Monday, June 06, 2016

Voice of the People - Mayor Jim Brown

Mayors group praises Brown's A.C. bills effort

The Atlantic County Mayors Association is grateful to Assemblyman Chris Brown for his efforts on behalf of all 23 municipalities in Atlantic County by fighting for a recovery plan that protects taxpayers throughout the county.
From the very beginning, Brown fought tirelessly for county taxpayers to receive their fair share of the PILOT at 13.5 percent.

This amounts to $40 million in tax relief for all of Atlantic County residents. The bipartisan Atlantic County Mayors Association, on behalf of the local residents, strongly supports the 13.5 percent.

Also, thanks to Brown's relentless efforts, casinos cannot opt out of the PILOT, effectively preventing them from filing costly tax appeals.
Previous casino tax appeals have forced Atlantic County taxpayers to pay back millions to the casinos.

His work was very important to prevent county taxpayers from being forced to bail out Atlantic City and pay an unexpected bill like this in the future.
Brown says what he means and means what he says. He never wavered once over the last two years in his efforts to make sure taxpayers in every municipality in Atlantic County were protected.

Mayor Jim Brown
Mullica Township

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