Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, operates 139 schools in 26 U.S. states and has been accused of attempting to influence the student populations toward Islam. CBN quoted one unnamed U.S. embassy official as saying, “We have multiple reliable reports that the Gülenists use their school network (including dozens of schools in the U.S.) to cherry pick students they think are susceptible to being molded as proselytizers.” And according to a 2015 report issued by the Daily Caller, Gülen executives gave Clinton hundreds of thousands of dollars in support to her election campaign and between $500,000 and $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Entire article at

The teachers at the convention voted to support Clinton.

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